Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Episode 5: The Lighthouse

Well... I liked this episode, but I'm a big Jack fan. I imagine the majority will find this ep a little on the dull side. And quite frankly it did the ol' ask more questions then answered deal.

Jack Off-Island:

- Jack interacting with his kid was nice to see. Wonder who the mom is?
- Also thought they were giving us another big hint with him not recognizing his appendix scar.. but then his mom explained it.
- Good character story... but still need to know how much I should invest in this before I care tooooo much about it.

Jack On-Island, Hurley and Jack's journey:

- Hurley tells Jack that Jacob says "He has what it takes" which is a reference to what Jack's dad said... the opposite, back in season 1. Christian told Jack not to be a hero cuz he doesn't have it in him.
- A little bummed that Jack was cool with bailing on Sayid (and Miles to a lesser extent... got a bad feeling about Miles... like he might end up a body count kill for Smokey).
- They run into Kate. Fuck off Kate. Honestly. I don't know why, but her little interaction with Jack pissed me off. Was I the only one?
- Hurley thinks Jack would have been a great dad. That was nice of him to say.
- They find the old caves. Two things: 1) Hurley makes a joke about the Adam and Eve skeletons, basically making fun of idiots like me who have too many theories and 2) Jack tells Hurley about his ghost dad. Which is funny, because if he had told ANYONE else that they would have freaked out. Par for the course with Hurley.
- Jack's reason for coming back: "He's broken". Good stuff. Seriously.
- I was shocked that they wouldn't have seen the Lighthouse, but Hurley kind of explained that... "We weren't looking for it"
- Ok... the Lighthouse: 1) The name again... each has a degree, makes a liiiiiitle more sense about the numbers assigned. 2) Looks like how Jacob was able to keep tabs on candidates, but how does he find out about candidates in the first place? 3) Also, if Jacob had the names and numbers here, why would he need them in the cave? Well, maybe it's a Smokey set up for Sawyer. 4) The mirror visions, to me, looked like the place Sun and Jin got married, and the church where the funeral services were held for Sawyer's parents. (that didn't match up with their numbers/degrees but oh well). 5) My bro said it best... I wish Jack hadn't smashed the mirror before it got to 108.
- Noticed on the replay that Austen was #51 and it wasn't crossed out!!! Interesting...
- So who do we think is coming to the island? Eloise Hawking? Charles Widmore? My money is on Desmond. Not sure why.
- Who do we think is coming to the Temple with bad intentions? Well...

Claire and Jin's little shack:

- Claire is fucking nuts. She may be infected and "claimed" but she's also nuts.
- So Claire says Christian ("her dad") told her the Others took her kid, and then her friend did as well. So this would lead us to believe that, at least in this specific case, Smokey WAS posing as Locke.
- Fake Locke shows up and Jin is freaked, but Claire says it's her friend and not John. So she knooooows it ain't Locke. Must have something to do with her infection/claimedness.

Anyway, what did I miss? What do you think?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Episode 4: The Substitute


Well off island stuff is a little easier to grasp, so let's start there:

Locke seems waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay happier actually engaged to Helen, who's alive, and drops an interesting line about bringing her parents and HIS father the a shotgun wedding in Vegas. Soooo... is Cooper not a con man, is he a good dude?

Not much else other than Hurley and Rose showing up... until Ben. So Ben made it off the island. Either the bomb never really went off, or it did, but it only sloooowly sunk the island and he evacuated in time.

Ok... good stuff noew. On the island the shit hit the fan.

Let's starts with Ilana's group:

- She grabs some Jacob ash... should come into play.
- She thinks they should go to the Temple. Cuz it's safe.
- She says the Man in Black won't be able to turn into other shapes anymore... ok. Not sure why, but he's stuck as Locke or Smokey.
- She convinces Sun to go to the Temple... but only cuz Jin is there... probably. How's she know about Jin anyway? Jacob must've told her.
- They bury Locke. Bummer scene. Locke deserved better. Which is why I'm still not ready to give up on seeing a real life Locke again. Not sure how, but I bet it happens.

Alrighty. Now the good stuff. Smokey/Man In Black/Locke (We'll just call him Locke from now on) and Sawyer:

- Locke is cruising in smoke form all over the island looking for peeps... finds Sawyer. I'm interested in why the smoke monster didn't do this more or show up more earlier in the series. I suppose he was taking a wait and see approach?

- Before Locke can go get Sawyer, he's gotta deal with Alpert.

- I don't think you can take too much from their exchange. It's like old Ben conversations. Who do we believe and why? Richard stays with Team Jacob and tells Locke to focke off. HAHAHAHAH Oh and he sees a kid in the woods. Locke does. Kind of freaks him out. Looked like he was filthy and had some blood on his hands.

- After getting Sawyer to come with him, they run into the kid again (who Sawyer can see... maybe because he's a candidate?). Kid tells Locke "You can't kill him" (Locke freaks out with a tribute scream to old Locke).

- I think the kid is a new young Jacob. Jacob needs a replacement (which we find out he was looking for later in this episode.) Since he died... he got "rebooted". I think he was telling Locke he can't kill Sawyer. Why would he want to? I think he's full of shit and he's lying to Sawyer. He's gonna find some way to get all of the "candidates" killed. (Sidenote... the kid looked like Claire... is it out of this world to think it might be some weird version of Aaron?)

- At the cave there's the blatant white/black rocks. Could be a lead into revisiting the Adam and Eve rocks.

- All the candidates are listed on the walls. Is this Jacob's infamous List? If so the reports we'd heard about it earlier we bullshit (Pickett mentioned Jack wasn't on it, and Mikhail mentioned a number of people as not being worthy.... so who knows what info they really had).

- The numbers reappear... but Locke sort of dismissed their significance.

- Here's the list of candidates not crossed out (that they showed at least):

4-Locke (now crossed out)
42-Kwon (which one?)

No Kate or Miles or other Kwon... hmmmm..

Other names I saw?

- Troupe (long story but the dude who was sucked into the jet engine in the pilot.
- Goodspeed (could be Ethan or the Dharma leader)
and the biggie
313- Littleton... so this might confirm that Claire is actually dead.

Looks like Sawyer is gettin' the fudge outta dodge. Can't wait for next week.

One more thing though... a little half backed theory... Locke/Smokey and Jacob both are looking for replacements to take their spot on the island. That;s what they need to do to leave. Or something... even though Jacob didn't seem like he wanted to... like I said half baked...

So Smokey could get... Ben?

and Jacob.... Jack (too obvious) maybe Hurley?

Anyway what did I miss and what do you rad folks think?

Sorry for any typos. Very tired. Going to bed.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Episode 3: What Kate Does

So the title was a little twist on another Kate episode: What Kate Did?

Not a toooon happened in the Alt. world:

- I didn't see Desmond... so forget my old comic book theory.. for now.

- There were definitely some moments where Kate was "remembering" things... like when she saw Jack outside the airport, and discussing Aaron. Looks like we're still headed towards some unification of these worlds.. I think.

- Ethan. Nice. Looks like he must have stayed evacuated form the island after the incident.

Ok... so on the Island:

- Sayid is alive... but the Others need to run some tests to see if he is "claimed" or not... turns out he is but Jack saves him from taking a poison pill. Sounds like whatever Sayid has is very close to the original "sickness" finally might be getting some answers about that.

- One quick note... Jack asks Dogen how he got to the island... Dogen responds "You know how I got here", or something like that. Normally this kind of answer would just piss me off. But I actually think it answers enough for us. Just like that conversation on the beach between Jacob and MIB... people are brought or drawn to the island. That may be all we need to know. I doubt there were any island natives, people were always brought there, and they make up the Others.

- The big reveal was the return of Claire, and that she too had been "claimed". I can only assume they mean the MIB (Man In Black) is who claimed them. So when did it happen to Claire? Did she die after that explosion? Was MIB posing as Christian when he got her to come with him? Has MIB always been Christian? I'd say this is more evidence of that.

- From what Aldo and Justin (the Others) alluded to, it sounds like Claire has been setting traps all over the island for a while now... which would lead me to believe she wasn't time skipping with everyone else. MAYBE because she was claimed! And MAYBE that's why Richard and Co. don't time travel either, cuz they were claimed by the other side, Jacob. Just a thought....

- One interesting note... I didn't catch it the first time... Justin stops Aldo from shooting Jin, because "He (Jin) might be one of them" Aldo questions that or not.... might be referring to Jacob's new List that was in the guitar case... or something else.

And finally... after the reveal that the sickness and being claimed are apparently to very real things, I'm left wondering, who has the MIB/Smokey posed as and who was actually reanimated as a claimed person... or whatever. Maybe there's no difference. I dunno.

Anyway, what did the rest of yas think?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Age of Apocalypse

I just wanted to get this down on paper... um... internet...

Got a theory that this season is closely resembling an old comic book storyline from the X-Men called the Age of Apocalypse. (I know it's difficult to believe that someone who has a blog about a television show could ever read comic books, but it's true!)

I doubt anyone other than Fusco (if he still read this) or Foy (if he ever reads this) will enjoy this reference, but like I said, I just wanted to get it down in case it comes to pass... Actually you know what... don't read anymore of this... you'll just lose whatever respect you ever had for me.

In the comic Professor X's kid Legion travels back in time to kill Magneto, and a group of X-Men go to stop him, because you shouldn't mess with time. Legion wants to kill Magneto 'cuz he's caused so many problems for the mutants and the world.

JACK... wants to blow up the Swan Hatch because of all the problems it caused!

Only problem, is Legion screws up and accidentally kills Professor X!!! And a whole new timeline is created where everything is out of whack creating the Age of Apocalypse. Sound familiar?

Not quite as crazy as the X-Men timeline, but this other Lost timeline is definitely different.

The one thing that stands out to me is Desmond.... he might be Bishop.

Bishop was one of the X-Men who traveled back in time to stop Legion (he failed, but...). But Bishop was already a time traveler, so when the timeline changed... he remained and everything else changed around him.

What I'm guessing/thinking is Desmond will start popping up in other people's "other"timeline, and they'll all recognize him for some weird reason but can't place it... at some point he'll start to reveal his true purpose... no clue what that is... but I'll bet it has to do with correcting these timelines... or some SHIT!!!

Anyway is Desmundo starts showing up in more alternate timeline stories... LOOK OUT!

Fusco... I hope you still read this. And to the rest of you... I'm so, so sorry.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Episode 1& 2: LA X, Upon Further Review...

Ok... watched it a second time, and a couple of things we didn't really touch on...

1. Where'd Jin get that fat stack of cash he was traveling with?

2. MiB/Locke says two very interesting things:

- He wants to go home. Could he mean the Temple? The Others certainly seem to think he's headed their way.

- He's very disappointed in all of them (the beach others, I guess). Wonder what THAT means?

3. How'd they warp to 2007?!?! I guess I left this off the initial post because I doubt we'll ever get solid explanation, but c'mon! How'd it happen? Was there one last convenient Donkey Wheel skip? Was it Jacob's touch that warped them there when he died? Then how'd Juliet and Miles come along for the ride? (he never touched them that we've seen)

Any ideas?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Episode 1 (& 2?): LA X

This is how I spent my Lost hiatus...

growing this rad season three finale Jack beard... it's the best I could do.

This was a pretty interesting episode. So Juliet detonating the bomb did work... or did it. Impossible to tell. I'll reserve too much judgment on the alternate timeline until I see where they take but for now it seems like a quirky, nostalgic way to see old characters and how ALL their lives would've been different. It's neat... but I'm not sure how impactful it will be to the entire story... I'm sure it will be though.

A few interesting things I did see from the alternate timeline:

-When we first saw Jack he almost had a look on his face like he knew something was... off. Also, what's with the bloody neck that he doesn't seem to know anything about.

- So the island is underwater now? Hmmm...

- What happened to Desmond? Did he just go back to his original seat? Seemed like there might be more to it.

- Why woulld Hurley's luck have changed, and how'd he win the lottery.

- Look's like Sawyer is gonna try and con Hurley.

- Something must be up with Christian's casket being missing... might lead to why their in this alternate timeline.

- And finally... I can only assume that THIS timeline is what Juliet was referring to when she wanted to tell James, "It worked". Question is how did she know that?

Ok... so on the island... back to normal time... or as normal as we're gonna get. A few things I noticed or ... whatever:

- First off, how'd they warp back to present day?

- I was actually a little bummed by the Sawyer/Juliet scene. Kind of ruined the finale scene from last year.

- Jacob had a plan for Hurley all along.

- Hurley gets 'em in with the Others @ the Temple. Maybe now we'll finally get soem more info on what the Others TRUE purpose is. Would also like to know how they convert people, like Cindy.

- Looks like the pool is dirty (probably cuz Jacob is dead) and it didn't heal the Asian bearded dude's hand... but it did ultimately save Sayid... right? Might have something to do with Jacob's touch. (also pretty sure this is where they saved Ben).

And on the other (no pun intended) side of the island:

- The Man in Black is the Smoke Monster, and it looks like the ash circles are to keep him out. Which makes me wonder even more about who broke the circle that gave him access to the cabin. (definitely leaning towards the MiB being the one who said "Heeelp Me" to Locke the first time we went there)

- Richard knows who he is... and MiB/Locke knows who Richard is... "Nice to see you out of those chains!" I'll bet Richard was a slave on the Black Rock.

That's really all I've got for now. We'll see where the alternate timeline goes... I've got faith.

What did you, the millions and millions of people who read this think?

We did it.

In case I don't get time later... whoohooooo! The wait is over!