Well... I liked this episode, but I'm a big Jack fan. I imagine the majority will find this ep a little on the dull side. And quite frankly it did the ol' ask more questions then answered deal.
Jack Off-Island:
- Jack interacting with his kid was nice to see. Wonder who the mom is?
- Also thought they were giving us another big hint with him not recognizing his appendix scar.. but then his mom explained it.
- Good character story... but still need to know how much I should invest in this before I care tooooo much about it.
Jack On-Island, Hurley and Jack's journey:
- Hurley tells Jack that Jacob says "He has what it takes" which is a reference to what Jack's dad said... the opposite, back in season 1. Christian told Jack not to be a hero cuz he doesn't have it in him.
- A little bummed that Jack was cool with bailing on Sayid (and Miles to a lesser extent... got a bad feeling about Miles... like he might end up a body count kill for Smokey).
- They run into Kate. Fuck off Kate. Honestly. I don't know why, but her little interaction with Jack pissed me off. Was I the only one?
- Hurley thinks Jack would have been a great dad. That was nice of him to say.
- They find the old caves. Two things: 1) Hurley makes a joke about the Adam and Eve skeletons, basically making fun of idiots like me who have too many theories and 2) Jack tells Hurley about his ghost dad. Which is funny, because if he had told ANYONE else that they would have freaked out. Par for the course with Hurley.
- Jack's reason for coming back: "He's broken". Good stuff. Seriously.
- I was shocked that they wouldn't have seen the Lighthouse, but Hurley kind of explained that... "We weren't looking for it"
- Ok... the Lighthouse: 1) The name again... each has a degree, makes a liiiiiitle more sense about the numbers assigned. 2) Looks like how Jacob was able to keep tabs on candidates, but how does he find out about candidates in the first place? 3) Also, if Jacob had the names and numbers here, why would he need them in the cave? Well, maybe it's a Smokey set up for Sawyer. 4) The mirror visions, to me, looked like the place Sun and Jin got married, and the church where the funeral services were held for Sawyer's parents. (that didn't match up with their numbers/degrees but oh well). 5) My bro said it best... I wish Jack hadn't smashed the mirror before it got to 108.
- Noticed on the replay that Austen was #51 and it wasn't crossed out!!! Interesting...
- So who do we think is coming to the island? Eloise Hawking? Charles Widmore? My money is on Desmond. Not sure why.
- Who do we think is coming to the Temple with bad intentions? Well...
Claire and Jin's little shack:
- Claire is fucking nuts. She may be infected and "claimed" but she's also nuts.
- So Claire says Christian ("her dad") told her the Others took her kid, and then her friend did as well. So this would lead us to believe that, at least in this specific case, Smokey WAS posing as Locke.
- Fake Locke shows up and Jin is freaked, but Claire says it's her friend and not John. So she knooooows it ain't Locke. Must have something to do with her infection/claimedness.
Anyway, what did I miss? What do you think?
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