Thursday, January 29, 2009

Remaining Random Survivors....

I was curious, and maybe I'm alone in this, how many random 815ers (or their group at least) are still alive.

They've been dropping like flies with the barracks attack, freighter exploding, arrow attacks, and land mines.

We know we've got: The three scientists, Sawyer, Juliette, Rose and Bernard. Then there's Locke and who knows about Claire.

There were a ton of people kidnapped by the Others (most notably Cindy and the kids) but I think it's safe to call them Others at this point and no longer survivors.

Well I check another site for their figure (lostpedia) and that has only 10 survivors outside of those mentioned above. So there's about 10 people left (not including Rose and Bernard) that should still be time jumping around the island.

That doesn't mean anything... just thought I'd try and see who'se left.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Update: We rated this episode a 7.875 (too low, you should all be ashamed of yourselves)

This was a pretty confusing episode at first, but I think we were able to make some sense of it towards the end... and a big bombshell was dropped (HAHAHAHA, get it?)

First off... Desmond... off-island stuff:

- Desmond and Penny have a kid name Charlie. Probably named after the lead singer to Driveshaft. Fitting, since he's dead and they owe their relationship to him anyway. Could also be named after her father, but I doubt it since they both hate him. Or... how about Charles Dickens! Desmundo's read every beautiful word he's ever written (well... except for Our Mutual Friend).

- In the process of finding out Faraday's Mom is in LA (which fits our theory of Ms. Hawking being Faraday's Mother) he finds a woman that (and this is a lot of guess work) worked with Faraday and was possibly his love interest, that is left in a vegetative state. Seems like her mind is doing the skip through time deal. Poor girl. Anyway, Des also finds out Widmore is sponsoring his research (Faraday's). So Widmore understands the importance of Faraday's research in conjunction with the island.

- Penny is reluctantly on board with the LA trip, and I'm sure we'll see more for them soon.

On Island:

- BOOM: Sure looks like the writer's are tired of having a bunch of random survivor's on the island. They're getting wiped OUT!!!

- So apparently the US Army was doing some bomb testing on the island (How'd they know about it/find it??? They better tell us) but Jacob (they didn't say it was him, but I'm guessing that's who Richard was referring to when he said he follows orders) has the Others kill them all. They must not have been on the list.

- So it looks like the Others are in the process of re-securing the island. They grab their supplies and perhaps were even wearing their uniforms.

- Few more hints at the Others: They know Latin. Ok. They're smart and trained killers. I'd really like to know how they're selected or recruited or chosen from the island arrivals and why others are just killed.

- Juliette says Richard is really old. Thanks for the info Juliette. It'd be nice if she spilled all her knowledge on her former crew. It'd be helpful to the viewers.

- So Locke meets Richard and basically gets the ball rollin' on Richard traveling through the past to make sure Locke is the leader. So it's another chicken or the egg argument. Side question: Could all the problems on the island ACTUALLY be Locke's fault? He was never destined to be the leader of the Others... he just indirectly appointed himself.

- That brings us to, at least what I think, was the biggest moment of the show. Charles Widmore was an Other (or whatever we're calling them at this point). He seems pretty impatient, confrontational, and argumentative... so it's easy to see a fallout coming. But first... How'd he become an other? why'd he leave? My guess is he moved the island, and that's why he's having such a tough time finding the island and getting back there. Think Ben tricked him into moving the island? He always said the island was HIS? Was he pegged to be the leader of the Other's, but much like Anakin Skywalker (sorry Fortune's you won't get this) he ended up being the wrong choice?

- So Widmore must've told Faraday everything (probably not) he knows about the island, which explains Faraday being knowledgeable on the subject (Dharma Initiative is another story, unless he was there for a bit and knew enough to tell Faraday about them too. I think Faraday did his own research on that though. Not sure how.)

- Finally, Charlotte looks to be dying from some variation of the mind-skipping/time-travel/sickness. I wouldn't worry too much about her though (at least not yet), cuz she's strolling around in next week's preview.

Anyway... a ton of stuff went down... I'm sure there's stuff I missed. But those are my thoughts this week.


ADD: I didn't realize this until now, but apparently Ms. Hawking's first name is Elloise. Or that;s being reported. Well if that's the case... Ellie is short for Elloise, and Faraday thought she looked awfully familiar. I'm guessing the little blond girl holding the gun at Faraday most of the episode was Ms. Hawking and Faraday's mother.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More thoughts on last week's eps...

So Faraday, and who we're guessing his mother is, Ms. Hawking (white haired lady) both say it is impossible to change the future, ultimately your fates are already decided.

But then why would Ms. Hawking be so concerned as to visit Desmond in his past to tell him he must break up with Penny and make it to the island? Why would it matter if he couldn't change his fate?

Anyway, the impacting of the future question got me thinking about one of the events we've seen so far: Ethan meeting Locke in the past.

Locke tells Ethan that Ben appointed him as the leader of the Others. Ethan thinks he's crazy, but let's say he goes back to tell the Others that story. Locke basically anointed himself their leader himself. When he actually shows up on the island they've already heard of him and our now blown away by the fact that he's really there!

Think about the actions of the Others as far as Locke goes:

- They consistently refer to him as special and/or important.
- When he helps Cindy (the converted stewardess) set up her tent she tells him they've all been waiting for him. They've been waiting ever since Ethan came back rambling about some guy he met in woods!
- Ethan infiltrates the crash survivors camp and almost immediately attaches himself to Locke as his hunting partner. He's probably pretty intrigued by Locke at this point. Also, wants to get on his good side for when he becomes the leader.
- and finally (well not finally, but the last thing I can think of right now), one of the biggest problems/questions I've had so far about the show, or something that always bothered me... Why would Ben have been coming across the island himself to check out the survivors camp? (Rousseau caught him in her net, and they took him prisoner, remember?) If he was the leader of the Others, couldn't he have found someone less important to run that mission? Well, he probably wanted to get a look at Locke himself and start manipulating the guy to protect his position of authority in the Others community and with the Island.

Clearly there's about a million chicken or the egg arguments to go along with this (How does Locke arrive in the past without the help of the Others along the way to get to the past and tell them he's their leader, etc.),... but it's still pretty intriguing.

If the writer's really had this all planned out it's pretty amazing.

Monday, January 26, 2009


This sounds awfully arrogant, but I had a couple of requests over the weekend...

I can add 9 more email addresses to receive email notifications when they are new threads and/or comments on the threads.

If anyone would like to be added to this list please let me know. It might change in the future, but for now I got 9.

Just let me know if you want notifications on Threads and/or Comments.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Because You Left / The Lie

Update: We rated this ep an 8.

Awesome. Typical Lost, an answer or two, but about a million more questions. I actually don't have a TON to say about this ep... mostly cuz there's so much information we still don't know. It's pretty clear though that Daniel Faraday will be a MAJOR character this season. And with all this time skipping and consciousness travel, I think it makes a lot more sense why Daniel was crying in that first flashback we saw of him. Anyway... I'm gonna try and group the two episodes together.

Off-Island Stuff:

- I don't think Ben and Jack are being honest with each other over what Locke/Bentham told them. That exchange seemed a little forced. It will be interesting to see.
- Who wants to find out if it's really Kate's baby? Claire's mom? Does she have the means? Widmore? Why would he want to expose the lie? Conspiracy theorists? I dunno
- What else went down in the Sun / Widmore conversation? Sounds like she's out for Ben's blood, which judging from her later conversation with Kate (she doesn't blame her for Jin's death, and couldn't have a reason for blaming Jack then), is the second person she blames for her husband's death.
- Why are people, 3 years later, finally going after the Oceanic 6? (staking out Hurley, trying to kill Sayid, checking if it's really Kate's baby) Could it be Widmore knows Ben has found a way back to the island and he's trying to make it that more difficult?
- Good to see Ana-Lucia again, even if it was a little pointless. I liked her character. Always thought she was judged a little harshly by fans.
- While we're on supporting characters... what's going on with Frank Lapidus? It wouldn't surprise me if he winds up dead. He was the only one who came back that had to account for anything. He would have to answer to Widmore, unless he;'s in hiding.
- Great moment when Hurley tells his Mom, and she believes him.

Ok, the two biggest off-island revelations for me (pretty obvious), 1)were meeting some of Ben's "people", and 2) the return of Mrs. Hawking. 1) He'd mentioned them in previous season's. But why is one of them working in a butcher shop as some sort of cover? Seems like they are all working towards the same goal of returning to the island, but why are they still helping Ben? He's not the leader anymore. 2) It looks like she is the one who has figured out a way to get back to the island, and there are some very specific guidelines. Ben seems to take a back seat to her. She seems to be in charge.


So the island is skipping in time... should be a interesting way for the writer's to fill in pieces from the past. I have no idea (surprise) why it's happening, how it's happening, and what the RULES are for what travels, but Juliette seemed to offer a half-hearted "explanation". Whatever they had with them came along for the ride. Ok! Hopefully we'll get more information from Faraday as the season progresses. I'll go out on a limb and say we will. (I'd also like to hear more about how Faraday got so interested and knowledgeable about the Dharma Initiative to begin with).

- The beginning was a classic bit of Lost. Very neato seeing Pierre Chang (Marvin Candle, etc.) in the flesh. Looks like he was one of the heads of the D.I. (think that baby might be Miles? He has special powers cuz he was born on the island? That's why he was selected for the team... is history with the island?)
- Faraday showing up in the past was confusing at first.. still is... but at least we have a couple of guesses. It was a flash forward to his time later on the island, when the island is still skipping (confused?). OR... it could be he really was there in the past... either way, interesting stuff.
- Wonder why the survivors move, but the Hostiles/Others don't? Juliette moves. Weird. I wonder if any D.I. guys were still alive if they would move. Probably has something to do with your history on the island.
- Seems like Richard knows what's going on. That piece with him was clearly in the future. Many questions, as always, from his brief appearance but mainly... Why would Locke have to die? And if Ben and Richard knew the shit would hit the fan if the 6 left, why'd they let them go? (Maybe that's another reason why Ben blew up the boat on purpose (by killing Keamy). He would ensure that no one left if they helicopter blew up on the boat).
- Who launched the flaming arrows? BRUTAL STUFF on Frogurt. that wasn't a quick death... that was torture!!! Looks like a couple more people ate it too! Be interesting to see if they all meet up again after splitting up in the jungle. (What if Rose and Bernard never meet up with the group and get stuck in the past or some shit, and they end up being Adam and Eve form season 1? I know that's a streeeetch but I thought I;d throw it out there.)
- Annnnnd... who attacked Juliette and Sawyer? I was hoping it was Rousseau's team. Guess it still could be.
- Looks like Charlotte is getting the "sickness", (Minkowski). Wonder is she's just the first one to show it, or if there's something special about her... like being through this before form her previous time on the island (as hinted at in the finale last year). Hope she can find a constant!

Two final things...

1)Desmond... his screwy time frame/consciousness makes him the only who can help the island right now... or the 6... or whatever.... He needs to find Faraday's Mom... ok... I'll bet it's Mrs. Hawking.

2) Faraday makes it pretty clear that you can't change the future. We sort of learned that a couple of seasons ago with Desmond and Charlie. But things WERE happening different, like Locke getting shot in the leg, and Frogurt being brutally killed by flaming arrows. (By the way... were the flames necessary? Seems like an arrow without a big light letting you know it was coming would have been more effective.) I think things can happen to our survivors because it's their present, and it's not changing the future, just their present. (although I'm still not sure how Ethan meeting Locke works. Would Ethan recognize Locke when he invades the camp later on... whatever)

Anyway that's what I got... Anything else?

Thanks for reading... all 6 of you.

Lost. Tonight.

There's the recap show @ 8:00 and then the firs two episodes of the season. I will do my best to have the recap up tonight, or tomorrow mornign, but that'll be before most of you are at work anyway.



Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another... One more question...

I almost always side with jack on this show... especially when it's jack versus Locke. But this one especially. Locke desperately wants jack to remain on the island, but knows that would be a big leap of faith on jack's part, and jack, is a man of science. Why doesn't Locke ever tell jack that he used to be in a wheel chair before the island healed him?!?!. This would be some measure of "proof" that jack might need for convincing. Just always bugged me that Locke never let's that info out. Seems pretty crucial.

Monday, January 19, 2009

One more question...

I just rewatched the 3 part finale last night, for what was probably the 6th or 7th time. I can't recall if I listed this as one of my questions below...

Penny said she knew where to look because of a tracking station she setup after Desmond's phone call, the one she'd been waiting 8 years for. That's fine. But it reminded me that there's something off with Des and Penny's interaction history.

Desmond broke up with Penny.

Desmond's consciousness went back in time during "the Constant" to tell Penny that he needed her number and would call in 8 years.

***coming back to here

Penny gets Desmond's call 8 years later.

Penny searches for and finds Desmond and the Oceanic 6 (and Frank Lapidus, who happens to be a pretty good pilot).

*** But Penny found Desmond at the Stadium before his run where he intially meets up with Jack. This was between their meeting at her new house and their phonecall on Christmas eve.

Penny didn't want to mention there last encounter at all?!?

I know it hadn't "happened" yet, but this is something to pay attention to moving forward.

They've said through various characters (Mrs. Hawking, Faraday) that you can't change the future. I think they mean fate. You can impact the future and change events, but ultimately the universe will course correct.

I'm confused.

HAHAHAHA wait a second, I just realized that no one is reading this. HAHAHAHAHA
Here's a copy of the slightly jumbled list of questions I'd like to have answered by the show's end. Hopefully some are taken care before the end of the show.

Smoke Monster

What? How? When? Why? Where?

Does it scan people?

Does it inhabit dead bodies, like Christian and Yemi? Cuz both bodies are missing.

Did it scan Juliette like Eko? Or something else?

Can Ben summon smokey?

The Sickness / Vaccine / Quarantine

What’s real, what isn’t?

Nigerian Drug Plane

How’d it get there? Although I think it’ll have something to do with the Island moving now.

Four Toed Statue

Island history? Let’s have some.

Island Time

Did Locke move it in time, location, what? Why do different degrees of arrival equal different
time frames? And is it only on the surface of the water? Cuz the plane crashed pretty
conveniently in the same time as the Others existed.

The Others

How did they brainwash the tail section passengers to their “cause”?

Were they trying to take Eko? Was he a good person or just a threat?

Why do the Others go from docile family folk into murderous maniacs? Why are the Other’s
even there anymore? What do they want to do that’s soooo important?

Why do the important one’s always go on the missions? Ben, Ethan, we know why Goodwin now.

What was there ultimate plan with Claire? (was Juliette on board?)

Why the fake outfits?

Why did Ben try and convince Locke that he didn’t have to push the button, when it’s clear he
wanted them to keep doing it?

The Others can’t REALLY believe they are the good guys right? They’re delusional?

Why didn’t they know about Desmond’s boat?

Did they not know the result of not pushing the button?

Why don’t the Others have good medical supplies, ie crash cart?

Why didn’t Ben just leave to get his surgery?

How do they travel to and from the island with ease?

Do they really use the sub to get to and from the island?

How did they get Locke’s dad onto the island? I thought outside comm. Was down?

Why do all the babies on the island die?

How do they know Sawyer killed the shrimp shack guy?

Why did they need Locke to kill his dad?

How does Richard Alpert Age?

What happened to Annie?

Is Mikhail really dead?

Room 23, Brainwashing? Is that how they got the tailies?

Where’d Karl come from?

Who led the Others before Ben?

Horace Goodspeed time loop? He had an Arrow logo? Was the Arrow a mathematics related
station? If he said he'd been dead for 12 years, that's when the Purge happened. Danielle's story
doesn't add up with that... hmmmm???


Who was on his list and why?

Who is he?, etc

How did he cure Rachel’s cancer, or was it all bullshit?

What’s with the moving cabin?

What’s with the ring of dirt/ash/dust around the cabin?

How is his cabin warping around the island?

Why is Christian Shepard hanging out in it?

Why use a cabin that Horace Goodspeed built?

The Dharma Initiative:

Why are the Dharma Drops still coming?

Who’s in charge now?

Why Lockdowns?

Kelvin Inman, when was he recruited, must’ve been just before the purge.

Swan Station

Most stuff won’t get answered

What was the incident?


Arrow Station

What was it for?

The trunk: Army knife, Glass Eye, Film Piece

The Staff Station

Escape hatch?

The Pearl Station:

What happened to the place where the tubes land?

Why lie about the insignificance of the Swan hatch?

Other Characters:


mental hospital

Husband David


Blastdoor map… also, why’d he edit the movie.

Charles Widmore

Did he really fake the plane crash? Or was it Ben?

How does he really know about the island?

How’d he get the DI knowledge?

What rules were changed when Widmore killed Alex?

Why can't Ben kill Widmore? Vice versa?

Why is Widmore having nightmares?

Why won't Ben be able to find Penny?

Penny Widmore

Still not sure how she knew to look for the magnetic anomalies… but this one might belong in the
other category of questions that won’t get answered.

Matthew Abadon

Who the hell is he?


- Is she dead?


Why is Faraday so broken up about the 815 flight being found?

Bad Memory?

How can Desmond be his constant, I thought you couldn’t alter the future, or whatever?

How does Faraday know so much about the DI?


Was she born on the island?

How’d she leave?


How can he talk to dead people?

Why did he want 3.2 million dollars?


Is Jin dead?


Is what he and Minkowski experienced the Sickness?

Do you need to travel on specific coordinates?

Did Desmond lie about his last Charlie vision?

How did the Hatch explosion let Desmond sort of float through time? How can he see the future?

Time lady, how does she fit in?

Christian Shepherd

How is he “alive”?

Why is he Jacob’s mouthpiece?


- There are all sorts of holes in her story…

Adam and Eve

Black and White Stones

Who are they?
Richard Alpert

What's with the items Richard shows to Locke?

How is an ageless Richard traveling all over the world?

Walt’s special-ness

Birds fly into windows.

Rain Stopped

Always wins at backgammon

Told Locke not to open the hatch

Told Michael he had to leave

Shows up soaking wet in places

Kept showing up to Shannon

Sort of led Shannon to her death

Questions from the finale:

How does the donkey wheel export you?
WHy Boone, Charlie, and Libby?
What was Sawyer's
Charlotte, born on the island?
WHy would Miles want to stay?
Sun: Who does she blame for
Jin's death besides her father? Jack?
Also how would any of that make sense to her father, since
the cover story just had them craching adn that's it? How did Sun afford to purchase her father's
What are her plans with Charles Widmore?
WHy is Hurley seeing dead people? Jack
Island messenger?
Who is Claire saying not to bring back in Kate's dream?
Aaron?How'd Locke make it off the island?
What terrible things happened that forced Locke to leave?
Who does Ben mean, when he says EVERYONE needs to comeback?
Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, Aaron, Locke, Ben? Lapidus? Desmond? Walt? Ji Yeon?

Lost Blog

I thought might get a little crowded with all of the Lost posts, and since this is easy enough to start a new site... here we are.

Hopefully some of you post here. If not no big deal. I like organizing my deep, deep thoughts on Lost anyway.

If you don't like the title, well fine. It came about after watching the season 2 premier many years ago. Peter can explain it if he likes.

Anyway, I'll start with the season premier recap either Wednesday night or Thursday morning.

