So... like I said, no new episode this week.. Lame.
So here's this week's thread:
What do you want to see before the show ends?
Realistic? Jack saves the day.
UnRealistic? Walt gets some vengeance and he gets his dog back.
Alright... Erik, Montoya, maybe Sean... you're up.
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3 years ago
What do I wanna see...oh I wanna see so much happen. Funny that you mention Walt, because he was the first person that came to mind. i wanna see him come back to the island. He was the of the three people who actually wanted to stay there (Rose, Locke). So it would be cool to see him return and stay.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see something good happen with Ben. He did a lot of bad things, but he did only did it for the 'cause' or the greater good of the island. He is loyal to a fault, and I think it is time for him to get something beneficial out of the island.
I would like to see the good in Locke come out and destroy MIB from the inside out.
I would like to see Jack be happy on the island. He always looks so damn stressed.
I would like to see Claire run a comb through her hair, or just get it wet.
I would like to see Jin hold his baby girl.
I would love to see Claire with her son.
I wanna see how Jacob and MIB got to the island. I wanna see their back story either before the series ends or in a movie at a later date. Either way, it needs to be explained.
I wanna see Freckles relax.
I doubt any of these things will happen. But I would sure like to see one of them happen.
Realistic, the Oceanic 6 are satisfied with whatever out come is finally chosen for them. The entire series everyone has had some type of struggle. I just wanna see characters be happy.
Um... awesome!
ReplyDeleteThis gave me an idea for a post... each character, best possible outcome/worst possible outcome. Could be fun!
I want to know more about Nikki and Paolo.
ReplyDeleteI want to hear more about Sam.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I was going to write that, but I thought it might be too inside.
ReplyDeleteI want to see Desmond in a position to save Widmore's life at some point, and then just pass on it.
Here's inside... although everyone watches the show...
ReplyDeleteWidmore's on a ladder or something climbing up wall or cliff and he asks for Desmond's hand to help pull him up, and Desmond replys while aggressively kicking the ladder over:
"See you in another life BROTHER" (in the same tone that Dwight Schrute says "Happy Birthday Stanley" while he kicks his secret birthday kick all over the place.
Haha, Im cracking myself up with this one.