Here we gooooooooooo...
So Desmond is once again special and he seems to have figured SOMETHING out. Only he won't share it with us the viewers.
Faraday is on to it as well... somehow. So is Charlie... somehow.
And it appears that Eloise knows ALLLLLL about it. Seems happy about it too. Why not... her son is alive and well.
So you need true love to connect to the other world?
What does Desmond know? How'd he figure it out? Why'd he want to help Widmore but then suddenly go with Sayid (who saved Desmond... for some reason).
What does Desmond want to show the 815ers?
What is Widmore's plan? How can Desmond help? (looks like he survived another Magnetic blast or whatever, just ike he did when he turned the failsafe key).
I have no clue.
Classic Lost epsiode. We're ramping up, with hints at answers but nothing really.
My head's spinning.
Your thoughts?
The End.
Super Bowl LVI
Los Angeles Rams vs. Cincinnati
If you’re anything like me you’ve simulated hundreds of NFL seasons on
3 years ago
Sorry for the crappy post... I just don't know what to say anymore. I'm sure you have just the same questions I do. If you have any guesses let's hear em/
ReplyDeleteOh, or near death/dying experiences... those let you see the other side too. Charlie... and Juliette
ReplyDeleteI must admit I was a bit disappointed by this episode. Not because it wasn't great, but because, like you, it left my head spinning and me walking away going "WTF?!" WIth only 5 episodes till the season finale, I was really hoping for another episodes like Richard's. One with more answers. And I get so frustrated when the characters don't clearly communicate what they're thinking. I've never wanted to punch an old lady in the throat, but I would love to give it a whirl on Eloise.
ReplyDeleteOverall, it sounded like Daniel was saying they were living in a world that really wasn't suppose to be. Sounds like it wasn't how things were suppose to play out. I have a feeling that Des knows how to change it. Maybe that's where the buried bomb comes into play? Or is that still around? And maybe true love is what helps stop the evil or MIB? Was the women Charlie talking about Claire? And why in the hell wasn't Penny scared to see a strange man approach her at night in an empty stadium?? Where was her rape whistle??
Yes Eloise ABSOLUTELY has some explaining to do at some point. Better happen.
ReplyDeleteYeah, after watching the whole ep, I firmly believe Charlie was talking about Claire.
The Bomb should be gone, cuz Sayid removed the core and Jack/Juliette blew it up... or did they... it really depends on what the alternate reality really is. I think we're SUPPOSED to believe it was what happened when Juliette blew up the bomb, but I think the time lept right as that happened, and this other reality (like we theorized before) is actually some sort of world that is the result of the island war!
Also, gotta agree on the Penny thing. I've tried this move a NUMBER times and it never worked. One time I got a real conversation going, she told me I had "kind eyes". then she maced my "kind eyes". Women, huh! Am I right?