Another great episode, really feels like we're charging into the finale.
Off Island:
So Sun recognizes Locke... cuz she's dying! Another flash. Be interesting to see what she says in future episodes.
Other possible flashes are being set up:
- Desmond is trying to get Claire together with Jack (and Ilana, but who cares about her blown up ass), but that flash trigger is interrupted by...
- Jack being called to perform surgery on Locke... which I sort of already predicted. This will have huge implications when Jack saves him. Just not sure what they'll be.
On Island:
- The Jack and Locke talk had some nice "revelations":
1. Smoke monster needs you to be dead before he can impersonate you.
2. He was Christian.
Not sure if I believe 1. don't believe 2.
- The Jack and Claire reunion was nice. But I've really been waiting for Jack to take a big brother type role. He did for a blink and then bailed on her again. Kind of disappointed me there.
- Although didn't Claire say Locke told her he was pretending to be Christian? Wouldn't that indicate to her that he led her away from the others and THAT'S how she got left on the island? Why would she be happy or even close to ok with that?
- Hey Cindy and the stupid kids are still around!!! I've given up on getting any answers on Other conversion or history their... so frankly I hope they were blown up in the same Widmore bombs that the rest of those neandrathal looking mother fuckers were.
- Great Desmond/Sayid scene. No way Desmond is dead. No way.
- Claire makes it anyway... to the boat. Pretty sad that they almost left her again.
- Jack "jumps ship". Good Juliet apology though (still thinking she'll be Sawyer's "flash").
- The Jin and Sun reunion was nice, but was anyone else kind of worried that those pylons were gonna fry em?
- Widmore duoble crosses Sawyer... but not really. Didn't Sawyer say he'd deliver Locke? Well he didn't. And why the fuck did Sawyer think just showing up would work anyway?
- Meanwhile... it's Jack and Locke.... DA DA DAAAAAAAA!!!!
Getting good!
No ep next week... boooooo
Ok, what did I miss? What did you think?
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3 years ago
Ilana Verdansky Attorney at Law is hot! Seriously, what an improvement.
ReplyDeleteI was very worried that Jin and Sun were going to get sonic boomed.
Did one of Jack's assistants look a little familiar during the surgery scene? She was only on for a flash but it looked a little like Juliet. Probably not, but I'll have to re-watch it.
I didn't see Juliet... but I'm sure she'll be back. She's got to!
ReplyDeleteQuick question.....Did Jack already know that him and Claire were brother and sister? If not, he sure as hell wasn't that shocked to find out which leads me to believe that he must have already known.
ReplyDeleteYeah. Claire's mom told him about it at his dads funeral.
ReplyDeleteOHHHH That's right. Completely forgot about that!! Thanks! Great Episode and I agree with you that there's no way Desmond was killed. The way Sayid was speaking to NotLocke leads me to believe he knew NotLocke would believe him.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling that Juliette will be the mother of Jack's son....or have they shown her yet? I think it would be sweet if Sawyer and Juliette were each other's "Flashes" in the sideways world, but I have a feeling it will be Sawyer and Kate. I think they're meant to be.
SO glad to finally see Jin and Sun together. I teared up. :) Interesting that NotLocke claims he didn't make Sun speechless. Also interesting that he claimed to be Christian. I could see him doing that in order to lure Claire somewhere, but not to help Jack find water. Hmmmm....hopefully we'll find out!
Claire doesn't make sense. She's sided with Locke. Only if he really was Christian then he's also the reason she was seperated from her son and left behind. She might be crazy. But she shouldn't be this stupid.