Awesome episode. I loved it.
So we continue the theme of true love, or at least some SERIOUS connection, a CONSTANT if you will... will trigger your memory of the "other" world. Hugo and Libby were more proof of that.
Also, seems pretty clear what Desmond decided he needed to do, and that is to trigger these memories from certain indivduals. Well... it seemed like his mission was clear... until he WIPED OUT LOCKE!!! Gotta have something to do with his on-island self... which is still pretty vague... but he would have a bone to pick with Locke, wouldn't he? That brings us to the Island storylines...
Locke takes fearless Desmond to another electro magnetic hotspot... then rumble dumps him. (SPOILER ALERT: Previews showed him alive, or I'd be outraged) Sort of saw that coming from a ways away. Surprised Desmond didn't... what with his future seeing powers... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Meanwhile, on the other side of the island... Ilana Arzt'd herself. Seriously... good job Jacob body guards. I mean I guess Ilana served her purpose, but I really thought there would be more to her.
Anyway, ultimately Richard, Ben and Miles go for the ammo and explosives at the Dharma barracks (cuz Hurley blew up the Black Rock) to try and blow up the plane... but Hurley thinks they should go talk to Locke, cuz dead Michael told him so. Good to see Michael back and get a little more closure. (fingers still crossed for Walt).
Awesome stuff here with Jack and Hurley. Great scene. ALSO... the whispers EXPLAINED! The whispers are the trapped souls on the island. THERE'S YOUR ANSWERS!!!
Michael helps them find Locke's camp and the two parties converge with the stare down of Jack and Locke. Love it.
A couple of other funny notes:
- Anyone else hear Hugo mention his next charity event was for the Human Fund? George Costanza!!!
- Jack and Richard had some funny banter after Ilana blew herself up (seriously, what the fuck was she thinking throwing that shit around like that) but line of the night goes to Sawyer again: "You talk to wood now?"
- Nice Sam Levine cameo. Not a huge celeb... but Freaks and Geeks/Inglorious Basterds need to be celebrated.
That's what I got for now. Not sure why, but one of my favorites of the season.
What did I miss?
What did you think?
Good night... and good luck.
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3 years ago
Almost forgot to mention the kid again! He had browner now... but looked liek the same kid who was following fake Locke before. Desmond saw him too.
2 predictions:
1) Sun gives Claire the ring Charlie left for Aaron, and it helps snap Claire out of it
2) Hurley's bag he was looking in, was full of Backgammon pieces.
Was the lip-synch off for anybody else? It was for me, not wnough to ruin the show, but certainly enough to be annoying.
ReplyDeleteI thought I heard him mention the Human Fund, but I didn't rewind to check.
How about the use of Willy Wonka's creepy poem during the "scenes from next week." I thought that was great.
Also, how about a spin-off show for Desmond that is basically just a re-make of Quantam Leap with him jumping around through time and space to help people out with problems in their life. I would watch that. Anybody not gonna watch that?
Yeah, i'd watch that show... Miles and Sawyer cop drama too.
ReplyDeleteAlso, forgot to mention... Dr. Chang introduced Hugo at the event. So he must not know Hugo from the past. Or at least I'd assume he doesn't. I think this would mean that the jughead detonation DID NOT trigger the other world. So what did?
Just watched again... Desmond in the "alt world" says he's checking out the school for his son Charlie... obviously a lie, but it does appear that both Desmond's have sort of merged knowledge.
ReplyDeleteDesmond's quest to get in touch with flight 815 passengers seems as if it might end up being a lot like Jacob's that was chronicled in the finale of Season 5. I don't know what that means, probably just a case of the series doubling back on itself, which it does quite often.
ReplyDeleteWhat about this as a finale prediction:
ReplyDeleteDesmond ends up actually triggering this electro-magnetic event that Widmore supposedly brought him there for and it ends up wiping out everyone on the island. EXCEPT for UnLocke who is obviously supernatural and Desmond who we know can survive such occurrences. So everyone's alterna-reality becomes their only reality, except for Desmond who is now the keeper of the island along side UnLocke. UnLocke is furious because he has to stay on the island, but Desmond is content because he is conscious of his alterna-reality in which he ends up with Penny again.
As I was typing, I sort of realized that recent episodes have seemed to imply that the alterna-reality is only temporary, and somewhat accidental, so maybe what I just said is pretty stupid. But, I think it COULD work.