Jin and Sun ain't married but they screw... and are in love too.
They filled in how Jin got in the locker and even our old friend Mikhail showed up... lost his eye again too.
Now... depending on what you think these "side flashes" are, Sun getting shot could have HUUUUGE implications. Alot of people seem to think these side flashes might be the epilogue to the story, the aftermath of the Jacob vs Man In Black war. Whoever you chose.. right or wrong, it impacts your alternate life. I'll elaborate a little later on in the week with what I THINK might happen... but either way... pretty bad news for Sun. I hope she's ok :(
On - Island:
Not a ton to comment on here, it was a great episode though.
- Widmore's peeps took Jin because he knows where the electro-magnetism is on the island, (because of the search grids he was running for Sawyer back in the Dharma days... which brings to mind... why didn't any of the Others ever realize that Sawyer and Jin were actually back in Dharmaville for an extended time??!? Chalk that up to "we'll never know"). Either the magnetism will help them defeat the Locke monster or Widmore has alterior motives. Something to keep an eye on.
- Looks like Sayid is a shell of the man he once was... literally. Locke takes him along to get Jin back.
- Locke wants Jin back cuz he might be a candidate. He seems to be implying he needs their help to get off the island. I'll bet he just needs them dead... but he can;'t do it. For some island rule reason. Still like to hear those.
- Anyone else worried anytime someone says they are taking the outriggers? One of them is getting shot by Juliette from last season.
- Just before they leave.. Sawyer has one of the best lines in the history of the show: "No, cuz that'd be ridiculous" That killed me.
- Locke confronts Widmore... stand off.. even quote Widmore back to him... when he was Locke. Anyway...
- Locke returns empty handed... but no Sayid either... who is spying on the sub and what happened to be in that locked door.... DESMOND!!! Sayid didn't seem to care, cuz he's crazy.. and Desmond is all drugged up. Good to have him back though ( but from the looks of the preview and the bagpipes playing Amazing Grace... I think he might be in trouble.)
- On the other side... long story short... Sun can't talk, but Jack figured it out and she can at least communicate now. She's on board with Richard's plan... they want to blow up the plane so Smokey can't leave. Really? That's how he was going to leave? No fracking way. Anyway...
What did I miss? What do you think?
Gonna try and post a prediction thread later this week... might be fun if others (heehee) chime in.
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3 years ago
I couldnt stop watching that damn clock and the V the entire episode. Maybe it was because my TV is so big but it was not in the corner of the screen it was in the way.
ReplyDeleteAny chance Sun was claimed when she took that spill? I mean we didn't really see if Un-Locke did anything to her.
ReplyDeleteThis would explain her unlucky fate in the Alterna-reality. Also, she did seem a little bit nuts after the bump on the head, with all of her yelling and what not. Sure, she didn't seem quite as crazy as Claire or as evil as Sayid, but I think we could agree that Sun's alter-ego would be a little more tame.
Also, Sun took a looooong look at herself in the mirror in the hotel room. It's almost as if ... she didn't recognize herself? Oh shit!
Well, it would certainly support the "side with fake Locke and your alternate world is bad" theory. But Sun seemed to be showing too much emotion (unlike Sayid) for me to think she was claimed. I hadn't thought of that though, so it's a solid idea.
ReplyDeleteAlso got me thinking that Claire shows plenty of emotion herself... maybe she's jsut "Rousseau crazy" and not "Sayid crazy". Maybe there's still hope for Claire.
Um, I agree about the V clock thing. The whole time I kept worrying about the time and how fast it was going. Better not be around next week. I was just stoked that in the last minute-thirty they had Desmond getting out of the sub. Finn-I'm anxious to hear what you think his role will be for the island. Do you think Widmore now needs him after all this time trying to get rid of him? Could he be a potential candidate?
ReplyDeleteGood question... all we know is Desmond is "special" and "the rules don't apply to him" and the "island isnt done with him"
ReplyDeleteI doubt he's a candidate, but he probably has something to do with stopping the smoke monster... I know, WHAT A PREDICTION!