Hooooooly shit.
Off-Island stuff first:
- Sayid can't be with Nadia, because he doesn't think he is worthy of her. And he protects his family by killing loan sharks (who happen to be our old buddies Keamy and Omar) and then finds a beat up Jin in a cooler. It was well acted and junk... but let's get to the serious business.
- Sayid confronts Dogen and they argue, before fighting and Dogen is ready to kill Sayid when his baseball hits the floor. Weird at the time but after you hear his story later, it kind of makes sense... Dogen was reminded of his kid and why he came to the island and his island responsibilities. Plus... I don't think you can kill a candidate. It's one of the "rules".
- Outside Claire is ready to be sent in by Smokey. She makes him promise he is really going to get her son back for him. He says "He always does what he promises". She tells Dogen to go talk to Smokey or send someone he won't kill. He won't kill Sayid... why? well because he has a plan for him... but also... he CAN'T (guessing) cuz he's a candidate!!!
- Dogen wants Sayid to kill Smokey. Is that a special knife? I dunno. But you can't let him talk to you!!!!!
- Pretty cool that Sayid just goes for it right away, but it doesn't work. Stabs him in the chest and... nothin'. Probably cuz Smokey got a few words out... and you can't let him talk to you. I hope that's not the case. To gimmicky. But basically both sides are trying to use Sayid to accomplish things... and it looks like Smokey makes the best offer. WHATEVER HE WANTS. Well I'm guessing, like Claire wants Aaron, Sayid wants Nadia (sorry Shannon).
- Sayid tells the Others that they need to leave by sundown and join Smokey otherwise... he's gonna kill them all. And basically half the Others bolt (including Cindy and the two kids... the only three Others I know now... well and Alpert). Seriously though, nice conviction Others! Jacob's dead? Ok, we quit. What is their purpose? Any ideas?
- Oooh, almost forgot, my faaaaaavorite, Kate made it back into the temple... rather easily. Visits a now captured Claire... and does a pretty crappy job of explaining to her why she took Aaron. Claire looks furious but doesn't really do anything about it. Maybe she buys it. I don't know. Claire is bat shit crazy.
- Sayid confronts (and by confronts I mean drowns) Dogen. But... not before a nice little piece of information from Dogen. Dogen was brought to the island by jacob after he got in a drunk driving accident that would have killed his son had Jacob not intervened. (So Jacob has healing powers?!?? Maybe he really did cure Juliet's sisters cancer. Does Smokey have healing powers too? Sayid better hope so.).
- So Dogen is dead... literally seconds after I started to like him. Never really liked Lennon... so when Sayod kills him it wasn't to big of a loss, but it was funny that he called Sayid an idiot. Interesting that DOGEN was what was keeping Smokey out. I thought it was the ash? HEY LOOK AT THAT!!!! A MILLION MORE QUESTIONS!!!
- Smokey... kills everyone.
- Kate and Miles try to escape:
- Miles... runs away and ultimately runs into Ilana, Lapidus, Sun and Ben. They escape through the Hurley tunnel. Well, Ben doesn't... he goes to get Sayid (which is kind of nice right? Or maybe Ilana has clued them into the candidate thing a little more). Sayid isn't leaving and Ben bolts. Sayid looks legit Claire crazy too.
- Kate ends up going to get Claire, but just barely escapes the Smoke... which seems to really make an impact on her. She's enthralled by it. Anyway...
Sayid and Claire walk out to meet Locke and the Other. Kate trails behind. Claire doesn't kill her... so she's cool with it? Smokey didn't seem to be too stoked that she was there though.
it looks like the teams are starting to fill out. Let's do a quick ON ISLAND ONLY recap of where everyone's at:
Team Smokey:
The Others
Kate (at least along for the ride)
Sawyer (wasn't there,but he made it pretty clear he was with Smokey)
Jin (doubt he's with them... but I'll bet they didn't let him go. And what if Smokey promises Jin he can reunite him with his wife? Uh oh.)
Team Jacob:
Probably with Jacob... but not with those four yet:
Jack & Hurley
I think that's everybody... that we know of right now, right? Anyone else? Other than the Ajira 316 jabronis that are still stuck on Hydra island (actually kind of wondering what will become of them).
Anyway... that's what I got here. What did everyone think?
Super Bowl LVI
Los Angeles Rams vs. Cincinnati
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3 years ago
Is it me or does Sayid always end up with a fresh black tank top no matter what? Did he have one of those Hanes 10 packs with him on the flight or something?
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, I actually decided at the beginning of this ep. that I hated Dogen so much that I would now like him. Then he died about 45 minutes later. It seems like Sayid truly has some sort of "infection" or claim on him. I mean Sayid was fairly ruthless beforehand but this was a new level right?
Is Claire still planning on killing Kate, or did she just decide to let it slide? She might just be biding her time I suppose.
I also like how when Sayid finds Jin in the pantry and Jin starts blabbering in Korean; Sayid says one line of English and Jin goes, "No English." really Jin? Well did you think Sayid knew how to speak Korean? What a dick.
Yep, the combo of Claire AND Sayid... they're definitely "infected" or "claimed" there's some real validity to it now I'd say.
ReplyDeleteStill waiting to see how Kate and Claire plays out. Wonder if a detailed explanation from Kate might help convince Claire that she's gone nuts and Smokey helped facilitate that.
Yikes... only one comment a new record.
ReplyDeleteWell I watched it again... and two things about our two dead MAIN others.
Dogen - his final conversation seems like he knew Sayid was going to kill him. Like he had accepted it or something. Plus, he barely put up a struggle in the pool, when a few hours earlier he physically bested Sayid. Just something to chew on... might he know something else?
Lennon - I felt kind of bad for him freaking out. All his people leaving... "It's a bluff" "You idiot, it was the only thing keep him out!" Anyway, kind of bummed me out.
It's starting to feel a lot like our Survivor Football league in here.
ReplyDeleteI know that Dogen made it clear to Sayid that Smokie would appear to him as someone he knew who had died, not just someone he knew, but for a second there when Sayid bumps into Kate I was thinking "Oh no, he's gonna stab her!" Of course it wouldn't happen but it defintely would have been a good twist. Probably would have worked better with a lesser character.
Rose and Bernard would've worked. Haha