Ben Linus works at the highschool w/ Dr. Arzt. Yeah. I thought that Alex Rousseau being his student was the biggest stretch yet of the "sideways" world we're seeing.
Anyone notice Ben gave his Dad some gas again? Although it worked about better for Mr. Linus this time around.
Interesting to note that Ben and his Dad DID go to the island and left at some point. Interesting... but it still doesn't prove whether or not this is the world as a RESULT of the incident, the result of something else, or an entirely different world all together.
This isn't a spoiler but it's a pretty realistic theory that is making the rounds so I'll give you fair warning
The flashes we're seeing this season are actually the epilogue to the series. This "war" that's going to happen will result in them resetting their lives. Some have learned from their mistakes (Jack, Locke, Ben) some didn't (Sayid). Maybe it depends on what side you were on. I don't liek this theory. I think it would be a real bummer if it ended this way. They should have their memories and experiences. Otherwise I'll feel cheated. I'll bet this IS the result of what's happening, but they'll figure it out and still change things.... or something.
Ok back to it.
On-Island, 2 Groups: Jack's and Ilana's
- Jack and Hurley are heading back to the Temple but Richard takes them to the Black Rock instead.
- Richard makes plenty of blatant hints that this is how he arrived on the island.
- Richard also leaves some tidbits. Jacob touched him, that's why he doesn't age... it was a gift. But now after Jacob's death Richard is pretty disillusioned and what's to die... only he can;t kill himself... the Island? won't let him. Sound familiar? (maybe Jacob touched Michael back at some point).
- Jack says he'll do it, but he hangs out cuz he know he won't die. He's right. He says they should all go back to the beach.
- The great thing about this for me, other than the fine acting, was the set up for a Richard episode. He's getting closer to talking.
Ilana's group:
- I was wondering how Ben got away from the temple. But as we find out later, Smokey didn't want him dead.
- Ben identifies Dogen (and the translator) so he clearly knew about the Temple, etc. Nice to know.
- Miles outs Ben and they head back to the beach... cuz that place is totally safe.
- Sun gets some info from Ilana: They are candidates to replace Jacob. There are six left and we still don't know which Kwon. Who are the 6th now though? Definitely Jack, Hurley, Sawyer and a Kwon. That's 4. Let's incllude the other Kwon cuz they can't be eliminated, 5. 6th? Locke is dead. I guess they meant Sayid. But I would've assumed he removed himself from the running by killing two of Jacob's best dudes and leading to the rest of them being wiped out. Just a thought.
- Smokey shows up to tell Ben he wants him to run the island when he and his crew leave. I'm sure this is bullshit... but still, why? Why does Smokey still need/want Ben? Why didn't he just wipe out the whole beach camp? Must have something to do with the candidates... maybe it is Sun? I dunno.
- Also, so he can jedi mind move items. Ben's ankle shackle. Cooooool.
The show ends with Jack, Hurley and Richard showing up to the beach with a reunion scene straight outta yesteryear.
The end... or is it?
Widmore!!! He found the island... they better tell us how. Is this who Jacob said was coming to the island? What's he want to do? Who's side is he on?
Anyway... sorry it's late... what did you guys think?
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3 years ago
I know that it's been happening for some time now, but Jack has become completely Locke-ian in his actions. Letting the dynamite fuse burn was a lot like letting the countdown in the Swan get to zero (a point that was originally made by someone I watched with in all fairness; not like it's ground-breaking or anything, just thought I'd give the credit where it's due).
ReplyDeleteI would say no to Widmore being the guy who they needed to turn the dial to 108 for. Seems like he had the means to find it anyway, plus it would be lame. Also, did anyone else read the digital cable info before watching the episode? It listed Widmore as one of the characters. Thanks guys!
Speaking of actors' names being give-aways, Henry Ian Cusick's name is in the credits every episode as one of the regulars. I think we all expect Desmond to come back at some point, but this indicates to me that he's gonna be coming back pretty soon. Otherwise wouldn't he have just been a guest star for the season premiere, and then any episode or two he was on in the future?
This episode, more clearly than any before it illustrated that in the alterna-time the characters choose different paths than before, and it seems to work out. But you're right, Sayid kind of just went back to his old ways, which would make sense with the "epilogue" theory because he'd be claimed, maybe? If that were true though, Claire would also have to follow her same path. I can't really remember where we left off with her.
Yeah Claire seemed pretty happy and possibly keeping Aaron so that's a big hole in the theory.
ReplyDeleteCan you remind me what Kate is NOT a candidate? Was her name crossed off in the cave?
ReplyDeleteAlso, in this episode, I believe it was Ben that made a comment about how no matter what path you take, you somehow end up back on the island. I need to re-watch this one again, but I remember that being some pretty big foreshadowing. Leads me to believe that the alternate life is what occurred from "incident" and the bomb with Juliette and that no matter what, they'll all end up back on the island.
Well she wasn't shown in the cave, but it's been confirmed she was crossed out there. However.... It's been said that she wasn't crossed out in the lighthouse. So... I dunno.