Well... I liked this episode, but I'm a big Jack fan. I imagine the majority will find this ep a little on the dull side. And quite frankly it did the ol' ask more questions then answered deal.
Jack Off-Island:
- Jack interacting with his kid was nice to see. Wonder who the mom is?
- Also thought they were giving us another big hint with him not recognizing his appendix scar.. but then his mom explained it.
- Good character story... but still need to know how much I should invest in this before I care tooooo much about it.
Jack On-Island, Hurley and Jack's journey:
- Hurley tells Jack that Jacob says "He has what it takes" which is a reference to what Jack's dad said... the opposite, back in season 1. Christian told Jack not to be a hero cuz he doesn't have it in him.
- A little bummed that Jack was cool with bailing on Sayid (and Miles to a lesser extent... got a bad feeling about Miles... like he might end up a body count kill for Smokey).
- They run into Kate. Fuck off Kate. Honestly. I don't know why, but her little interaction with Jack pissed me off. Was I the only one?
- Hurley thinks Jack would have been a great dad. That was nice of him to say.
- They find the old caves. Two things: 1) Hurley makes a joke about the Adam and Eve skeletons, basically making fun of idiots like me who have too many theories and 2) Jack tells Hurley about his ghost dad. Which is funny, because if he had told ANYONE else that they would have freaked out. Par for the course with Hurley.
- Jack's reason for coming back: "He's broken". Good stuff. Seriously.
- I was shocked that they wouldn't have seen the Lighthouse, but Hurley kind of explained that... "We weren't looking for it"
- Ok... the Lighthouse: 1) The name again... each has a degree, makes a liiiiiitle more sense about the numbers assigned. 2) Looks like how Jacob was able to keep tabs on candidates, but how does he find out about candidates in the first place? 3) Also, if Jacob had the names and numbers here, why would he need them in the cave? Well, maybe it's a Smokey set up for Sawyer. 4) The mirror visions, to me, looked like the place Sun and Jin got married, and the church where the funeral services were held for Sawyer's parents. (that didn't match up with their numbers/degrees but oh well). 5) My bro said it best... I wish Jack hadn't smashed the mirror before it got to 108.
- Noticed on the replay that Austen was #51 and it wasn't crossed out!!! Interesting...
- So who do we think is coming to the island? Eloise Hawking? Charles Widmore? My money is on Desmond. Not sure why.
- Who do we think is coming to the Temple with bad intentions? Well...
Claire and Jin's little shack:
- Claire is fucking nuts. She may be infected and "claimed" but she's also nuts.
- So Claire says Christian ("her dad") told her the Others took her kid, and then her friend did as well. So this would lead us to believe that, at least in this specific case, Smokey WAS posing as Locke.
- Fake Locke shows up and Jin is freaked, but Claire says it's her friend and not John. So she knooooows it ain't Locke. Must have something to do with her infection/claimedness.
Anyway, what did I miss? What do you think?
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3 years ago
I agree...I liked this episode! The Jack stuff was good. It would seem that off-island, they're "merging" their memories of both lives. Jack seemed surprised of his appendix scar, until his Mom explained. All of these 'surprised' or 'bewildered' thoughts are coming after the plane was supposed to crash.
ReplyDeleteI think we'll definitely recognize Jack's son's baby-mama. Not sure who it'll be, but someone we're familiar with. I'm going to go ahead and rule out Rose.
So, did Jin lie to Claire about Aaron because he doesn't want to die? He thinks she'll kill him too if she believed that Kate took Aaron? That was my impression, but wasn't sure.
Okay, one more thought...
ReplyDeleteRegarding the revelation to Jack that Claire is in his father's will, this could be the catalyst that starts weaving these characters back together off-island. Obviously, he's going to try to figure out who this woman is.
Do you think they're once again going to try to go back to the island? Perhaps come face-to-face with their on-island selves?
Yeah, I wondered if it was Sarah, his ex-wfie from "our" time. I'm worried we may never find out... basically there isn't tooooo much time left in these flashes. Next episode is called Sundown... I'm gonna guess it's about Sun/Jin. That's one third of the season. The finale is two hours and will be crazy... something different, that always seems to be the case... and maybe even the setup for the finale, which takes a way 3 hours leaving us with 9 hours left. I think we'll get a Sayid and Sawyer flash... down to 7. Possibly a Ben... this would illuminate how the island is sunk (on antoher note... I do enjoy your idea of them trying to get back to the island in teh alt-world... but it's stuck at the bottom of the ocean, so that would need to be addressed. But I think you're right, that they'll are come together somehow). With Ben's ep we're at 6 left. I think we'll definitely get a Richard Alpert, and Ilana epsiode, which leaves of with 4 left. Possibly even a Smokey/Jacob (although that could be the finale). 3 left. NEED a Claire episode. 2. Haven't even thought about Miles or Hurley (but Hurley will get some run in others lik he has and probably a heavy role in Sawyer's). Anyway.... my long drawn out point is this... How much time will we get to look into each character's alt life? My guess woudl be not a lot.
ReplyDeleteOh, and as for Jin's deception of Claire... I think he was rightly feeling out the situation. She's lost it and he knows it. He'll be especially wary now that she's been partying with a dead John Locke she calls her friend... who isn't John Locke.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that had been bugging me... the survivors lives hadn't just changed SINCE Flight 815 didn't crash. They were changed (some drastically some not) well before this event. I think the Lighthouse illuminated (HAHAHA... sorry) why.
ReplyDeleteAssume Jacob has been monitoring them for most of their lives... maybe he really HAS been directing them to the island this whole time. Manipulating their lives like Smokey said.
Once the island sank (or whatever happened to it) there was no island to protect and no manipulation necessary.
Almost all their lives are better so far in this reality (help me out if I'm forgetting someone):
-Hurley, still rich, but lucky, and seems like a generous peaceful dude.
- Desmond, well he didn't spend three years on same damn island. Also, had a wedding ring on...
- Jack, couldn't find much of a reason for Jack to like his old life. Now he has a son that he loves.
- Locke, has Helen, seems to accept his place in the world and might even be ok with it.
- Ben, doesn't APPEAR to be a sociopath with homicidal tendencies... so he's got that going for him... which is nice.
- Kate... debatable.
- Claire, well especially now that she's gone crazy. But when we last saw her it looked like her and Aaronmight end up together.
Anyway... my point is maybe Smokey is telling the truth on some level. Jacob has manipulated their lives to a degree and he is responsible for a lot of their suffering.
I think we may be focused on who's good and who's evil a little too much. I'll bet it just becomes a decision of who do you trust and what you value. A lot like our conflict from earlier seasons (and still this one): Man of Science, Man of Faith. Free will vs fate. Basically one of the major themes of the show. Which side are you on?
Why would Jacob still think Jack is a good candidate to take his place as protector of the island after Jack essentially blew the whole thing up? Does Jacob know that happened? Did it really even happen?
ReplyDeleteAlso, Dogen was in Jack's alterna-flash. So, I guess he's not an eternal Richard Alpert type, which I kind of assumed he was. The fact that he's there would also make it seem as if there were never any real island natives. I mean, if Dogen wasn't who was right?
Well Dogen told Jack he was brought the island... but I suppose he could have been lying. All of them lie. I think this proves that he wasn't. And I agree, I don't think there are any island natives... just more and more people that are brought in for this experiment of sorts.
ReplyDeleteYeah Jack doesn't appear to, on the surface, have a lot of patience for anythign island related, so not sure why Jacob digs him. Probably because Jack is the best character on the show. BOOYAH!
I am proud of Claire being the new "crazy French lady". She has taken care of herself for the past few years alone. I would have gone bat crazy if I thought someone took my baby. And someone did so her thoughts are not unwarranted. Jin should have stuck to his story. Claire could have explained what happened or Jin could have. But I guess the writers wanna drag the crazy Claire a little longer.
ReplyDeleteI kinda think that Claire and Jack might take over as island babysitters. Aaron will be drawn to the island because his momma is there (like the brit scientist) and will take her place. Maybe Jack's son will do the same.
And I loved how Hurley finally showed he had some balls. He stood up to Dogen like a champ.
Oh and for being the "best character" on the show, his hair is LAME!! I miss the buzz cute. That prep school comb over needs to be changed!
Well Jack's kid doesn't exist in this timeframe... or does he, and Jack knocked up some floozy and she never told him about it?!?!?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the possibility that the Shepard being referred to isn't Jack, it's his Pops. Maybe he is being led to believe it's him so he will do that 'something' Jacob needs him to figure out.
ReplyDeleteWOW, Sean! I think you could be right! Never thought of it like that. Someone had their Wheaties this morning!
ReplyDeleteDamn it! I forgot to put this in! Good call, I've thought that myself! The home wasn't him looking in on Jack. He was looking in on Christian.
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ReplyDeleteJack Off Island sounds like a new reality show I want to be a part of
ReplyDeleteI said the same "other Shepard" thing last night during the episode, but as far as we know Christian is dead. He would have to be crossed off. Of course they could just say, "nope, he was actually always alive."