Well off island stuff is a little easier to grasp, so let's start there:
Locke seems waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay happier actually engaged to Helen, who's alive, and drops an interesting line about bringing her parents and HIS father the a shotgun wedding in Vegas. Soooo... is Cooper not a con man, is he a good dude?
Not much else other than Hurley and Rose showing up... until Ben. So Ben made it off the island. Either the bomb never really went off, or it did, but it only sloooowly sunk the island and he evacuated in time.
Ok... good stuff noew. On the island the shit hit the fan.
Let's starts with Ilana's group:
- She grabs some Jacob ash... should come into play.
- She thinks they should go to the Temple. Cuz it's safe.
- She says the Man in Black won't be able to turn into other shapes anymore... ok. Not sure why, but he's stuck as Locke or Smokey.
- She convinces Sun to go to the Temple... but only cuz Jin is there... probably. How's she know about Jin anyway? Jacob must've told her.
- They bury Locke. Bummer scene. Locke deserved better. Which is why I'm still not ready to give up on seeing a real life Locke again. Not sure how, but I bet it happens.
Alrighty. Now the good stuff. Smokey/Man In Black/Locke (We'll just call him Locke from now on) and Sawyer:
- Locke is cruising in smoke form all over the island looking for peeps... finds Sawyer. I'm interested in why the smoke monster didn't do this more or show up more earlier in the series. I suppose he was taking a wait and see approach?
- Before Locke can go get Sawyer, he's gotta deal with Alpert.
- I don't think you can take too much from their exchange. It's like old Ben conversations. Who do we believe and why? Richard stays with Team Jacob and tells Locke to focke off. HAHAHAHAH Oh and he sees a kid in the woods. Locke does. Kind of freaks him out. Looked like he was filthy and had some blood on his hands.
- After getting Sawyer to come with him, they run into the kid again (who Sawyer can see... maybe because he's a candidate?). Kid tells Locke "You can't kill him" (Locke freaks out with a tribute scream to old Locke).
- I think the kid is a new young Jacob. Jacob needs a replacement (which we find out he was looking for later in this episode.) Since he died... he got "rebooted". I think he was telling Locke he can't kill Sawyer. Why would he want to? I think he's full of shit and he's lying to Sawyer. He's gonna find some way to get all of the "candidates" killed. (Sidenote... the kid looked like Claire... is it out of this world to think it might be some weird version of Aaron?)
- At the cave there's the blatant white/black rocks. Could be a lead into revisiting the Adam and Eve rocks.
- All the candidates are listed on the walls. Is this Jacob's infamous List? If so the reports we'd heard about it earlier we bullshit (Pickett mentioned Jack wasn't on it, and Mikhail mentioned a number of people as not being worthy.... so who knows what info they really had).
- The numbers reappear... but Locke sort of dismissed their significance.
- Here's the list of candidates not crossed out (that they showed at least):
4-Locke (now crossed out)
42-Kwon (which one?)
No Kate or Miles or other Kwon... hmmmm..
Other names I saw?
- Troupe (long story but the dude who was sucked into the jet engine in the pilot.
- Goodspeed (could be Ethan or the Dharma leader)
and the biggie
313- Littleton... so this might confirm that Claire is actually dead.
Looks like Sawyer is gettin' the fudge outta dodge. Can't wait for next week.
One more thing though... a little half backed theory... Locke/Smokey and Jacob both are looking for replacements to take their spot on the island. That;s what they need to do to leave. Or something... even though Jacob didn't seem like he wanted to... like I said half baked...
So Smokey could get... Ben?
and Jacob.... Jack (too obvious) maybe Hurley?
Anyway what did I miss and what do you rad folks think?
Sorry for any typos. Very tired. Going to bed.
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3 years ago
You speak of how Locke deserves better than you go ahead and decide to refer to the Man in Black as Locke from now on. How dare you!! I say we go with MiB. Plus it reminds me of that awesome Will Smith movie.
ReplyDeleteWhen MiB sees the kid when he is with Alpert, doesnt Richard look over and not see anything? Sawyer sees him and from what I remember MiB was surprised he could. This would be the only thing I would like to bring up at this point that hasnt been addressed. That and Sawyer's amazing alcohol tolerance.
I addressed it. I said Sawyer might be able to see him because he's a candidate.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, it's pretty interesting. Of course rather than giving us nothing but info, they threw a whole new set of questiosn our way.
Weren't all the women and children evacuated from Dharmaville on that submarine that Sawyer, Kate, and Juliet got off of? That would explain how Ben and Ethan were off the island in Alterna-04.
ReplyDeleteI'm also interested to see if they elaborate on why Blackie is stuck as Locke now. And when Ilana said this to Ben he just decided that answer was good enough? Shouldn't he have asked why? That was annoying, and seems to happen quite a bit on the island.
I vote that we call him Black Locke. It kind of sounds like Black Rock, I think it works. Or maybe just go celeb couple style and call him Blocke?
And yeah, Sawyer got sober pretty quickly after being hammered in his house and drinking a full glass of whiskey on top of that.
I'd say the biggest question is why Kate didn't have one of THE numbers on the wall. She's the only one of the people Jacob touched that didn't get mentioned.
Well it would explain Ethan... but Ben was still in the custody of the Others at that point being healed (or maybe claimed is more appropriate now). So I think he must have had time to get back to Dharma town and then he was evacuated when the island started self destructing (or sinking or whatever).
ReplyDeleteYeah Kate didn't seem to have a number and neither did a Kwon... but both were touched. Interesting.
Also, could the Kwon be their kid and not Jin or Sun?
I love how Hurley is more of a man in control. I liked how Sawyer as drunk as he was, could tell that Locke was Locke in name only. It was really weird/cool seeing the island in the eyes of the smoke rather than watching it from the outside.
ReplyDeleteSean, your posts always make me laugh!
Next weeks is gonna be bananas!
Remarking on what you said earlier in the post, I'm not sure we'll never see real Locke again either. Maybe it's through the Alterna-timeline, but who knows where that's going.
ReplyDeleteMy real thought: When you boil the whole series down to its most basic theme, it's about the argument of fate vs. free will. Blackie and Jacob have been srguing over this for God knows how long, and Jack and Locke were more or less arguing over this for their entire stint on the island. With that in mind, wouldn't the natural fit be for these two to be the new "keepers of the island." (Even if it's Blockie and not really Locke) I could envision and ending in which Jack and Locke sit on the beach pondering things much in the same way Jacob and Blackie did at the beginning of the season 5 finale.
I've thought this as well and I think you might be right on. Jack as Jacob (with Locke and his beliefs sort of "living on" with him) and MiB (looking like the physical Locke). Mib will say the line about killing you right now... And shephard will do the vintage laughing at your stupid face laugh.
ReplyDeleteNot sure i want that ending for jack-o but we'll see