So the title was a little twist on another Kate episode: What Kate Did?
Not a toooon happened in the Alt. world:
- I didn't see Desmond... so forget my old comic book theory.. for now.
- There were definitely some moments where Kate was "remembering" things... like when she saw Jack outside the airport, and discussing Aaron. Looks like we're still headed towards some unification of these worlds.. I think.
- Ethan. Nice. Looks like he must have stayed evacuated form the island after the incident.
Ok... so on the Island:
- Sayid is alive... but the Others need to run some tests to see if he is "claimed" or not... turns out he is but Jack saves him from taking a poison pill. Sounds like whatever Sayid has is very close to the original "sickness" finally might be getting some answers about that.
- One quick note... Jack asks Dogen how he got to the island... Dogen responds "You know how I got here", or something like that. Normally this kind of answer would just piss me off. But I actually think it answers enough for us. Just like that conversation on the beach between Jacob and MIB... people are brought or drawn to the island. That may be all we need to know. I doubt there were any island natives, people were always brought there, and they make up the Others.
- The big reveal was the return of Claire, and that she too had been "claimed". I can only assume they mean the MIB (Man In Black) is who claimed them. So when did it happen to Claire? Did she die after that explosion? Was MIB posing as Christian when he got her to come with him? Has MIB always been Christian? I'd say this is more evidence of that.
- From what Aldo and Justin (the Others) alluded to, it sounds like Claire has been setting traps all over the island for a while now... which would lead me to believe she wasn't time skipping with everyone else. MAYBE because she was claimed! And MAYBE that's why Richard and Co. don't time travel either, cuz they were claimed by the other side, Jacob. Just a thought....
- One interesting note... I didn't catch it the first time... Justin stops Aldo from shooting Jin, because "He (Jin) might be one of them" Aldo questions that or not.... might be referring to Jacob's new List that was in the guitar case... or something else.
And finally... after the reveal that the sickness and being claimed are apparently to very real things, I'm left wondering, who has the MIB/Smokey posed as and who was actually reanimated as a claimed person... or whatever. Maybe there's no difference. I dunno.
Anyway, what did the rest of yas think?
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3 years ago
I honestly thought Aldo had died. I guess I forgot, oh well, he's dead now.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was kind of interesting that Dogen knew that Claire was Jack's sister. I guess that they probably just have that on their "Other files."
It looks like Claire is just Rousseau v.2 at this point. Hopefully she already found and killed Rose and Bernard after the latest time-jump.
Yes, I figured it was just a part of Mikhail's research when the plane crashed... although those files are a little ridiculous, like how they knew Sawyer killed the shrimp shack guy... umm... no one was around... it was an unsolved homicide. Maybe Jacob knows everything about them.
ReplyDeleteI think Claire survived eating Rose and Bernard. Hopefully. Although I liked them again in the season opener. Just didn't dig their ungrateful attitude in the finale.
Also... Aldo was WAAAAAAY more Macish this time around. As much as I like ROb McElheney (sp?) the character made the Others look kind of weak and petty. I dunno
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to Sawyer getting his balls back. All this crying, "looks like I'm meant to be alone" bs has got to stop. I was pumped when he escaped, but then it turned out he just wanted to get to his house to dig up a pair of juliet's old panties or something. Get a grip dude!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sean! As I usually do, I look to you for advice in how to be bad ass... what should Sawyer have done in that situation?
ReplyDeleteBend Kate over the bed and start plowing away. Then cut to him and have a tear roll down his face.
ReplyDeleteAlso, never thought Ethan would have the best line in any episode, but his line to Claire:
ReplyDelete"I don't want to start sticking you with needles if I don't have to."
Was probably tops from last night.
Hahaha! Sean, or how about he sobbed uncontrolably the whole time he was "plowing away" hahahaha
ReplyDeleteErik - Yeah that was good, but I thought the best line of the night was Jack's "I don't even trust myself" Very telling of the changes this character has made.
Why was Lockes body cloned instead of claimed? Seems Christian was claimed when they inhabited his body.
ReplyDeleteYep that's the big question fir me now. Kind of bullshit that we thought we knew how the dead were appearing and now we have no clue again.
ReplyDeleteI maybe a bit more sensitive to this cuz I just had a baby but I thought it was a big deal that Claire thought about keeping Aaron. It might turn out to be a big deal since Kate (back on the island) wants to find Claire and bring her back to be with Aaron. He may be the key to joining up the two time periods together.
ReplyDeleteI wondered how Sawyer found a jeweler on island to give to Juliet.
I meant to say... How did Sawyer find a jeweler on the island to get Juliete a ring.
ReplyDeleteHaha, that's funny, I thought about the ring thing too. I assumed he just had it brought back on the submarine so I decided to let it go. But yeah, did Dharmaville have a Kay's or what?
ReplyDeleteIt could only be Jareeeeed's
ReplyDeleteActually, we are talking about Sawyer here. He prolly CONvinced an all ready married woman on the island, to give him her ring. Who could say no to those dimples???