Sort of a classic Lost episode. Pretty conventional flashback, only this one filled in plenty of holes (holes I think most of ASSUMED anyway, but still...) I like the show's direction right now. I imagine we'll be getting an ep like this for both Hurley and Kate soon too.
Anyway Sayid... still one of the best characters.
Again, mostly just holes filled in, but here were a couple things I found interesting:
- Ilanna doesn't appear to be working for Ben... or at least she doesn't know she is. Buuuuuut... Ben looked genuinely surprised that Sayid was on the plane. Buuuuuut.... quite a coincidence that she just happened to grab that flight. So whoever hired her must've known something was up with that flight. My guess, the only one I can come up with is Widmore. Buuuuuut.... if Widmore hired her, how'd he know about the flight plan unless he;s in communication with Eloise Hawking? Could she be playing both sides? Could they ALL be working together?
- During the Dharma jury session, Radzinski threatens to call Ann Arbor to get decision. Well, I'm sure he was referring to Michigan University where the DeGroots did their research, and started the Dharma Initiative. Maybe we'll see some more of them after all.
- Sayid shoots Ben. Pretty powerful scene. I doubt he's dead... cuz he exists in the future. Unless Faraday was wrong about changing the future. What I'm really wondering about is whether Ben remembered all of the Losties when they showed up on the island, or if his memory was like Desmond's where it just sort of came to him after it happened in the past. I still liek the theory that Desmond is a unique case. So if we go that way... Ben did a hell of a job pretending not to know any of these people for so long.
Sayid gone lone wolf.
That's what I got. Thoughts?
Super Bowl LVI
Los Angeles Rams vs. Cincinnati
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3 years ago
No question here just a statement- Sayid is a mega, ultra, badass