I thought this was another great episode, but if you're not a Lost superfan (and let's face it, if you're reading this... you are) I could see it being a little boring. it didn't do a whole lot to advance any storyline, and in fact it was really more of a catch up episode and a little transition.
After watching it once and a quick second watch... here are my thoughts/questions/theories.
2 sets of stories. Sun & Co, and Jack/Sawyer
Let's go Sun first.
- Get to see more of the plane crash and unfortunately the bad guy from Son In Law (you all saw it) gets a branch through the abdomen. Poor bastard.
- They definitely crashed on a runway... I'm saying the runway that Kate and Sawyer were helping to build in Season 3, which leads me to believe they are in the "current" time on the island... only stuff we see later (which we'll get to later) says otherwise. OTHERwise. HAHAHAHA
- We got confirmation that it was Frank and Sun who took off in the boat to the other island... not sure how the survivors know that though since they beat up Ben and left him there. Must have found him, and made the assumption. Ok, I guess.
- They make it to the barracks (but did they just see Smokey at the dock?!?!). Then they run into Christian. It looks like he's got plans for Sun, and I'm sure she'll be on board. But my biggest question is "what year is it?" When Sawyer and Hurley were living in Othertown, before Keamy blew it up... wouldn't they have seen the Dharma building that was blown to hell and seen the yearbook photos they had up there? ALSO!!!! The numbers were being played as they were crashing... so maybe it's right after the purge, and right before the Others inhabit Othertown. That's gotta be it. Or was this all a island vision brought on by Christian and Jacob? Confusing. I think. Anyone else?
Anyway.... on to Sawyer and Jack's crew...
- Anyone else see the storyline brewing that Sawyer and crew have become just a little too happy being Dharma members?
- RADZINKY!!!!! He actually exists!!! I'm gonna assume you all know who he is. So he looks to be building the Swan... but then why would he be stuck in there with Kelvin 25 some years from now>?!?!? and why would he need to map out the island on the Hatch door, since he knew his way around anyway?!? I'll bet the sickness and the countdown timer has something to do with the Jughead. That's why they wear the hazmat suits at least. Anyway... he's there, so were bound to get more answers on Radzinky. Can't wait!!!
- Looks like we saw the origins of Ethan Rom. I think the actor looked way older than 30 or 33 or whatever he'd be, but I'm willing to let that slide. Oughta be interesting to see how Ethan escapes the purge... and what about Amy then?
- Saywer mentions it real quickly... but Faraday isn't on the island anymore?!?! Think he left? What happened? Is he the dude off the island that came up with the way to get back (Eloise Hawking mentioned some genius) Really need to hear more about this.
- Jack is a workman! Saw that coming a mile away.
- Sawyer's attitude doesn't make a lot of sense. He's been dying to find his people, and they finally come back, because they thought they needed to SAVE HIM! and he gives Jack crap for trying to understand what's going on? I think it goes back to the new Dharma folks possibly being a little too comfortable in their new habitat.
- Aaaaaaand finally... Sayid is back in time as well. And is fed by... YOUNG BEN!!! He seems interested in the Hostiles, and we know why! I'll bet he helps Sayid escape. Question is this "Does Ben remember Sayid?" My position is... maybe? I still thik that Desmond is the only one who can get "new memories" with past interactions. What I mean is Ben ALWAYS met Sayid in the past. So we'll see how much interaction he has and if he does remember him, or if he knew them all along. If young Ben meets a bunch more of the Losties, then maybe EVERYONE gets new memories as they develop in the past. I hope not. Make sense?
That's what I got. It's 1:00AM. I'm going to bed. Look forward to any thoughts you might have.
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3 years ago
Here is my question....Does Sayiid realize that it is 1977? He shouldn't since Jack, Hurley and Kate did not. Soooo If he does not, then when he meets Ben it should not strike him as wierd....Just a thought. I wouldn't think that he would look at his surroundings, see the Dharma shit and just assume that he went back in time.
ReplyDeleteYeah, fair points. But Sayid's a pretty smart guy. So I'm not tooooo concerned about that.
ReplyDeleteTwo more thoughts...
Could Sun be in an alternate present? Is Faraday wrong? Did they change the future?
I noticed the door blowing open in the Christian/Sun/Lapidus scene. Well I readthat there's a person in the scene in the background. I rewatched and there does appear to be a figure sitting behind Sun at the end of the scene. Even looks like it could be Claire. Or at least supposed to be Claire. Or it could be a part of the production team andcthey fucked. What do I know? Either way... Worth another look if you got the time.
I'm confused. I know it said "30 Years Later" after Frank crashed the plane but does that mean he crashed in 2007? It turned from night to day during the flash, indicating that they flashed too. Maybe a different year. Othertown was way different looking then when they left it in 04 too. I remember that it was all messed up from Keamy blowing up houses and everything but still... Its also weird that the pictures of the DI guys were still up. Why would the others keep those pictures after they killed them all? And that sign hanging/swinging from the barracks wasn't there before right? I thought it was right after the purge at first but then how could the runway be finished? Good Post Mr. F.
ReplyDeleteYOU'RE RIGHT!!!! HOW'D I MISS THAT!!! So the numbers are playing when they're crashing so it's got to be either before or after they stopped playing Danielle's distress call.... buuuuuutttt... the Runway is built, soooooo..... it has to be after. Buuuuuuuuuutttt, the village is not converted from Dharma yet. You're right Fu, there's no way they would have left old Dharma stuff up when the Other's moved in. They also would have cleaned up. I think there are two options...
ReplyDelete1) Christian Shephard was showing them a portion of time in the village... dunno how, but dunno how a lot of this happens.
2) This is a new future that Sun, Frank, Ben and Locke have arrived in.
I think it IS possible to change the future... and Sawyer/Jack/Kate/Juliette/Hurley/Sayid/Jin/Miles and probably most importantly Faraday, did something to do just that.
oops and a third...
ReplyDelete3) The run way WAS around back then and was somehow destroyed. The Others we know were just rebuilding it (with Kate and Sawyer's help)
Oh yeah, the numbers did start playing again in the season 3 finale huh? So the future or present is actually sounding pretty logical. I'm really sold on Ms. Hawking & Faraday's whole "whatever happened happened" thing. Maybe the DI avoided the purge somehow but course correction found a way to kill them anyway. I like your #3 option a lot because I want to believe that they aren't in the present/future but I think #2 is looking more accurate now. Thanks Mr.
ReplyDelete"Maybe the DI avoided the purge somehow but course correction found a way to kill them anyway"
ReplyDelete- Excellent thought!