As predicted... how Kate got on the plane. Nothing real flashy here, but strong flashbacks nonetheless. No real surprises.
Sawyer's message to Kate was to take care of his daughter Clementine (sidenote: I was hoping Matt Saracen would be her older brother. No such luck.), which she did. Aaaaaaand Kate realizes there's something wrong with her taking care of Aaron so she dumps him on Grandma Littleton. Boom. Back on the island.
A couple quick character thoughts before we get the nuts and bolts of the plot progression:
- Ben's Dad sure seems remorseful for what a lousy Dad he's been, but never really ends up changing does he?
- Jack is making a full on switch to Locke mode. Really can't wait for them to meet up again. Another sidenote: Jack can't win. He makes decisions and takes action and he's a bossy now-it-all Mr. Fix-it. He lays low and hangs back and he's skirting responsibility. Good work by the way on finally calling Kate out on her bullshit.
- Speaking of bullshit... what's Juliette's problem? They're ruining you're happy little home!!! Get over it. There's a bigger picture here. I've been a Juliette fan since day one, but she's getting on my nerves now.
- Best part of the show: the Hurley and Miles exchange. Sounds like Miles is spitting out the Faraday logic (where is Dan by the way?) and I'm following along just fine. Then Hurley hits him with the million dollar question!!! Why doesn't Ben remember Sayid in the future?!!?!?! Well... we're not sure he doesn't. I think he might, and he's just been being the lying manipulating dude he's always been. He's just much, much better at it then we even knew. That's one option. Another could be the rules don't apply to him, much like Desmond. But I don't think that's it. The final option that I can see is... Faraday is wrong. You CAN change the future. From what the barracks looked like when Sun and Frank visited, well, that might not be far off from the truth.
So the big climax of the episode is Sawyer and Kate taking Ben to Ricky Alpert. Richard says if he helps Ben, he will (and I'm paraphrasing) "never be the same, loose his innocence, forget this happened, and be one of us forever". That MUST MEAN.... kidding. No clue. I think we'll get some more info soon though from the looks of the preview next week (more in a sec).
So Richard takes Ben... but one of the cronies mentions that Ellie will be pissed (the girl we met in Jughead who I'm still saying is Faraday's mom Eloise Hawking) and something else about Widmore. So they must be running the show right now. (Won't surprise me if we find out that Faraday is Widmore's kid. ) Richard says he doesn't answer to them. That line pretty much sums up richard so far in the series. I have no clue where he stands or what his "powers" are, etc.
So Rich takes Ben to an ancient temple-ish type place and heads inside. Guessing more on this next week.
We're left with a Lock - Ben stare down. And then the craziest preview I have ever seen for Lost.
Next week looks like Indiana Jones meets ... I dunno... Lost. Anyway I don't like talking about the previews here, but the scenes we saw (Ben on the dock with a gun (look out Penny/Desmond/Charlie), a crying YOUNG Danielle (do we get the final piece of the puzzle on her? (Ben stealing Alex? (how many of these () can I use?))), and all the temple stuff) along with the episode description that Comcast has posted, make next week's ep look fracking sweeeeeeet.
Thanks for reading.
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3 years ago
I think they kinda covered the whole "why wouldn't he remember this" question when Dick Alpert said "he'll forget this ever happened."
ReplyDeleteAlso, whatever it is that heals Ben might be the same force that Locke is somehow tapped into.
Yes. I am truly an idiot for not mentioning that as a reason why Ben won't remember. It seems a little convenient though, dontcha think? I'll need a lot more background on what/how they save him. Maybe only the island's chosen leaders can be saved?
ReplyDeleteAlso, if Ben doesn't remember I guess we won't see him interacting with the Losties anymore... or at least until they've left this time period.
Is wherever Alpert took Ben into the same place our survivors went to get the dynamite way back. I thought it was a ship or something.
ReplyDeleteor should I say way forward
ReplyDeleteyou're thinkin of the black rock. And no. I'd say this place was entirely new. Or to steal your joke... old