R.I.P. Daniel Faraday (right?)
I had very high expectations for this episode. And if I'm being perfectly honest.... I'm not sure it met them. I feel frustrated and confused.
I have more questiosn then ever about Eloise Hawking... for instance, it seems like she knows EVERYTHING (well... not anymore now that the "variable" of Desmond has been created... seriously I think that might be referring to him and not just what Faraday had to say). She knew her son's fate, but also mentioned to Penny that for the first time in a long time, she doesn't know what is going to happen.
Let's TRY walking through the episode:
- Daniel is forced by his mother to become a physicist, because she knows he will do important things... but so far, I haven't seen them... unless I'm forgetting. What did he do for the island? I say for the island because that seems to be the only thing that Eloise cares about. It's got to be his work off the island in Ann Arbor, but no real strong ideas on this end. (I still think she was talking about her son when she mentioned the genius who came up with the Lampost.) He must do SOMETHING important, because Hawking basically sacrifices him. There are clearly scenes where she is broken up about it.
- Got to see a continuation of the scene where Faraday cries after seeing Flight 815... but it's no clearer why he's crying, so big deal.
- Widmore comes to recruit Daniel, and confirms that it was he who planted the fake Flight 815. He also makes some pretty think hints towards being Faraday's father, which is later confirmed (we knew it here anyway, or at least I think we said that). Sidenot: Why the hell is his last name Faraday anyway? (outside of the symbolism)
- One more thing here... if Daniel's mind was so busted... how'd he find the time/energy/feelings to fall in love with Charlotte? I digress...
- Daniel tells Jack his mother was wrong to tell him to come back, and they didn't belong there... only he NEVER explains why. Jack even asks him about it later in the show, and while Faraday does give a nice description of what he plans to do to stop (what I'm guessing will be) the Incident, he doesn't come close to answering why they weren't supposed to come back. Also... Desmond ultimately quit pushing the button and that energy didn't really do anything other than implode the hatch and unhinge Des from time. Shouldn't something MORE awful have happened... and don't get me started... don't even get me started... on why Ben didn't want Locke to push the button any longer.
- Two great lines: "Love to trade theories" Sawyer to Jack and "Seems kind of wishy washy" Hurley in response to leaving 1977. Both made me laugh. Not interesting? Fine back to the ep....
- Faraday in another call back scene (first one of the season) tries to convince Pierre Chang to evacuate the island... which it sounds like the does anyway. But Chang doesn't buy it. Sidenote: I guess that video I linked to here last week or so was bullshit, cuz Faraday clearly never helps him make it).
- Faraday talks to Charlotte, and says he hopes to change what happens. Surprised he coudl get any words out while he was choking on all that irony.
- Wondering why Faraday needed to find his mother, and why she was the only one who could help them. Initially Faraday said it was to get back to their time (or I thought that's what he meant) But then it sounded like he just needed the bomb. See the whole ep just seemed to go off track a bunch to me. SORT OF LIKE ALL MY POSTS!!! I guess he needed her becuase... again... she knows EVERYTHING.
- Pretty sad to see Faraday go, thought he still had a lot to bring to the program. But all things considered... that was an AWFUL plan to run up and start shooting a gun. WHAT DID HE THINK WOULD HAPPEN!?!? Thanks for the help Jack and Kate by the way.
So I'm still waiting to see the MAJOR significance of Faraday. Hopefully it will be explained.
That's all I got. Only 2 more weeks of Lost before the 8 months off and the FINAL season!!!!
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3 years ago
i'm in complete agreement...this ep didn't seem to pull much together and had a lot of inconsistencies. it was a frustrating one. hopefully next week sheds a little light on some of this weeks confusion.