Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Episode 16: What They Died For

Let's cut to the chase...



So quick and dirty now.... god Im furious.

Off Island:

Jack's neck is cut again, that will be important.

Locke WANTS the surgery now, because...

Desmond beat the shit out of Ben and Ben "remembered" and helped convince Locke that something was up!

Desmond is also working on getting everyone together still through a variety of methods.

Essentially Desmond and now Hurley (who I wonder why he's so fully behind Desmond's plan, what are the ramifications of this world?) are gonna get everyone in one place... the Concert/Museum event. Including Jack's ex wife which will be Juliette.

Who haven't we seen this year? Eko, Shannon, Walt? Any other regulars?


I had a lot of my favorite things here, but let's go over the two important things from Jack's group:

- Young Jacob needed his ashes to become full Jacob, and he got to do that, because he can't be killed until he's chosen his successor. There! An answer! Even if we had to come up with most of it by ourselves

- The candidates coudl be anyone... which bugs me, because it seems like the RULES would prevent Smokey from killing anyone? Why cross ANYONE off the list? I know Jacob only wants someone who has nothing else going on, but whatever.

- Jack takes the gig, but hopefully he won't get stuck with it... cuz he's rad and the job sucks.

- Widmore and Zoe are dead... hopefully not Richard. Miles bolts. Ben is on Locke's side... not really. I don't buy it. He's gonna turn on him. Also... Miles STILL hasn't heard Smokey speak.. does that mean he can still kill him?

- Before Ben killed him, Widmore let Locke know that (and us... actually he didn't tell this ALL to Locke) that Jacob brought him back to the island, and he brought Desmond, because of his Magneto like powers... and he might be able to stop Locke.

- So they go to get him (Des) but he's gone!!! Who helped him? (Lapidus?) Even still, Locke plans on using him to destroy the island.

OK... where is everyone?


- Claire

- Miles

- Bernard, Rose, and Vicnent

- Lapidus (dead?)

- Richard (dead?)

- Desmond

Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Kate (Jacob is probably gone at this point)

Locke, Ben

Others... doubt we'll see them again

Widmore's crew... they're all dead as far as I'm concerned.

Ok... well I had a ton more, but I'm beyond pissed and don't want to deal with it now after it was all lost. Hopefully I'll add mroe stuff as the day goes on, cuz...

I'm going as cold turkey as I can with the Internet over the next few days. Avoid Spoilers. So I'll need this for my fix. PLEASE TALK TO ME. Don't bring outside stuff.

Ok, what'd ya think? What did I miss?


  1. Sort of bummed no one tried to talk Jack out of it.

  2. What about Eloise and Faraday (sp?)? I thought they were both a big deal and we have not seen them in awhile now.

    And Erik you might have got your "eye opening" scene in this episode.

  3. Yes, I think Eloise and Daniel will be involved in the COncert/Museum finale stuff.

  4. I think Miles is going to come up big on and off island. And I think you (Finn) have mentioned before that he is one of the only people left that MiB has not talked to.

    And maybe this was all ready addressed but when one becomes smokey, do they inherit the previous smoke monster knowledge? When "mother" told Jacob that he was like him now after the wine, that was not entirely true cuz she was smokey right???

    I am excited to see how the island ends up under water.

    RE Jack being the next island keeper...
    Jack is the perfect candidate. He was a leader on the island from the beginning. I think he enjoyed being appreciated for just being himself and having nothing to do with Dr. Christian Shepard.

    It will also be interested in seeing what "body" is going to be pulled out of the coffin.

  5. I don't think the island will necessarily end up under water. I think it COULD, and this alt-world COULD be the end result somehow, but I'm not convinced yet.

    I'm interested too to see if Jack inherited some island knowledge when he drank the kool-aid.

    Not sure what coffin you mean? They already found the empty coffin in the real world on the island, but the other coffin is still missing in the alt-world. Although if they do find it, it will be interesting! I think either Christian or Jack fixing Locke will be a huge catalyst to the ending of Lost.

  6. didn't they just call Jack to tell him they found his missing item?

  7. yeha but it was Desmond remember?

  8. Yeah that's right Im reading this!! Hurley knew who anna lucia was. Do you think that once you have the vision of the island while in the alt world (or whatever we are calling it)you start remembering?

  9. Yeah definitely. I'm just not sure what that means, and why he's helping Desmond with his plan. Are they trying to stop this world? seems like it since they could have just kept everyone in their oblivious previous states.

  10. I just realized this morning that Lost is a total ripoff of Inidian Summer. For those of you unfamiliar with the film, Alan Arkin (Jacob) brings 7 or 8 people (the candidates) back to this old summer camp (the island). Once they're at the camp, they have a ton of flashbacks. Then Arkin informs them that he's retiring and he would like one of them to take over the camp. However, in the film, Bill Paxton (Sawyer) and Diane Lane (Kate) decide to take over the camp. I'm assuming the creators of Lost went with Jack instead of the Sawyer/Kate duo so that it wouldn't be a 100% copy.

  11. And then, uh, 'member when that kid gets the boner? And he tapes it to his leg so that no one will see? But then he runs into that hot girl on the way to Mess Hall, and the boner rips the tape? Classic boner scene.I predict this will happen next ep with Young Jacob.
