Monday, May 24, 2010
The Final Episode: The End
- For starters, the music on this series is unbelievable.
- Pretty sure that's the director's dog, also the Jacob Cabin dog painting crossing the street when Hugo and Sayid are going to get Charlie. Neat little note.
- Good piece of acting with Hurley being so happy to see Charlie. Or at least it was real nice to see. Like most of this ep.
- I know it made Peter and myself laugh at the size of the bush Sawyer was hiding behind.
- Good to see Rose/Bernard/Vincent (more on him later). At least they weren't so lame this time. (and from the looks of things they probably enjoy a nice island life with Hurley and whatever other fools show up to the island).
- Richard being alive was good to see.
-Juliet is back as the fertility doctor for Jin and Sun, and we get our first "awakening" of the ep. Pretty heavy stuff, if you didn't get chills watching these scenes then you probably should quit reading this and question whether or not you actually have a soul.
- My bro Pete does bring up a good point... why would they be so happy about realizing they were dead? Well, whatever it is they're preparing to leave for must be pretty great and I think they know that. Could also be an understanding that these weren't REAL lives they'd been leaving... kind of shells. Now they're complete... I dunno.
- Richard's got a grey hair! Jacob's dead so now he's aging. Good thing he didn't go all dude from the Last Crusade who chose the wrong grail.
- LAPIDUS!!!!! What a bad ass.
- Two tribes merge again and we're headed to the center of the island.
- Juliet is Jack's ex wife... sort of figured. What I don't get is why David even exists. I guess he was created to help Jack get over his daddy issues and he could "let go". Actually yeah I like that. Sort of a bummer for Davey though.
- I liked that Desmond didn't actually have all the answers he just thought he did. And I really liked his speech to Jack, even if he was wrong. Jack delivers a very important line: "All of this matters"
- Hurley tells Jack he believes in him. good stuff. The Hurley/Jack interactions really got to me.
- Jack and Locke were BOTH right. Locke needed him to take out the island so he could leave, but Jack was right that it would turn him mortal.
-Good speech from Hugo to Sayid (sorry for jumping on and off island, but it does it so much this ep, its almost impossible not to)
- Shannon's back. Sweet sexy Shannon. And Sayid and her flash. I'm sure some people are worked up over him not being with Nadia, but it never worked with Nadia, she kept getting hurt.
- Boone. How d'ya think he got "enlightened"? Seriously.
- They needed Desmond to unplug the island. (by the way, trying to figure out who built these island contraptions, etc is frankly too much at this point for me to grasp). His condition made it possible. Lots of skeletons down there. Maybe from when they were building it.
- Widmore/Drive Shaft concert. Liam shows up for ZERO lines... nice of him to do it though.
- Charlie sees Claire. Thought Chuck had a real strong episode.
- Jack gets knocked out by a boulder from Locke. His brain is mush at this point.
- Was hoping we'd get more from Eloise this year, but it's pretty clear she had been awakened a long time ago, and was holding onto this world because she enjoyed he time with her son. It was actually kind of a sweet scene. I do wonder why she is against moving on, when everyone else seems to be totally for it. Actually one of my bigger questions from this finale... which is par for the course with Eloise Hawking.
- Claire, Kate and Charlie all flash over. Pretty great scene. More Chills. Actually there were more scenes with chills than without in this ep. Sort of true.
- That tree hitting Ben seemed like it would be a pretty big deal... guess not.
- Epic fight scene between Locke and Jack. we see how Jack gets his sideways world scars. Also, I'm sure you've all noticed how Jack was stabbed in the same spot that the big JC was when he was on the cross. I'll let you figure that one out.
- Kate kills Locke. Kinda cool.
- Jack fixed Locke and he WAKES UP! Jack keeps getting closer and closer.
- Great scene with the Suns and them knowing who Sawyer is, but he doesn't yet.
- I guess the plane was in better shape then I remember, AND it wasn't nearly as big. So, while it's still a stretch... I'm alright with those guys fixing it.
- Good final Sawyer and Jack scene (could of used more of them) but even better Kate and Jack scene. There last REAL WORLD interaction.
- A little bummed out that Hurley didn't really say goodbye to either Sawyer or Kate, but it's awesome he stayed with Jack. Also very cool that Ben wants to go down with the ship.
- Got a little bit of a Frodo/Sam vibe from Jack and Hurley in this ep.
- Sawyer/Juliet. Great stuff. A call back to her dying and recognizing the other world earlier in the season.
- Kate tries to trigger Jack. She says "I've missed you SO much". I think that's proof that she made it off the island with the Ajira flight. She lived a long life and hadn't seen Jack in so long.
- I sort of saw the Hurley transfer of power coming a mile away, but it was still a cool moment between those two. Also a great scene between Ben and Hurley. Desmond's ok too... more on that later. At first I thought Ben was going to try and kill them... but watching it again, he just looks genuinely excited to see some island magic going down.
- Jack gets Desmond to safety and plugs up the island. "I'll see ya in another life brother" Awesome.
Not sure why he didn't become a smoke monster once it started up again. I think it must have had something to do with Mother's rules for Jacob and Smokey. When he did a header into the cavem it would have killed him, which Jacob can't do... so there it seperated his evil black soul. Smoke Monster!
- Kate and Sawyer grab Claire and make it to the plane.
- Ajira makes it off the island... sort of neat to see the passengers:
1- Other
2- Freighters
3 - 815ers
- Ben and Hurley will run the island... more on that below.
- Excellent Locke and Ben scene. Ben says Locke was special. That's as close to a Walt answer as you're going to get. Hope that makes sense.
- Hurley lets Ben know he was a great #2 and Ben says Hurley was a great #1. More PROOF that they lived their lives after the crash. There wouldn't be TWO purgatories. (word?)
- Also, Ben decides to stay. Probably for two reasons, A) he doesn't belong with that group and B) he really does still have some stuff to work out, Alex, Danielle, etc. Good for him.
- Jack makes it to the church and sees CHRISTIAN. Other than the character aspects of this scene, Jack and his father finally having their moment they needed since season 1, Christian says some pretty important things:
1) They're all real. Everything that happened to them was real.
2) There's no time here. They all needed to be there, it started after they were all dead
3) Some died before Jack and some after. Again, Whatever Happened, Happened.
4) They built this place together, they needed each other to remember... and to...
5) let go.
- A happy ending as they all see and greet each other again, and ascend off into... well whatever it is. Together... Live together, die alone. Sorry, went for the cheese there, but if you've been reading for this long I doubt you mind.
- Interspliced with this is Jack (who was launched out of the cave, think something like Eko, Desmond, and Locke after the hatch implosion) slowly making his way back to the bamboo forrest where it all started for him (notice the tennis shoe in the tree from the pilot ep).
- Just as he's laying down to die, Vincent comes down (like in the pilot) and lays down with him to keep him company. I think that one scene affected me more than any other in the history of... well tv I guess.
- Jack looks up and see his friends made it, and the eye closes. I actually believe that they had that scene from very early on. Just perfect.
- Some think they were dead this entire time, since the original plane crash... couldn't disagree more.
- EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED ON THE ISLAND HAPPENED. Them leaving, them coming back, them time traveling, it was ALL real. I might be wrong. But I doubt it.
- I don't think this is JUST Jack's purgatory (for lack of a better word). They all had realizations, they all built it together. Others there are still waiting to leave. At some point I'm sure Ben, Alex, Danielle, Eloise, Daniel Faraday, maybe even Charles Widmore, and many others will have their own send off. Of course we won't see that. Someone like Eko? Well the people or person most important to him and his journey was Yemi, so he probably left with him. (also he refused to come back for the show unless they paid him a shit load, but whatever)
- Some things I really can't explain like why Aaron was a little kid and not grown if it was his purgatory... and why Miles wasn't there, seems like he had quite an attachment to some of these guys.
- Long story short, I wouldn't get too hung up on WHO was in the actual church, it was just a nice way to send them off. They all get a happy ending... which some people might think is a big cop out, but it certainly made me happy.
- A lot of it was probably unnecessary, like why the island was at the bottom of the ocean? Certainly some misdirection by the writer's kind of unfair, but whatever, they had to keep the storyline alive all season and keep us guessing as to what it really was. In the end, it was a perfect way to see all their "greatest hits" and bring them all together again. Plus, those scenes where they remember... I mean... c'mon.
- Well, everyone's moved on... they "live" in the afterlife, and all is swell.
- How about in the more immediate future... let's do a final check of where were at:
- The final shots of the beach have been generating a lot of debate. I think it was just a nice shot of the beach again, cuz unfortunately we never really saw it this ep. Also, the typical theme music there is pretty ominous and suspenseful
- Hurley and Ben run the island, with Bernard, Rose and Vincent, and probably the rest of the Others who survived. I'm guessing they find Jack at some point... I hope at least. I like Ben's last line... do it your way (paraphrasing) I'll assume that means he got Desmond off the island... was probably even able to visit his folks and let them know he'd be ok. Hopefully someone talked to the Kwons, and Jack's mom as well.
- Also fun to think about what happened to those guys on the Ajira flight afterwards.
- Frank probably went back to his normal life.
- Miles, same deal, hopefully he had those diamonds still.
- Richard, probably used one of his Mittelos identities to blend in.
- Sawyer, Kate and Claire? That gets a little trickier. Especially for Kate. They're all supposed to be dead, and Kate told everyone that was the case. Ahhh... I'm sure they'll figure it out.
Well... that's about it for now. It's definitely one of my favorite eps of the series, and my favorite series finale ever.
If you've got any more comments let's hear em! What did you think? What did I miss?
Oh, also, mostly for my own benefit, I'll definitely be going through all the eps again and if we don't have an answer for an outstanding question from the show... well... we'll make one up!
A good run. This was fun. Thanks for all who participated.
TV will suck now.
PS. This took a long time to type so I didn't really proof read anything.
Finale thoughts...
Obviously there was a ton that went unanswered, but hopefully you don't care about that... at least not RIGHT NOW.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Started the season with a Season 3 Jack depression beard...
... and we'll finish it with one too!!!
My favorite television ep in the history of tv. Hopefully I've got a new one after Sunday!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Episode 16: What They Died For
So quick and dirty now.... god Im furious.
Off Island:
Jack's neck is cut again, that will be important.
Locke WANTS the surgery now, because...
Desmond beat the shit out of Ben and Ben "remembered" and helped convince Locke that something was up!
Desmond is also working on getting everyone together still through a variety of methods.
Essentially Desmond and now Hurley (who I wonder why he's so fully behind Desmond's plan, what are the ramifications of this world?) are gonna get everyone in one place... the Concert/Museum event. Including Jack's ex wife which will be Juliette.
Who haven't we seen this year? Eko, Shannon, Walt? Any other regulars?
I had a lot of my favorite things here, but let's go over the two important things from Jack's group:
- Young Jacob needed his ashes to become full Jacob, and he got to do that, because he can't be killed until he's chosen his successor. There! An answer! Even if we had to come up with most of it by ourselves
- The candidates coudl be anyone... which bugs me, because it seems like the RULES would prevent Smokey from killing anyone? Why cross ANYONE off the list? I know Jacob only wants someone who has nothing else going on, but whatever.
- Jack takes the gig, but hopefully he won't get stuck with it... cuz he's rad and the job sucks.
- Widmore and Zoe are dead... hopefully not Richard. Miles bolts. Ben is on Locke's side... not really. I don't buy it. He's gonna turn on him. Also... Miles STILL hasn't heard Smokey speak.. does that mean he can still kill him?
- Before Ben killed him, Widmore let Locke know that (and us... actually he didn't tell this ALL to Locke) that Jacob brought him back to the island, and he brought Desmond, because of his Magneto like powers... and he might be able to stop Locke.
- So they go to get him (Des) but he's gone!!! Who helped him? (Lapidus?) Even still, Locke plans on using him to destroy the island.
OK... where is everyone?
- Claire
- Miles
- Bernard, Rose, and Vicnent
- Lapidus (dead?)
- Richard (dead?)
- Desmond
Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Kate (Jacob is probably gone at this point)
Locke, Ben
Others... doubt we'll see them again
Widmore's crew... they're all dead as far as I'm concerned.
Ok... well I had a ton more, but I'm beyond pissed and don't want to deal with it now after it was all lost. Hopefully I'll add mroe stuff as the day goes on, cuz...
I'm going as cold turkey as I can with the Internet over the next few days. Avoid Spoilers. So I'll need this for my fix. PLEASE TALK TO ME. Don't bring outside stuff.
Ok, what'd ya think? What did I miss?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Where we're at...
Locke and Claire
Widmore, Zoe, and his goons
Richard, Ben, and Miles
Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley who are searching for...
Who else?
The Others... possibly
Bernard, Rose and Vincent
I think that's it.
(Lapidus... still hope)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Episode 15: Across The Sea
Ok, seriously... pretty disapointed. I know they can't ANSWER a lot of this stuff... but don't even try if this is what you're gonnna hit us with.
Quick rundown of some thoughts... I'll do more later:
- Still don't know Smokey's name... but we did meet his crazy mother who he alluded to.
- So whoever runs the island can make the rules. Not sure why they wouldn't make them more stringent though.
- Seems like her biggest rule is Jacob and ? can't hurt each other. Jacob obvioucly made a bunch more rules.
- Smokey can see dead people. Interesting.
- Thought it was a little weird that Jacob continues to bring people to the island if he's supposed to protect it from them. Whatever.
- Saw how Smokey got made. Ok
- Saw how the frozen donkey wheel was put into play... not sure how these idiots figured it would warp them off the island. Whatever.
- Was the Temple built on top of the Golden Spring?
- So Lady? and Man? are Adam and Eve. Not sure how there clotehs have lasted over a htousand years... but at least its a solid answer.
-I could have used one more scene where some of the rules were discussed, and then some Jacob interaction with Richard. But alas we'll never get it.
I have a bunch more I'd like to say but I'm too tired and frustrated.
Well... two more eps to go.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
The Candidate Revisited
Just thought I'd give it a little more detail. Notes on the ep. So here we go... just straight through the ep. Probably a lot of repeating...
Off Island:
- Locke wakes up and tells Jack "I know you" the first of a ton of hints about the other world. Sure he met him in the airport, but it felt like more.
- Jack thinks Locke is a "candidate" for a new surgery. The first reference to the title.
- Bernard seems to remember the Locke case pretty closely... and he seems to almost understand what's going on.
- Jack really gets the Flight 815 references this ep.
- Poor Anthony Cooper. Just kidding.
- "Push the button" "I wish you had believed me" more overlapping of the worlds
- Claire and Jack share another mirror moment, and an Apollo bar, and an 815 reference... really starting to bug Jack
- Sounds like Christian's fate was almost identical in both worlds. Wonder if there's anything to that.
- Nice of Jack to let Claire stay with him.
-Locke seeing Jin... and he recognizes him... another hint at the world's colliding... but also a hopeful reminder that there COULD be some saving them all still. Not sure if I like it or not.
- Just an AWESOME scene by M Fox and Terry O'quinn.
- "I wish you believed me" again.
On Island:
- Widmore locks em up, and he seems to know about the list of candidates. Not sure how. Either he IS working with Smokey, or maybe Eloise told him... since she knows everything else.
- Sayid says the Others scattered... I hope we see them again and they maybe meet up with Richard's team.
- Why DID Locke save Jack from the mortar blasts? I guess he knew he needed him to get to the other candidates.
- Sawyer gives us confirmation again that Kate's name was crossed out in the cave... still dont know about the lighthouse.
- Sun gives Jin back his wedding ring, but no mention of the DS ring from Charlie for Aaron. I guess we definitely won't see it now.
- You'd think Widmore's pylons would be tougher to knock out then just cutting the power.
- Kate still wants Jack to come home
- Sawyer thanks Jack. Nice of him.
- So the plane was gaurded my Widmore goons, did they rig the plane? Seems like Widmore would know that Locke wasn't ACTUALLY gonna get off the island that way. Either Widmore's an idiot or he really did want all the 815'ers to die.
- Who rigged the plane? Richard's team? Guess they didn't really care that it would kill their "friends".
- Still think it's lame that they REALY thought the plane would take off... and still might?
- Locke shows them the C4, when did he have time to rig it? Oh well.
- I think Sawyer thought the water would neutralize Locke.. maybe it slowed him down... I dunno.
- Two dudes on the sub... hope they made it out ok. Just kidding. Fuck em.
- Awesome line from Jack in response to Locke's pleading to leave the island: "JOhn Locke told me I needed to stay" BOOM cross check into the water.
- Locke is really lucky Kate got shot. Otherwise Jack never gets on the sub with the bomb. Another point for the Widmore is on Locke's side argument.
- Claire is a sniper!!!!
- They leave Claire again? Sawyer is a dick.
-Just remembering the Locke / Claire season 2 or 3 stuff. Kind of crazy they're still hanging out.
- God no. The bomb.
- I think Jack is exactly right about the rules
- Jack's line about trusting him was probably a pretty dumb thing to say to Sawyer, since the last time he trusted him around a bomb it got Juliet killed.
- Sayid's line to Jack... "It's going to be you Jack" Could be as simple as, you'll be the one to stop Locke, or does he somehow know more about Jack being THE Candidate
- Sayid goes out saving his friends, and is a GOOD person. Strong exit. I got chills. There's a really cool slomo shot of him running.
- Like I said... still holding out hope for Lapidus.
- THERE IS NO SAYID. Powerful stuff.
- When Sawyer gets knocked out I remember saying "Jesus Christ!"
- More powerful stuff with Jin and Jack. They both know they're dead. Pretty emotional.
- What can you say about Jin and Sun. At least they died together. That made it a little easier to take. Seriously rough stuff. Great job by both of them.
- That damn (great) song.
- Just the four of them left... for now. (same four who were called to other side of the island in season 2 with Michael. Im sure its just a coincidence, but kind of neat).
- They all breakdown. More great performances.
I think this goes down as a top 10 episode.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Episode 14: The Candidate
This is basically a taste of how rough the finale will be cuz then they're all gone. And they just wiped out THREE original cast members. Sun. Jin. (Ji Yeon and orphan now) Sayid (went out a good guy though).
I really don't have a ton to add to this ep. I'm tired... defeated... depressed.
Off-Island... it's all bleeding over. TONS of hints at them realizing the other world.
On Island... heartbreak.
Sun and Jin... at least they died together. Very sad about Ji Yeon though. They were back together for about a day. Very sad. And did they REALLY have to show them slipping away at the end. It's a good thing I hap company to watch this with.
Sayid... looks like Desmond's words had an impact. He died a good guy. Trying to save his friends.
He also had some very interesting words for Jack. He told him where to find a very much ALIVE Desmond.... and that Jack would be IT... or something like that. He must be the candidate.
Poor Claire is stuck with Locke... could she be his replacement? Brother/sister Jack/Claire... were Locke and Jacob brothers? I hope Claire doesn't get screwed.
Next week's ep looks like the one we've been waiting for... Man In Black and Jacob.
This is very sad but I couldn't help make the connection between Sawyer pulling the wire and Jack dropping Jughead. And YES, I know Sawyer made the more logical move... but I think Jack spelled out the rules. MiB can't kill them. They had to do it themselves. No way the bomb was going off without some help.
We're left with...
Kate (but for how long?)
His chick?
The Others?
Cindy and the Kids? (doubt we'll see ANY of them anymore)
Lapidus. DID YOU SEE A DEAD BODY? Me neither. He's alive until I hear otherwise.
Sorry... just trying to leave on a happy note.
That was a tough one.
I didn't say much, but what can ya say?