Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Episode Recap: The Variable

R.I.P. Daniel Faraday (right?)

I had very high expectations for this episode. And if I'm being perfectly honest.... I'm not sure it met them. I feel frustrated and confused.

I have more questiosn then ever about Eloise Hawking... for instance, it seems like she knows EVERYTHING (well... not anymore now that the "variable" of Desmond has been created... seriously I think that might be referring to him and not just what Faraday had to say). She knew her son's fate, but also mentioned to Penny that for the first time in a long time, she doesn't know what is going to happen.

Let's TRY walking through the episode:


- Daniel is forced by his mother to become a physicist, because she knows he will do important things... but so far, I haven't seen them... unless I'm forgetting. What did he do for the island? I say for the island because that seems to be the only thing that Eloise cares about. It's got to be his work off the island in Ann Arbor, but no real strong ideas on this end. (I still think she was talking about her son when she mentioned the genius who came up with the Lampost.) He must do SOMETHING important, because Hawking basically sacrifices him. There are clearly scenes where she is broken up about it.

- Got to see a continuation of the scene where Faraday cries after seeing Flight 815... but it's no clearer why he's crying, so big deal.

- Widmore comes to recruit Daniel, and confirms that it was he who planted the fake Flight 815. He also makes some pretty think hints towards being Faraday's father, which is later confirmed (we knew it here anyway, or at least I think we said that). Sidenot: Why the hell is his last name Faraday anyway? (outside of the symbolism)

- One more thing here... if Daniel's mind was so busted... how'd he find the time/energy/feelings to fall in love with Charlotte? I digress...


- Daniel tells Jack his mother was wrong to tell him to come back, and they didn't belong there... only he NEVER explains why. Jack even asks him about it later in the show, and while Faraday does give a nice description of what he plans to do to stop (what I'm guessing will be) the Incident, he doesn't come close to answering why they weren't supposed to come back. Also... Desmond ultimately quit pushing the button and that energy didn't really do anything other than implode the hatch and unhinge Des from time. Shouldn't something MORE awful have happened... and don't get me started... don't even get me started... on why Ben didn't want Locke to push the button any longer.

- Two great lines: "Love to trade theories" Sawyer to Jack and "Seems kind of wishy washy" Hurley in response to leaving 1977. Both made me laugh. Not interesting? Fine back to the ep....

- Faraday in another call back scene (first one of the season) tries to convince Pierre Chang to evacuate the island... which it sounds like the does anyway. But Chang doesn't buy it. Sidenote: I guess that video I linked to here last week or so was bullshit, cuz Faraday clearly never helps him make it).

- Faraday talks to Charlotte, and says he hopes to change what happens. Surprised he coudl get any words out while he was choking on all that irony.

- Wondering why Faraday needed to find his mother, and why she was the only one who could help them. Initially Faraday said it was to get back to their time (or I thought that's what he meant) But then it sounded like he just needed the bomb. See the whole ep just seemed to go off track a bunch to me. SORT OF LIKE ALL MY POSTS!!! I guess he needed her becuase... again... she knows EVERYTHING.

- Pretty sad to see Faraday go, thought he still had a lot to bring to the program. But all things considered... that was an AWFUL plan to run up and start shooting a gun. WHAT DID HE THINK WOULD HAPPEN!?!? Thanks for the help Jack and Kate by the way.

So I'm still waiting to see the MAJOR significance of Faraday. Hopefully it will be explained.

That's all I got. Only 2 more weeks of Lost before the 8 months off and the FINAL season!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Episode Recap: Some crappy clip show

I didn't watch the whole thing... didn't seem to matter too much. I DVR'd through most of it though, and the one thing I did catch was this...

The narrator said that Widmore was responsible for faking the crash of flight 815. I'd been leaning that way anyway, but it was still a littl ambiguous as to whether or not it was Ben or Charles who were responsible.

Think we can take the narrator at his word? Or did the producers of the show just make an assumption that they shouldn't have?

Anyone else notice anything interesting from the show?

Next week's ep. The Variable, looks to be Daniel Faraday-centric and alos looks to be awesome.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Episode Recap: Some Like It Hoth

Classic flashback Lost episode for Miles Straume. About time he got his due. Also looks like some group of people might have some answers for him... but he didn't want answers... he wanted money. But I digress...

2 VERY interesting moments in this episode (aside from the typical plot advancement and our first look at the Swan) We'll get to those in order.

Starting with the Off-Island flashback:

- So Miles and his mother are off the island and she hates his father. I'll bet Pierre Chang forced them to leave the island, cuz he knew the Purge was coming. I think I've already mentioned this on here somewhere, but if I haven't... do yourself a favor and watch this video real quick:

He probably saved his families life... and now there's some misplaced anger towards him.

- So Naomi recruits Miles and tests him on a dead guy named Felix. He was delivering materials on the graves and the plane rental to Widmore, presumably the crash that Widmore faked in order to get people to stop lookign for the island.

- Naomi offers to pay Miles 1.6 Million dollars (and now we know why he wanted 3.2 mil from Ben. He's a capitalist!)

- THEN!!!! THEN.... things get interesting. A group of dudes (the leader being Ilana's buddy on the island) Tell Miles he can't work for Widmore, and they can help him get answers about his Dad and his powers. I'm clueless as to who this group might be now. Any ideas? A completely new group? Do they work for Richard? They can't work for Ben cuz he didn't know em. I think. An island worshiping cult perhaps? Surviving Dharma members? I dunno.



The plot progress with some trouble covering up the Ben lie... but the REALLY interesting reveal comes at the very end...


I didn't know he was REALLY gone. But it looks like he's been working in Ann Arbor (with the Degroots?) WHAT THE FRACK HAS HE BEEN UP TO!?!?!?!

Quick hits:

- Loved the Star Wars stuff

- Like Jack's new "whatever" attitude. But am waiting for the moment when he says "frack it!" and goes back to take charge Jack.

Anyway... special ep next week... in other words, a recap... then back to the good stuff.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Episode Recap: Dead is Dead

I had high expectations for this ep, and while I still found it excellent, it definitely left me wanting more.

Let's try and go through the ep chronologically.

-Eddie Vedder, or Charles Widmore, I couldn't tell, rides a horse into camp and sets us off on a series of Ben flashbacks. Richard tells Widmore that Jacob wanted Ben saved... which was interesting to me, because I didn't think Richard spoke to Jacob, and that's what made Ben SOOOOO important to the Hostiles. So does Jacob just speak to whoever he wants? I dunno.

- Ben and Ethan (how'd he switch sides and when?) were the ones that kidnapped Alex. For such an anticipated scene, it was a bit of a let down. I also think Ben should've said he killed Danielle, and then his advice to Danielle would have made even more sense. She survived because they never found her. Also, Ben sort of confirms that the whispers are the others... but... I heard them when Christian and other island happenings occurred. Don't think we'll ever get a solid answer on that one. Instead it just looks like they left her alone because... I dunno.

**Sidenote: So Danielle's team just must have crashed on the Hostile side of the island and that's why the D.I. wasn't able to help her. That will have to do.**

- Widmore said the Island wanted Danielle and Alex killed. Why? Was Widmore making up orders? Possibly? Did it lead to his exile form the island? That along with consistently leaving the island and shagging some normal broad and having a kid (Penny). Charles broke "the rules". I'd like a list of the rules. I'd read it. Did Jacob start talking to Ben and make the final call on banishing him? I'll say it again... Why not just tell everyone Jacob talks to you and start calling your won shots?

- DESMOND SIGHTING!!! So Ben wimps out on killing Penny cuz he sees Charlie... I guess. I wonder how they'll introduce these characters again to the show. They don't seem to have a storyline remaining.

** Add Desmond to the list of people who have beaten the shit out of Ben**

- Back on... what I think... is real time on the island. Ben and Locke head off to the main island to meet up with Frank and Sun... but not before Ben kills Cesar!!!! I thought this dude was going to be a main character down the road?!?! Only thing I can think of would be they set Locke up and he shot him with buckshot or something... but I think he's dead.

** I still have problems with the condition of the barracks... doesn't fit**

- Sun tells everyone that Christian told her to wait for Locke. So looks like Locke is the key to everyone getting back together.

- Frank has had enough and went back to the Hydra island, only to be greeted by Ilana and some other who have... I dunno... lost it? They ask him "What lies in the shadow of the statue?". And when he can't answer them? They knock him out. I'm having a tough time thinking of a time on Lost where I was more confused. Only thought is that her question is a code they are asking everyone to see if they're on the same side or not? Maybe Eloise Hawking told Widmore about the flight and he put his own team in place? Guess we'll find out more later... I hope.

- Ben is ready to summon the smoke monster so he drains some water. Of course!!!! Not sure what that was all about.

** Why did the D.I. build their houses on such a dangerous area? How much did they know about Smokey?**

- Locke disappears for a bit, only to come back with knowledge of where to find Smokey. How? He doesn't really reveal that. Strange I know.

- Looks like we're getting closer to finding out what the Temple is all about. Ben said they built that wall to keep people out. Well he must have meant his people, as in, the Natives. Cuz the thing looks ancient.

- Ben gets JUDGED! I'd say it compares almost perfectly to Eko. Ben was judged and he "seems" to be sorry. Smokey turns into Alex and tells Ben to follow whatever Locke says and he agrees. Eko was judged and he "asked for no forgiveness. Smokey turned into Yemi and told Eko he was in trouble (not in so many words).

It's looking like Smokey is a judge/jury for the island. Then what is Jacob? How do they relate? Are they two opposing sides?


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Episode Recap: Whatever Happened, Happened

As predicted... how Kate got on the plane. Nothing real flashy here, but strong flashbacks nonetheless. No real surprises.

Sawyer's message to Kate was to take care of his daughter Clementine (sidenote: I was hoping Matt Saracen would be her older brother. No such luck.), which she did. Aaaaaaand Kate realizes there's something wrong with her taking care of Aaron so she dumps him on Grandma Littleton. Boom. Back on the island.

A couple quick character thoughts before we get the nuts and bolts of the plot progression:

- Ben's Dad sure seems remorseful for what a lousy Dad he's been, but never really ends up changing does he?

- Jack is making a full on switch to Locke mode. Really can't wait for them to meet up again. Another sidenote: Jack can't win. He makes decisions and takes action and he's a bossy now-it-all Mr. Fix-it. He lays low and hangs back and he's skirting responsibility. Good work by the way on finally calling Kate out on her bullshit.

- Speaking of bullshit... what's Juliette's problem? They're ruining you're happy little home!!! Get over it. There's a bigger picture here. I've been a Juliette fan since day one, but she's getting on my nerves now.

- Best part of the show: the Hurley and Miles exchange. Sounds like Miles is spitting out the Faraday logic (where is Dan by the way?) and I'm following along just fine. Then Hurley hits him with the million dollar question!!! Why doesn't Ben remember Sayid in the future?!!?!?! Well... we're not sure he doesn't. I think he might, and he's just been being the lying manipulating dude he's always been. He's just much, much better at it then we even knew. That's one option. Another could be the rules don't apply to him, much like Desmond. But I don't think that's it. The final option that I can see is... Faraday is wrong. You CAN change the future. From what the barracks looked like when Sun and Frank visited, well, that might not be far off from the truth.


So the big climax of the episode is Sawyer and Kate taking Ben to Ricky Alpert. Richard says if he helps Ben, he will (and I'm paraphrasing) "never be the same, loose his innocence, forget this happened, and be one of us forever". That MUST MEAN.... kidding. No clue. I think we'll get some more info soon though from the looks of the preview next week (more in a sec).

So Richard takes Ben... but one of the cronies mentions that Ellie will be pissed (the girl we met in Jughead who I'm still saying is Faraday's mom Eloise Hawking) and something else about Widmore. So they must be running the show right now. (Won't surprise me if we find out that Faraday is Widmore's kid. ) Richard says he doesn't answer to them. That line pretty much sums up richard so far in the series. I have no clue where he stands or what his "powers" are, etc.

So Rich takes Ben to an ancient temple-ish type place and heads inside. Guessing more on this next week.

We're left with a Lock - Ben stare down. And then the craziest preview I have ever seen for Lost.

Next week looks like Indiana Jones meets ... I dunno... Lost. Anyway I don't like talking about the previews here, but the scenes we saw (Ben on the dock with a gun (look out Penny/Desmond/Charlie), a crying YOUNG Danielle (do we get the final piece of the puzzle on her? (Ben stealing Alex? (how many of these () can I use?))), and all the temple stuff) along with the episode description that Comcast has posted, make next week's ep look fracking sweeeeeeet.

Thanks for reading.