I'm still working on a recap post, but I'm not sure it'll in contain more than "this was awesome" and "I loved that".
Obviously there was a ton that went unanswered, but hopefully you don't care about that... at least not RIGHT NOW.
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3 years ago
A couple of confusing things for me:
ReplyDelete-Why didn't Jack turn into a Smokie at the end?
-Why was the island at the bottom of the ocean in the Alterna-After Life-Heaven-Reality?
I agree that it was a great finale. It will be interesting to see how people feel about it when the warm and fuzzy feeling has worn off. Lost formed its fan base by always making people question what they were seeing and what was going on, eventually people will start doing that again. It's not as simple as just letting it be. Not gonna happen Cruse/Lindehoff! (sp)
ReplyDeleteSince it is your blog, I want you to give the heads up when it is ok to start asking SOME questions. It is apparant with the finale being so abstract that it might be pointless to do so.
ReplyDeleteI do like the finale a lot more today than I did last night. The totality of the episode really has grown on me.
ReplyDeleteHey fire away man!
- I think the "heart" of the island was all out of whack at that point so there wasn't any rule saying that had to happen. Also, Mother made it so he couldn't die, maybe the face first fall of about 30 feet would've done him in. Also consider that he had a lot of hate and evil in him, so that was created. Quite confident we'll never get any explanation there, but these seem like thoughts that can help you draw your own conclusions.
- The island being on the bottom of the sea... to be honest I think they used that at the beginning of the season to confuse us as to what the sideways world might be. Didn't seem to serve a function past that, which, yes, is kind of lame.
Not real sure how Jack was ejected to where woke up either.
I think an article in the LA Times said it best, "For those of you looking for big answers, this will be a fantastic ending, but those looking for the little questions to be answered will be disappointed."
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, I cried my eyes out at all the reunions and truly enjoyed the ending. I was pleased that the story finished on a warm, happy and wrapped-up note. It made sense that all these people we're once "LOST" in themselves (who they truly were) and they all helped each other become "found." Obviously this was a journey of Jack and his struggles between faith and science. I loved the idea that he was finally able to let go and embrace the people he loved.
However, I am still left with a million questions. And yes, I know most of them will never get answered, but here is what I am still confused about:
1. Was the Island real or a purgatory? I've read numerous articles that say the Island was real and the "sideways" life was the purgatory, but I've also talked to people that believe everyone died in the first plane crash and none of it was real. So which do you think?
2. When Jack was dying at the end, who's plane was flying over? Was it Oceanic 815? Was it a different plane? Was it just me or did Vincent look like a puppy or at least younger?
3. If this was all a purgatory and they we're all dead then why the big scientific push? I get that they were needing material for their audience but then why the numbers? Why the button in the hatch? Why have the Oceanic 6 and have them leave the island while the rest are time traveling and why make such a big deal about time travel at all? Why have a big show about the Dharma Int. and the Hanso Foundation if it doesn't really matter? Why have Elouise make such a big deal of finding the island? Why did Desmond's powers really matter?
4. If everyone was in Purgatory and these were Jack's thoughts, then where did all the characters come from? I get how they all crossed each other's paths in the first couple seasons of flashbacks, but then why bring in Widmore, the Russian dude, Miles, Daniel, Keamey, etc. ?
I'm sure there's TONs of questions that we'll just never get answered, but in a way I like that better than everything being explained in a horrible, cheesy way. Overall, good ending that has left everyone googling, blogging and talking this morning which means it was a great show and the writers got what they wanted.
Can't wait to start from Season 1 this weekend. Just can't let it go yet!
Oh and ps. Where the hell was Mr. Eko and Walt?? Ok, I get that we at least saw Walt again because he's with his Grandma (if he is still alive) but was really bummed to see no Mr. Eko. You'll bring back Shannon but no Eko? Lame.
ReplyDeleteJust thought of something else that bothers me. When Jin and Sun had their revelation why would they be happy? They're like, "Oh yeah, we died in a sub and never got to see our daughter grow up! Awesome, I forgot about that! Well, let's get back to being dead." I guess they no longer had to worry about Sun's father keeping them apart, but I don't know.
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ReplyDeleteI'll bet Hurley made Vincent the protector and then bailed after like 3 weeks.
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ReplyDeleteNow that was funny
ReplyDeleteFinn, if you don't mind, I'll chip in my two cents here. I firmly believe that the island was real, and that everything that happened there actually happened.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the plane that Jack saw was the plane with the survivors leaving the island. That's why he smiled, because he knew they'd made it.
That was directed at Eriks comment, sorry Kate
ReplyDeleteErik - You're right, but they saw where they were headed and it was something great. That's why they were happy... now why their child didn't need to be there with them to move on... well... ummmm....
ReplyDeleteKate - Nice job!
1)The island was most definitely real. The sideways world was a form of purgatory I suppose. If you need proof other than Christian's speeach to Jack, just look at what Hurley said to Ben. Told him he was a great #2, if they all died in the plane crash, none of that would ever happen.
(by the way, watching an episode of Chuck right now... before I do some grocery shopping (then I plan on watching once more and then a third viewing where I'll take notes for the blog) and this dude just kidnapped Chuck's ex, and it was Jacob. Neat)
2)It was the Ajira flight, they made it off the island, and Jack was happy. Clearly a different dog, but you're going to have a tough time getting me to say anything other than that was one of my favorite moments in the history of... the universe I suppose.
3)Short answer... it wasn't all purgatory. Everything that happened, happened.
4)Yeah, it all happened, now thge sideways stuff... that's where you can start making a lot of wild speculations.
Eko.. glad you asked. I think he passed over with a differemy group, specifically his brother Yemi. When they both found each other in that world, they were gone. In fact if you go watch Eko's last ep, it shows a young Yemi and Eko walking off into the sunset.
I think any character that was missing there, you can come to your own conclusion that they already made. Like Walt and his Grandma. Now Michael, is he stuckl for eternity on the island? Maybe... but let's say no, cuz that's super sad. I don't wanna get into too much more, cuz I won't have anything left for the post, but by all means continue.
I am trying very hard to not be too critical of the show yet, but there are a few things that jump out at me. My only issue with them not answering questions has been if it was something that was instrumental to the build up of the shows hype. To me, the main one that they dicked us on was Walt. Seasons 1 & 2 the mystery surrounding Walt was one of the main things that hooked me on the show. To not give it much attention later on in the series seems like a slap in the face. If it is because the actor got older, you should have thought about that when making him such an important piece. The other one is the issue with child birth on the island. I'm sure that it is supposed to be because of the electromagnetism, but if that is the case, Richard should know that. Why would they send Richard to recruit Juliette? Like I said, I don't want to be too critical since I did like the finale.
ReplyDeleteAlso - A really cool addition at the end would have been Eko serving as pastor at the end when they were all at the church. It's pretty obvious that the bridge between the shows creators and the actor who played Eko (not going to even attempt to spell his name) was burned and then the ashes were probably pissed on. By who? Just another Lost mystery...
ReplyDeleteSome of my comments aren't showing up. I probably said something profound.
ReplyDeleteYeah they're loading differently, its kind of strange. But just so you know, I got chills thinking about Eko being the priest. That would have been awesome. But don't you think my Eko explanation above fits?
ReplyDeleteI think the pregnancies were due to the radiation exposure from jughead and the electro magnetism. That's really it. And as far as Walt goes, yeah that blows, but it's not like the kid aged normally, in 6 years he like tripled in size. I think the Walt mysteries are as simple as he was special. Liek MiB and Locke and Eko and some others. Some people had a special connectdion with the island. Miles and Hurley too. I guess even Jack a little bit.
So do you think Shannon seeing Walt in the jungle at night when he was soaking wet was a hallucination? It seemed to go in line with MIB taking the form of people but it turns out they have to be dead. Who knows...
ReplyDeleteAnd Finn- I'm not seeing your Eko explanation anywhere.
ReplyDeleteMe neither! Dying to read it!
ReplyDeleteSo then Finn--Do you think the island was real and the "Sideways" life was purgatory?
Try refreshing, they're all there.
ReplyDeleteOh, Just saw your comment Finn and Erik! Thanks for the explanations! Both well said. I like both your ideas that everything on the island happened and the "sideways life" is purgatory. To me that makes better sense.
ReplyDeleteSo you think the Oceanic 6 returning to the US really happened (I have a feeling your going to say yes) and them returning to the island really happened as well? Do you think the time travel was real? So many people are saying everyone died in the initial crash, but I don't think that's true. Especially because Christian stated that some people died later than others.
I think it was a mind trick by the creators to show the plane wreckage, almost as though that was the end of it.
ReplyDeleteYes. EVERYTHING happened.
ReplyDeleteEP - not sure what you're referring to?
Ohhhh-- good call! Forgot about the plan wreckage at the end. So then maybe it was all Jack's purgatory? Maybe no one survived and that's why Vincent was younger......it ended where it started.
ReplyDeleteBTW--Was the shoe on the bamboo significant? Was that also in the first episode? Again--I need to re-watch everything from the beginning!
Finn--I'm still digging your idea that everything happened though.
ReplyDeleteThey showed the plane wreckage at the end as a shout out to the portion of the show where we spent the most time. Also... the normal credits have a very ominous and suspenseful theme music so they couldn't use it. I THINK/KNOW (know sounds rude though) that stuff on the island happened. Go read the answer to question #1. It makes it clear, at least to me that it all happened.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, Jack runs past the shoe in the first few seconds of the first ep. Basically just showing you that he's right back where it all started.
I agree with all of that. The island stuff happened fo sho. I also agree about the wreckage, any interviews with people involved say that the beach where they have the wreckage was more impressive than anything they had seen in TV or movies. Why not show off your work one more time?
ReplyDeleteFinn-I agree with your #1 answer. And I, too, want to believe everything on the island really happened. Otherwise, what would be the point of characters like Jacob and the MIB, their whole back story, Richard and his whole back story, etc.
ReplyDeleteHowever, my co-worker is in this heated debate with me that he thinks once the plane crashed and Jack woke up, he was in his own Purgatory and had no idea he was dead. Everything that happened to Jack was him trying to deal with himself being dead and needing to break the habit of trying to "fix" everything and just to have faith. My co-workers rationale against your #1 answer, Finn, is that these things DID happen but in Jacks mind. He thinks once Juilette set off the bomb it created two parallel purgatories that eventually met back up when Jack let go. Apparently my co-worker argues that this had to do with String theories, metaphysical stuff, etc.
The only reason I think this may have some truth is:
1. If Kate, Sawyer, and others were able to leave the island and weren't dead yet, then why were they in the church and ready to move with Jack into the light. Or did they eventually end up dying down the road.
2. On Island for some reason I thought Jack couldn't die or that the MIB couldn't kill him, but clearly he died. Was drinking the water just so he would have the knowledge Jacob does and live forever but still be killed?
Your co-worker, while I appreciate their passion, is wrong. Have them watch the scene where Jack meets Kate again after the concert. Kate grabs his face and says "I missed you soooo much" She lived a long full life after getting off the island. It had been YEARS since she'd seen Jack. Also... why are we shown the other characters getting their enlightenment of the other world? Jack woudln't dream up a whole scenario of lives for these people.
ReplyDeleteIt all happened. I'm open to someone telling me otherwise, but I haven't heard an argument yet that sways me. Sorry.
Your questions 1) They died down the road, Christian says "someone died before you, some died long after you"
2)I think pulling out the plug wiped out those rules. MiB started to bleed, and he could be killed. The island was going into self destruct mode and the rules no longer applied.
Also, i don't think Hurley or Jack really got to live forever necessarily... I think that was more of a Mother rule for her two boys.