Ok, seriously... pretty disapointed. I know they can't ANSWER a lot of this stuff... but don't even try if this is what you're gonnna hit us with.
Quick rundown of some thoughts... I'll do more later:
- Still don't know Smokey's name... but we did meet his crazy mother who he alluded to.
- So whoever runs the island can make the rules. Not sure why they wouldn't make them more stringent though.
- Seems like her biggest rule is Jacob and ? can't hurt each other. Jacob obvioucly made a bunch more rules.
- Smokey can see dead people. Interesting.
- Thought it was a little weird that Jacob continues to bring people to the island if he's supposed to protect it from them. Whatever.
- Saw how Smokey got made. Ok
- Saw how the frozen donkey wheel was put into play... not sure how these idiots figured it would warp them off the island. Whatever.
- Was the Temple built on top of the Golden Spring?
- So Lady? and Man? are Adam and Eve. Not sure how there clotehs have lasted over a htousand years... but at least its a solid answer.
-I could have used one more scene where some of the rules were discussed, and then some Jacob interaction with Richard. But alas we'll never get it.
I have a bunch more I'd like to say but I'm too tired and frustrated.
Well... two more eps to go.
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3 years ago
So here is my question..... The others that came from the ship wreck, who killed them all? If we are to believe it was the fake mom that means that while ? was knocked unconscious she had time to not only kill everyone and burn everything down but also fill in the tunnel to the wheel?
ReplyDeleteYep. Which leads me to believe she was a smoke monster herself. How else would she know that going into the cave was a fate worse than death?
ReplyDeleteI would like to know what "mother" did to Jacob so he could not age. I am glad they did a Jacob and MIB ep but I know just have more questions that will never get answered. It as a BAD TEASE!
ReplyDeleteAgreed. On all accounts.
ReplyDeleteI just read on a blog that maybe Desmond threat to MIB cuz he was exposed to the magnet twice and survived. He has capabilities that he doesn't realize yet. He could see the future prior to turning the key. So maybe the time travel is one of his gifts. Or He could have eternal life. "Life, death and rebirth"-Jacob and MIB's "mom".
ReplyDeleteI think that would be a cool possibility. Why else would MIB want him dead? Desmond may be the only guy that could bring him in back to the "light" to kill him and live through it.
Finndersen, your thoughts?
Yeah I think that's a real fair assumption. I was trying to look back in the blog for when we discussed this, but I guess I never came right out and said it. I think Des, especially after what widmore and Sayod have said, will definitely have a part in killing or stopping mib
ReplyDeleteSo, mom is smokey first. Does that mean she conjured up the image of the REAL mom to lure mib away? That seems strange. I know it probably has to do with isolating Jacob away from his brother but it still seems like a reach. Do you think they will revisit this storyline? Because they still haven't gone into much detail about the lighthouse. The previews had a glassy look to them so maybe they do next week.
ReplyDeleteHoly shit... EP bringing the A game!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow about this... it was her intent to groom one as her replacement (Jacob) and one as her murderer (MiB). Maybe Jacob was/is doing the same... whoever the candidate turns out to be, and Ben.
Unfortunately, I don't think they'll be revisiting the storyline toooooo much.
Also, good call on the glassy/mirrored preview. Possibly a hint.
Anybody else kind of sympathize with Blackie on this one? Sure, he went a little far in killing his mom, but in actuality that lady was just some crazy wench who lied to him and ruined his whole life. Not to mention his brother was a total stick in the mud, and obviously not that fun to hang out with. No wonder this guy wanted off the island.
ReplyDeleteAlso, does it make sense that Blackie didn't have a belly-button?
Yeah, Not sure why the build him up as the baddest dude ever last ep, only to try and make us feel sorry for him in this one.
ReplyDeleteAre you serious about the belly button? I'll have to rewatch.
Speaking of rewatch... I decided not to post another entry on this ep... so just a few more thoughts...
1) Did Mother set them both up from the start? One as her successor and one as her ticket out (murderer)? Seems like a possibility,
2) She must have been a smoke monster.
- She knew that going into the light cave was a fate worse than death, and there's now way she was able to kill all those people and burn everything down AND fill in the well if she wasn't.
- I think she was both Jacob and MiB wrapped into one. When she saw the twins, she thought... What a perfect opportunity to split! The duties... and the island.
3) The Rules... I think Jacob inherits island knowledge when he's passed the torch, and then he creates his new rules for the "game". Not sure WHY he has to male the game, or WHY he feels the need to prove his mother and brother wrong about people... could just be the humanity in him.
4) He starts looking for his candidate for the simple reason that he's tired of the gig. He never REALLY wanted it in the first place. Of course there seems to be a more rigid selection process than when Mother did it... or... that's just Jacob's personality coming through again. One of those quotes from his Mom too "You're not ready yet!" I guess you have to be READY to take over the island. But it seems like a shitty gig, so f it.
Ok, comment if ya like... otherwise I'll see nect week.
Maybe I was thinking about something totally different with the belly-buttons. I thought that the cave skeletons didn't have belly-buttons, but now that I think about it, how the hell could somebody tell that? I must have mixed some things up.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah I think Jacob just believes in people more than the rest of his family, and he wants to prove that people can be good. In this last ep when he meets back up with Blackie as adults and Blackie is talking about how awful the others are Jacob says something like, "They seem alright to me."
Yeah, he seems "simple". Although it's pretty clear he can get pissed off just as easily as MiB. Don't think I've mentioned this yet, but what about Jacob preparing for a candidate, AND someone to kill him just like Mother? I mean, he sure didn't put up much of a fight against Ben. Either way, he's out of the gig, or Ben chooses to spare him. Win win.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Erik... nothing on the Totino's Pizza line? Really?
I have to admit that I was a little disappointed that Erik didn't comment on the pizza line either. Erik is always good for a witty and funny comment. I have no idea what it means though...
ReplyDeleteWell hopefully he can grace us with his presence again and tell everyone this wonderful story.
ReplyDeletehow about?: "Its not deliverYYY!"
ReplyDeleteYou're gone all season... and this is what you bring back... AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!!!
ReplyDeleteActually nothing to do with Digorno... but you might have heard this story Fu. It has to do with those old Sonics seats we used to have.
Sorry, I didn't realize it was up to me to clear this up, but I'll do it.
ReplyDeleteBack in the 93-94 season when the Andersen boys were going to every other Supes home game we all dreamed of the day that the Sonics Blimp would drop one of its prizes into our eager hands. The prizes were mysterious envelopes that contained untold riches inside. What exactly was in there? We weren't sure, but speculation ranged from a team store shopping spree to an all expenses paid trip to a Sonics road game. Really, anything was possible.
One night the blimp paused directly overhead and dropped the last of its payload into the awaiting arms of a boisterous fan a row or two behind us. Never had an envelope landed so close to us, so while we were disappointed to not get the prize ourselves, we were excited, nonetheless, just to see what was inside. The tension mounted as he opened the envelope, looked down at what was inside and announced to everyone in the vicinity:
"Two free medium Totino's pizzas!? What the fuck!?"
Needless to say, we became fairly disillusioned with the Blimp after that.
I also remember him ripping it up and everyone cheering. (mayeb that got added later) He had a pretty high pitched voice and he was ANGRY! It was classic.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, comparing something, like this episode, to two medium totinos pizzas is never a compliment.
I'll bet I like it more after the season is over though.
Gotta fatih uh faith uh faith aaaaah.
Wow, thanks for sharing Erik. I have always wondered what the blimp was holding in those envelopes. Now that I know how crappy the "prizes" were I can sleep better at night.
ReplyDeleteWe will have to start a grassroots campaign when the Sonics come back to get better prizes in those envelopes.
Did you listen to Carlton Cuse on the B.S. Report?
ReplyDeleteHe mentioned a couple things that I thought were interesting. He said that he didn't think there could be any movie after the series finale. Which I would assume means that the finale will be somewhat definitive.
He also brought up the old "final image" again, saying that the final image they had imagined from the beginning will, in fact, actually be the final image of the show. I think we might need to post some predictions as to what that will be. I'll get it started with a couple:
1.An eye opening.
2.Jack and Locke sitting on the beach together.
I did. I think the finale will be both definitive and left open to interpretation, if that's possible.
ReplyDeleteI think the final scene will be Locke (smokey) and Jack (Jacob's replacement) on the beach, basically repeating the Season 5 finale's opening scene. Locke says to Jack "Do you know how badly I want to kill you right now?" And Jack will kind of chuckle. Then some plane will split apart above them and Locke will give the speech and then Jack will reply with the "It only Ends once..." deal...
I hope that DOESN'T happen. I don't want any of our survivors stuck with that job Jacob has. The job is pure shit.
I don't know. Obviously the hours suck and the pay isn't great, but I've heard the health benefits are beyond reasonable.