Update: We rated this episode a 7.75 after eliminating any outliers.
A somewhat Kate focused episode... and it was GOOD!
Off Island:
- It was Kate's idea to keep Aaron. Makes sense, since it's the weakest part of the lie. good work Kate.
- Sun's got someone spying on the Oceanic 6. I'm sure, NO, positive it's got to do with her Widmore dealings. And from the looks of the end of the episode... she'll be the toughest Oceanic 6 to come on board. (I also thinking Widmore is playing Sun. Cuz as pissed as she is about Jin, I don't think she wants her friends dead... and I'm assuming all these assassins are sent by Widmore. Anyway, dicey relationship).
- So the dude was Ben's lawyer going after the baby... nice little reminder that Ben is a conniving scumbag. He's a bad guy and should be treated as such.
- That's about it for off island stuff... except for Humpty Dumpty Hurley in jail. He looked like a dooder.
- Faraday thinks time spent on the island would have an effect on when you get your nose bleeds, loose your grip on reality, and die. Charlotte first. Looks like she was right, and she did grow up on the island... or born there... or whatever. Miles was next. He's Candle's kid from the opening scene of the season. No proof, but c'mon... Finally Juliette, and we know she spent some serious time there. Something to keep an eye on.
- Ajira Airways. They have a website that was involved in some mini online game again this summer. Not a lot has come from it. But there were hints they would show up. What connection does it have with the island? And who were the people who crashed the camp? I'm guessing new Widmore people. AND... guessing it's from the future. Brings up an interesting point though... could they see the Oceanic 6 in the future on the island if they make it back!?!?! I guess not since it's supposed to fix the time warping or whatever... ugh. Sorry. Anyway, that was the biggest question of the ep for me. As for the biggest revelation....
- Jin. Alive. Good news. Even better news? A hot little preggers Danielle Rousseau and her team are the ones that find him!!!!! They better not flash right away, or if they do? Keep flashing back! She's got a storyline that needs to be filled out. And for what we;e seen so far.. her story checks out. The two people in her team we had heard of (Robert and Montand) have been accounted for already and there boat sank. So maybe she wasn't as looney as we thought. Or I though.
Ok... don't like to focus on the previews too much... but it looks like Ben and the O6 are all in one place, and on the island Locke is climbing down some weird hole... are we close to reuniting the groups? Could happen sooner than I originally thought.
Anyway, that's what I got.
Forgive me if my responses times lag a bit. I will do my best.
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3 years ago
Very good episode...enjoyed it a lot. Now, remind me how we know Charlotte was born/lived on the island previously? I can't seem to remember.
ReplyDeleteYeah I probably should have clarified that statement. In last season's finale she told Faraday that she wanted to stay on the island cuz she was looking for the place she was born (paraphrasing). Anyway, that comment along with Faraday's new theory... well I just sort of put two and two together. Also!! Juliette got the nose bleeds rather quickly after Miles who got them after Charlotte. How long has Juliette been on the island again? 3 Years? I guess Miles and Charlotte left when they were under 3 or right around that age.... if the theory is correct.
ReplyDelete2 quick things I forgot to mention:
ReplyDelete1 - I mentioned to some of our loyal followers during the live viewing that I wanted to see what was written on the van, to see if we could jumble up the words or letters and make something neat (there's a word for that. smart people know it). Well I dismissed it to quickly. Cuz the van letter rearranged spell Reincarnation. Good news for Locke, eh?
2 - Didn't make a big enough deal of who was chasing the survivors in teh second boat. Who was it? Widmore goons? Ajira Airways linked people? What if it was the Oceanic 6 or some "good guys"? Could have serious implication!! Cuz it looked like Juliette even shot one of them when she went all Jack Bauer protecting the boat.
Anyway... jsut a few more thoughts.
Thanks Finn!! Glad to see Jin is still going. I was hoping he'd make it alive. And you're right about Hurley. He looked like a giant orange egg!
ReplyDeleteFew questions. One is that I thought I heard the distress signal playing on one of the French walkie talkies when Russo, Jin and her crew landed on the beach. That wouldn't really make sense if Russo was just getting there, but maybe a good idea to double check.
Also, whatever happened to the black dude from Fringe? Are they going to explain why he was so creepy and what his purpose was?
My last little comment, I noticed it does help to watch the recap show they play before the new episode. I was happy to see that Penny and Desmond named they're son after on-the-island Charlie and not Charles Widmore. :)
I didn't hear the distress call yet, but I dunno... as for "the black dude from Fringe"... the character of Matthew Abadon, hauntingly portrayed by Cedric Daniels has yet to show up this season. But I will bet you $815.00 that he does.
ReplyDeleteWhen Locke was pounding on the Hatch and Dez turned on the light, how long was it on for? Also doesnt Locke tell Sawyer that he went to the Hatch after Boone died? If my memory serves me correct, Locke went there after the plane fell out of the tree, but Boone was still alive, he was just frustrated at what the island wanted from him.
ReplyDeleteWhen Sawyer sees kate and claire, wouldnt that scene in season one have included them looking out and seeing a bright light in the sky?
My take was Locke went there and later found out that Boone died, so whether or not he knew it is kind irrelevant. Although he did make it sounds like he went there to grieve over the loss of Boone when really he went there to whine like the little bitch that Locke is. Sorry Locke, it's the truth. But you have been better so far this year. And... I dunno now long the light was on. When it showed Desmond's point of view from inside the hatch did he turn it off? Oh well.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the Sawyer thing... I don't think the people who are staying put in time see any flash. Just those that are moving. My two cents. Tee hee.
JIN!!!! I told you Finn. DIDN'T I TELL YOU he'd be alive???
ReplyDeleteAnyhow- I'm so glad and it's really going to be cool to get Danielle's story. She's a doll by the way. The sickness they get- time flashes? We'll see I guess.
I'm thinking Widmore moved the island too and that's why he can't get back. Good theories there.
Man- this season is Top of the Pops!
I should have clarified the white light. I didnt mean the light caused by the time shift, I meant the light coming out of the hatch.
ReplyDeleteI think I addressed both of them, didn't I?