"Answer" filled episode, and what was quite possibly the most LINEAR episode of Lost... ever (well except for the teaser scene at the beginning).
So there's an off-island Dharma Station built under a Church called the Lamp Post... Eloise Hawking "explains":
- Some genius (doesn't say who) figured out the island was moving in both time and location, and this lamp post station could figure out when it would appear and for how long.
- All they need to do to get back is try and recreate their original trip to the island in a specific spot at a specific time... or as close as they can get it.... which wasn't all that close. She said anything less would cause "unpredictable" results. What a coincidence that there's a flight covering that same area from Ajira!!!! (Neat that bearded, drunken Jack from season finale 3 was right about how to get back... sort of)
- The island moves based on this pocket of energy... well it must be unique cuz the rest of these pockets seem to stay put... I guess that's what makes it so sought after.
- Hawking also mentions that Jack needs to give something to Locke from his father... in order to make it even more like the original crash. Not making a lot of sense to me, but I'll let it slide since A) I'm sure we'll get more details on the whole situation and B) it leads to us knowing why Christian Shepherd was trotting around the island in white tennis shoes.
- PS How'd she get Locke's note?
Could have used a little more Desmond interaction with Miss Hawking. But at least he went off on her a bit.... I guess ultimately he just doesn't care and he wants to get away from this madness. His line "We're all just pieces" to their game... I'll bet he's right on!
Anyone else hoping Jack was gonna bring along his bored Grandpa? And speaking of Jack's family... did he say goodbye to his Mom? Is she still around? I'll bet she's dead. One more reason for Jack to be so depressed.
Everyone seems to make it on the plane (notable exceptions being Aaron, Ji Yeon, Desmond, and WAAAAAAAAALT!!!!)
But seriously... what's their deal....
What's Kate's deal?
- She dumped Aaron off somewhere, and Jack can't ask? Ooooooook. She better have gave him to Claire's Mom.
- What turned her into a super-depressed nympho? "We're on the same plane... doesn't mean were together" Ice cold Kate. Think she's keeping her options open just in case she runs into Sawyer again? Nice work Kate. WHORE!!!
What's Hurley's deal?
- How'd he get out of prison?
-Who convinced him to go along with the plan? (I'll bet it was Walt!!!! Somehow...)
- He knows the deal cuz he bought all the tickets, and Ben didn't seem to know how he got there, so what gives?
- The guitar? Trying to replicate Charlie? (or Charlie would make sense, and he asked him to bring the guitar!!!!) Pretty weak effort.
- Did he say goodbye to his folks?
What's Sun's deal?
- She bailed on her kid?
What's Sayid's deal?
- Seemed clear by his reactions that he didn't know the plan... how'd they get him?
- Who's the chick who got him?
What's Ben's deal?
- He did however have the best line of the night: "Who cares?" (in response to Jack's question about what would happen to the other people on the plane) Probably the first time he was ever honest all series.
What's the other dude's deal?
- Seriously. Our dialog cut out.... what did Jack and he say to each other? If anyone actually reads these please answer me.
So there's a island time flipping type flash.... and boom Hurley, Kate and Jack are back on the island (won't get into the preview stuff about the rest of them). Seems to hint that there wasn't a crash this time... wonder how that's gonna be explained. Doesn't appear that everyone made it. Like Hawking said... "Unpredictable"
Then Jin shows up in full Dharma gear. BOOM! Well I think this helps my quick theory that Locke stopped the time jumping when he put the wheel back in place... and it looks like at least Jin was stopped in Dharma time and he's got a job. Would also expect to see at least Faraday back there too, so he can get to work in the Orchid and warn Charlotte.
Tons happened.... great ep.... a little vague, ok really vague at points, but I thought it was great.
Anything I missed? Thoughts?
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3 years ago
I'm not sure which guy you're referring to, but the random guy waiting at the ticket counter (who later gets on the plane) says to Jack, "My condolences. I'm sorry you lost your friend." Jack replies, "Thank you." Then, as the plane starts to shake, Hurley leans over and tells the same man, "Dude, you may want to fasten your seatbelt."
ReplyDeleteNot sure who that guy is, but they're definitely featuring him.
Desmond will somehow make it to the island, since the island is apparently not done with him. That seems to be how things work. The scene with Jack's grandpa seems to drag on a bit to me...only to get the shoes? Do you think there'll be more to his grandpa later?
Overall, another good episode!
"Thanks for Flying Ajiira Air, this is your captain speaking" That was cool. Lapidus is all happy to see Jack then 1 by 1 sees everyone. Also glad that the amber alert ended for those two kids in tacoma or wherever but was pissed the sound cut out. I thought maybe it was supposed to be like that because there was some music going then it just came back in. I also missed Jacks conversation with Sun.
ReplyDeleteQuinn - Definitely seemed like a lot to just get a pair of shoes... and the fact that he's so bored with life was really played up... maybe he's already been to the island? And yes, that's exactly who I meant, that dude.
ReplyDeleteSean - I figured he was jsut thanking Sun for coming, cuz then she said something to the effect of... "Anything to find my Jinny-poo"
More and more I think about it... I'm definitely going with a Charlie island vision telling HUrley to go back... or maybe their not visions... I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE ANYMORE!!!!
HEY!!!!! Think Ben got beat up going after Penny? Uhoh!
ReplyDeleteBen was calling from a dock so one would think he was looking for someone living in a boat. In other Ben news, I usually put something from lost as my IM quote for the day and I chose Who Cares!. I have had 10 people IM me questioning my Griffey allegience.
ReplyDeleteYeah he was on a pier wasn't he??? Uhoh. Penny and little Charlie, might be goners.
ReplyDeleteWeird. The sound cut out for me too in exactly the same way (background music, no voices). What was said between Jack an Sun?
ReplyDeleteNote the Dharma Initiative's reference to C.S. Lewis', The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe;" they called the window to the island "the Lamp Post."
An excellent episode!
it would seem the only way to get desmond to the island would be to kill ben if he went after penny and lil charlie. but ben didnt look like he won whatever altercation he was in.
ReplyDeleteYeah, if he DID harm/kill Penny/Charlie/Desmond, they definitely got a few licks in themselves.
ReplyDeleteI do like the idea that maybe the island has marked Ben as the source of all it's problems and has now chosen Desmond as the solution.... meaning he'll kill Ben is a gruesome fashion.