Ben Linus and Charles Widmore are both huge liars.
Let's start with the On-Island (right?) stuff:
It looked to me like they didn't crash too hard. Probably because.... to be fair... Frank Lapidus is a pretty good pilot, aaaaaand it looked like they were on or near a runway of sorts. Quite possibly the quasi-finished runway that Sawyer and Kate were forced to build back when they were prisoners in Season 2. They've also got what looks like the old school Other boats that Kate, Sawyer and Karl all used to escape at some point. Therefore I believe they are on the Hydra island. That would also explain the offices Cesar (more on this dude in a second) appears to rummaging around in. It's part of the Hydra station.. Real quick.... think with all the time travel, someone told the Others they needed a runway so this plane coudl crash safely in the future?
Things of note... I think at least:
- looks like they may have been there for a few days before Locke showed up. They've settled in a bit, treating the wounded, finding the Hydra, Lapidus and a woman (guessing Sun) went off in a boat (why?)... anyway...
- Cesar seems to know something about the situation, but he's not letting on. Also, since Ilyana had Sayid in custody, I'm guessing she's involved too.
- Quick body count (and as much as I hate to do this... I'm gonna use next week's preview just a bit):
-On Island in the future (I think it's the future/present cuz the Runway is done... probably the present... 3 years after they left...) we've got a bunch of random survivors along with, Cesar, Ilyana, Frank Lapidus, and Locke. The previews show Sun with Ben, so I think she's there too... and since Sayid was MIA last week, I'll bet he's in this timeline too. SIDE NOTE: I'm sure they'll head to the main island at some point and then the question will be "who was in the boat shooting at Sawyer and Co. And who did Juliette hit when she shot back?"
- On Island in the past: looks like Jack, Kate and Hurley are in the past with Jin... but it showed conflicting clips of Sawyer in what looked like the same timeline, and then others with Juliette and he dealing with some other gun fight situation.... but I digress, we'll save that for next week.
Off Island stuff:
- Locke lands in the same spot roughly (or hell, maybe exactly) that Ben did in Tunisia. Looks like Widmore is monitoring that point cuz he knows it's the exit. At first, I wondered why he hadn't been monitoring it all along, but my soon to be ex-roommate (don't ask) suggested that those dudes who found Ben last season were probably patrolling the area for Widmore. Good point. And after a dangerous fellow like Ben showed up, Widmore upped the security.
- Widmore says Ben's the bad guy, yadda yadda, he wants to help Locke. I don't think we can trust Ben or Charles, so let's not put too much stock into the spin he puts on this WAR that's coming. Though I do believe, like we theorized here, that Ben DID trick Widmore somehow into moving / leaving the island. I mean he said as much. Unless he's lying. Which he probably is.
- Widmore didn't seem to be on board with the Locke has to die plan like Richard said... interesting. Would have liked to hear Ben's reaction to that news from Richard. Why DID Richard say it to begin with!?!?!
- A few things of note from Locke's visits:
- WAAAAAAAAALT!!!! Not enough screen time. I got chills when they saw each other. They clearly would have had more to say to each other. Not just 30 seconds of convo. That better not be the last we see of Walt. He did say that he was having island dreams though. Locke in a suit and everyone wanting to hurt him.... a sign of things to come? Also... it was neat to see that Locke didn't want to put Walt through anymore suffering... a little out of character, but nice.
- I don't think Helen is dead. I think it was a Widmore trick to leave Locke with nothing left in the real world.
- Ben kills Abadon. Lame. I liked that character. His story makes sense now though. Locke told the Others in the past that he was important, so Widmore kept an eye out for him in the future, sent Abadon to Locke and got him started on his journey.
- Locke tells Jack about Christian on the island!!!! The final nail in Jack's crazy coffin (pun intended). Great scene by both actors. Terry O'Quinn was great all episode. Should get the Emmy again.
- So Ben.... is a dick. He killed Locke. But only after talking him down. It was the mention of Ms. Hawking that sent him over the edge. VEEEEERRRY interesting. So how'd Locke know about her anyway? I can only assume it was in Widmore's file. She must have helped Widmore find the island with the freighter and shiiiiit. She's quite a wild card in this whole thingamajig.
Anyway, that's what I got. Thanks.
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3 years ago
Great recap, Finn...per usual. Every episode this season has been fantastic. I'm already sad that we only have one season left after this.
ReplyDeleteSo, Locke comes back to life (apparently) after landing on the island. There has to be some parallels to what happened to Christian Shepherd. I remember when Jack opened the coffin back in Season 1 and his dad wasn't there.
Yeah, I guess I should have mentioned the most important part of last night's episode, that Locke was ressurected by the island. I guess it didn't really shock or surprise me cuz I figured it would happe all along.
ReplyDeleteAnd youre right Quinn, looks liek the same thing had happened to Christian Shephard. The REALLY interesting thing is that Christian didn't immediately seek out the other survivors, and sort of played around, hiding from Jack, etc. That makes me think he has a history with the island as well. He had other things to do once he returned. That and Locke is the only other dead person we know of that has been resurrected on the island.
Next week's should be rad.
What blows my mind is that all of this was in the works from season 1...and we're finally getting some answers to those mysteries.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it possible that Jack's Dad was a Dr. on the island back in Widmore's day and his non-chalance about being on the island / out of coffin / alive is because he A. wasn't all that shocked and B. It was like a homecoming.
ReplyDeleteSidenote/probably nothing, but we did see a little creative play with names last night (Locke & Benthem) : From a biblical perspective - Jacob's Father Isaac was a nomadic Shepherd. Isaac the Shepherd ... Just throwing that out there.
Filth Dawg... blowing minds!
ReplyDeleteIf Locke can walk even when not on the island, does that mean Rose's cancer is cured if she ever gets home (if she's still alive and if she is healthy like she claims)?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I thought Locke mentioning that Jin was alive and that he wouldn't bring Sun back is what made Ben decide to kill him.
Side note, I just won $100 off of my "Least Likely Person to Reference the Bible" pool.
Long time reader, first time commenter..... If you were one of the Oceanic 6 and Locke shows up at your door, wouldn't you be flabbergasted that he got off the island? Finn- do you remember the conversation Jack has with Walt about when Locke visited him? I can't recall what was said....
ReplyDeleteIt was actually with Hurley, and I'm glad you brought that up... And your first point about the O6. I actually just rewatched the episode and um gonna post on it again tonight.
ReplyDeletePeter - good thoughts! (almost deep thoughts).