Update: We rated this episode a 7.875 (too low, you should all be ashamed of yourselves)
This was a pretty confusing episode at first, but I think we were able to make some sense of it towards the end... and a big bombshell was dropped (HAHAHAHA, get it?)
First off... Desmond... off-island stuff:
- Desmond and Penny have a kid name Charlie. Probably named after the lead singer to Driveshaft. Fitting, since he's dead and they owe their relationship to him anyway. Could also be named after her father, but I doubt it since they both hate him. Or... how about Charles Dickens! Desmundo's read every beautiful word he's ever written (well... except for Our Mutual Friend).
- In the process of finding out Faraday's Mom is in LA (which fits our theory of Ms. Hawking being Faraday's Mother) he finds a woman that (and this is a lot of guess work) worked with Faraday and was possibly his love interest, that is left in a vegetative state. Seems like her mind is doing the skip through time deal. Poor girl. Anyway, Des also finds out Widmore is sponsoring his research (Faraday's). So Widmore understands the importance of Faraday's research in conjunction with the island.
- Penny is reluctantly on board with the LA trip, and I'm sure we'll see more for them soon.
On Island:
- BOOM: Sure looks like the writer's are tired of having a bunch of random survivor's on the island. They're getting wiped OUT!!!
- So apparently the US Army was doing some bomb testing on the island (How'd they know about it/find it??? They better tell us) but Jacob (they didn't say it was him, but I'm guessing that's who Richard was referring to when he said he follows orders) has the Others kill them all. They must not have been on the list.
- So it looks like the Others are in the process of re-securing the island. They grab their supplies and perhaps were even wearing their uniforms.
- Few more hints at the Others: They know Latin. Ok. They're smart and trained killers. I'd really like to know how they're selected or recruited or chosen from the island arrivals and why others are just killed.
- Juliette says Richard is really old. Thanks for the info Juliette. It'd be nice if she spilled all her knowledge on her former crew. It'd be helpful to the viewers.
- So Locke meets Richard and basically gets the ball rollin' on Richard traveling through the past to make sure Locke is the leader. So it's another chicken or the egg argument. Side question: Could all the problems on the island ACTUALLY be Locke's fault? He was never destined to be the leader of the Others... he just indirectly appointed himself.
- That brings us to, at least what I think, was the biggest moment of the show. Charles Widmore was an Other (or whatever we're calling them at this point). He seems pretty impatient, confrontational, and argumentative... so it's easy to see a fallout coming. But first... How'd he become an other? why'd he leave? My guess is he moved the island, and that's why he's having such a tough time finding the island and getting back there. Think Ben tricked him into moving the island? He always said the island was HIS? Was he pegged to be the leader of the Other's, but much like Anakin Skywalker (sorry Fortune's you won't get this) he ended up being the wrong choice?
- So Widmore must've told Faraday everything (probably not) he knows about the island, which explains Faraday being knowledgeable on the subject (Dharma Initiative is another story, unless he was there for a bit and knew enough to tell Faraday about them too. I think Faraday did his own research on that though. Not sure how.)
- Finally, Charlotte looks to be dying from some variation of the mind-skipping/time-travel/sickness. I wouldn't worry too much about her though (at least not yet), cuz she's strolling around in next week's preview.
Anyway... a ton of stuff went down... I'm sure there's stuff I missed. But those are my thoughts this week.
ADD: I didn't realize this until now, but apparently Ms. Hawking's first name is Elloise. Or that;s being reported. Well if that's the case... Ellie is short for Elloise, and Faraday thought she looked awfully familiar. I'm guessing the little blond girl holding the gun at Faraday most of the episode was Ms. Hawking and Faraday's mother.
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3 years ago
So the question is, did Ms. Hawking and Charles Widmore hook up? Is Penny related to Daniel?
ReplyDeleteGood question. If she's Penny's Mom then it shows just how important she thought Desmond pushing the button really is. Rahter than her daughter be happy with Desmond, she convinced him that he still had to leave her in order to not change the future.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff.
Well if the blondie is his mother it would not be too far fetched that Widmore is his dad. Maybe that is why they left the Island...to safely deliver their son?
ReplyDeleteLast night I was also thinking that maybe Locke is royally f'ing things up by telling everyone about the future. Just seems to me that it would change the future. I don't know just seems weird.
I am a little nervous about how they are going to wrap the show up. The more fantasy and sci-fi'ish that it gets the more difficult it is for me to imagine a logical or satisfying ending.
One thing is for sure...I am just as excited for every new episode as I have been since the beginning. I love this show.
Interesting theory on why he would have left the island!!
ReplyDeleteAgreed! Very good theory, Amanda!
ReplyDeleteA few things....would burring the bomb have anything to do with why Desmond had to push the button?
ReplyDeleteAlso, was Richard, Ellie and Charles born on the island? Are they all natives?
definite possibility on the bomb!!
I think the native question is one of the bigger questions out there.
Doc Brown said it best: Anybody who knows too much about their future can really screw up the whole space / time continuum. Yeah - I agree Locke is definitely f'ing things up by talking way too much ... as long as he keeps taking this "holier than thou, I am your leader" approach, we're gonna continue to see things get screwy ... Richard seems to be so key ... who is he and why does he never age?!?!?! Maybe he's like Ashe from Alien or Bishop from Aliens ... he's an androide ... BAM! Does he bleed milk?