Update: We rated this ep an 8.
Awesome. Typical Lost, an answer or two, but about a million more questions. I actually don't have a TON to say about this ep... mostly cuz there's so much information we still don't know. It's pretty clear though that Daniel Faraday will be a MAJOR character this season. And with all this time skipping and consciousness travel, I think it makes a lot more sense why Daniel was crying in that first flashback we saw of him. Anyway... I'm gonna try and group the two episodes together.
Off-Island Stuff:
- I don't think Ben and Jack are being honest with each other over what Locke/Bentham told them. That exchange seemed a little forced. It will be interesting to see.
- Who wants to find out if it's really Kate's baby? Claire's mom? Does she have the means? Widmore? Why would he want to expose the lie? Conspiracy theorists? I dunno
- What else went down in the Sun / Widmore conversation? Sounds like she's out for Ben's blood, which judging from her later conversation with Kate (she doesn't blame her for Jin's death, and couldn't have a reason for blaming Jack then), is the second person she blames for her husband's death.
- Why are people, 3 years later, finally going after the Oceanic 6? (staking out Hurley, trying to kill Sayid, checking if it's really Kate's baby) Could it be Widmore knows Ben has found a way back to the island and he's trying to make it that more difficult?
- Good to see Ana-Lucia again, even if it was a little pointless. I liked her character. Always thought she was judged a little harshly by fans.
- While we're on supporting characters... what's going on with Frank Lapidus? It wouldn't surprise me if he winds up dead. He was the only one who came back that had to account for anything. He would have to answer to Widmore, unless he;'s in hiding.
- Great moment when Hurley tells his Mom, and she believes him.
Ok, the two biggest off-island revelations for me (pretty obvious), 1)were meeting some of Ben's "people", and 2) the return of Mrs. Hawking. 1) He'd mentioned them in previous season's. But why is one of them working in a butcher shop as some sort of cover? Seems like they are all working towards the same goal of returning to the island, but why are they still helping Ben? He's not the leader anymore. 2) It looks like she is the one who has figured out a way to get back to the island, and there are some very specific guidelines. Ben seems to take a back seat to her. She seems to be in charge.
So the island is skipping in time... should be a interesting way for the writer's to fill in pieces from the past. I have no idea (surprise) why it's happening, how it's happening, and what the RULES are for what travels, but Juliette seemed to offer a half-hearted "explanation". Whatever they had with them came along for the ride. Ok! Hopefully we'll get more information from Faraday as the season progresses. I'll go out on a limb and say we will. (I'd also like to hear more about how Faraday got so interested and knowledgeable about the Dharma Initiative to begin with).
- The beginning was a classic bit of Lost. Very neato seeing Pierre Chang (Marvin Candle, etc.) in the flesh. Looks like he was one of the heads of the D.I. (think that baby might be Miles? He has special powers cuz he was born on the island? That's why he was selected for the team... is history with the island?)
- Faraday showing up in the past was confusing at first.. still is... but at least we have a couple of guesses. It was a flash forward to his time later on the island, when the island is still skipping (confused?). OR... it could be he really was there in the past... either way, interesting stuff.
- Wonder why the survivors move, but the Hostiles/Others don't? Juliette moves. Weird. I wonder if any D.I. guys were still alive if they would move. Probably has something to do with your history on the island.
- Seems like Richard knows what's going on. That piece with him was clearly in the future. Many questions, as always, from his brief appearance but mainly... Why would Locke have to die? And if Ben and Richard knew the shit would hit the fan if the 6 left, why'd they let them go? (Maybe that's another reason why Ben blew up the boat on purpose (by killing Keamy). He would ensure that no one left if they helicopter blew up on the boat).
- Who launched the flaming arrows? BRUTAL STUFF on Frogurt. that wasn't a quick death... that was torture!!! Looks like a couple more people ate it too! Be interesting to see if they all meet up again after splitting up in the jungle. (What if Rose and Bernard never meet up with the group and get stuck in the past or some shit, and they end up being Adam and Eve form season 1? I know that's a streeeetch but I thought I;d throw it out there.)
- Annnnnd... who attacked Juliette and Sawyer? I was hoping it was Rousseau's team. Guess it still could be.
- Looks like Charlotte is getting the "sickness", (Minkowski). Wonder is she's just the first one to show it, or if there's something special about her... like being through this before form her previous time on the island (as hinted at in the finale last year). Hope she can find a constant!
Two final things...
1)Desmond... his screwy time frame/consciousness makes him the only who can help the island right now... or the 6... or whatever.... He needs to find Faraday's Mom... ok... I'll bet it's Mrs. Hawking.
2) Faraday makes it pretty clear that you can't change the future. We sort of learned that a couple of seasons ago with Desmond and Charlie. But things WERE happening different, like Locke getting shot in the leg, and Frogurt being brutally killed by flaming arrows. (By the way... were the flames necessary? Seems like an arrow without a big light letting you know it was coming would have been more effective.) I think things can happen to our survivors because it's their present, and it's not changing the future, just their present. (although I'm still not sure how Ethan meeting Locke works. Would Ethan recognize Locke when he invades the camp later on... whatever)
Anyway that's what I got... Anything else?
Thanks for reading... all 6 of you.
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3 years ago
- Forgot to mention the Box that Ben gingerly takes out of the air duct. Wonder what that is?
ReplyDeleteSOOO AMAZING... Faraday will be a HUGE character I totally agree. Mrs. Hawking great thought as his mom. Do we think Faraday came back in time to stop the drilling or finding of the wheel or to aid in finding it? Or what if he's in his future now trying to save them... so interesting.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Hawking and the pendulum thing- WHAT THE H? I'm sure it's how to get back to the island or maybe just to find it now that it's moved.
I thought Sun seemed creepy towards Kate- I honestly thought she was going to blame her. Glad it's Ben.
Meghan came up with a great idea- hard to explain though- christian was "dead" to bring them all to the island... now locke could be "dead" to get them all back. As in not really dead. Who knows why?
We immediately thought Miles was Candle's son... perfect explanation of powers. Got me thinking if we'll see Walt again. Or is that story line over with Michael's death. Doubt it.
Where is Claire? Still the most interesting to me...
Great Stuff Finn. Man oh man this season will be great!!!!
Well, (Spoilery) they said Claire won't be a main character again until season 6... so who knows how much we'll see of her.
ReplyDeleteI wonder know if Sun is just messing with Kate. Maybe she does still blame her, but she wants her trust.
Tough to tell about Faraday in the opening scene. For now, I'll go with it being another time skip and he's getting closer to solving the island's problem. So it's a flash-forward of our flash-presents... make sense?
Why do I not remember Mrs Hawking? I just assumed that was Daniel's mom...what am I not remembering?
ReplyDeleteI think Sun is totally messing with Kate...there was something very shady about Sun. I don't know what is going on with her but she is definitely up to something.
Thanks for taking the time to write about all this Finn...it makes Thursdays more fun.
Good call with Miles. I bet you're right that he's the son of the orientation video guy.
ReplyDeleteI still think that Jin is alive somewhere (or sometime?).
Can't wait for the next episode and the next blog update!
Mrs. Hawking was in a Desmond episode where his mind warped back to when he broke up with Penny. She told him no matter what he had to end up on the island to press the button. What's interesting is why would she care if Desmond can't change the future anyway? I think it's cuz he is like Faraday said, a bit of a wild-card as far as time travel goes, and she was back there to ensure he didn't screw anything up.
ReplyDeleteAnd Quinn, I agree, there's no way Jin is dead. There's too much good tv to be had with a Jin/Sun reunion... especially now that she;s heading down this new darker path.
Do you think Faraday was just lying to Sawyer to get him away from the Hatch so he could talk to Demsond alone?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm pretty sure the box that Ben grabbed is that box he told Locke about. The one that can magically bring things to the island.
I'm sure you're kidding about the box... At least I hope so. And good question about faraday and sawyer. If he was lying I guess that means you can change the future and he just doesn't want anyone to.
ReplyDeleteBut I think he just wouldn't gave been able to see desmundo until they all left. In fact the fact that he only showed up after the left is sort of proof of what he said.
The reason faraday can talk to him... I'm sure it has to do with desmond being a time traveling wild card. That and he's faradays constant. Or something along those lines.
I remember a few years ago I woke up from a dream where I was watching this kick ass show on tv and this badass iraqi dude drove around in a Chevy Trailblazer. He then took out 2 guys trying to protect his friend. I got out of bed, hopped in my 1995 Mercury Mystique, and drove down to Biddle Chevrolet. The guy standing in the lot asked if he could help me. I told him I wanted to be a badass Iraqi. He looked at me with angry eyes and told me that I was probably in the wrong place for that. I started to cry. He said "I think I got somethin that will cheer ya up". He pointed to a brand spanking new Trailblazer. To this day I still drive it but I look more like Hurley.