I think I totally missed the point of the finale... "Let go, move on"... cuz I've done neither of those. TV sucks now. You realize Lost would have started season 7 by now right? Ya know if there was a season 7...
Anyway, here's some more stuff I found interesting from the book:
Kate Austen:
- Candidate #51
- Says 1977 as her birthdate, but a picture of her passport says 1979.
The Lamp Post:
- The first station built by the DI.
- Only off island station.
- Built it around an electromagnetic pocket in LA.
- After Hawking left the island to give birth to Daniel, she took over the Lamp Post (doesn’t say how), and she kept it from Widmore because they weren’t on good terms anymore.
- Just some numbers I thought were interesting:
- 14 Pryce
- 20 Rousseau
- 101 Faraday
- 102 Montand
- 104 Lewis
- There were just a few from a couple of screenshots.
John Locke:
- Locke and Walt were both special and “attuned” to the island
- Locke DID see the smoke monster early in season 1 (don’t remember the exact episode, but it’s when they went on the boar hunt and Michael got hurt, right?). He thought the smoke monster’s flashes to pull his memories were beautiful.
- Jacob was the one who left a piece of his tapestry in the cabin so Ilana and crew could find him.
- Some quotes translated from the tapestrys: “May the gods grant thee all that thy heart desires” and “…and may the gods grant thee happiness” both from the Odyssey by Homer. “Only the dead have seen the end of war”, by Unkown. Also, on the red tapestry, three from the Iliad by Homer: “Now by evil war thy heart’s desire”, “And the earth flowed with blood”, and “And trhe black cloud of death enfolded him”.
Super Bowl LVI
Los Angeles Rams vs. Cincinnati
If you’re anything like me you’ve simulated hundreds of NFL seasons on
3 years ago
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