Just one week to go!!!!!!!!!
Here’s my final abbreviated (I can’t list EVERY question I have… they just won’t get to everything) list of questions I have for the final season of Lost, (or at least the ones I hope they answer)
- Who was on his lists and why?
- Who is he?, etc
- How did he cure Rachel’s cancer, or was it all bullshit?
- Why did he visit all of the Losties and touch them? Why not Miles?
- He said “They’re Coming” Who’s coming?
Man In Black
- Why did he want to kill Jacob?
- Is he the Smoke Monster? Did he appear as other things other than Locke? (Yemi, Alex, Kate’s Horse, etc.)
- Is he the Man In Black now?
- Is he really dead?
- Is Helen really dead?
- Why not tell jack you were in a wheelchair?
The Smoke Monster
- What is it? Island judge?
- Is it the Man In Black?
- How’d it cause the sickness in Danielle’s team?
- What does draining a pool of muddy water have to do with calling it?
Christian Shepherd
- How is he “alive”?
- Why is he Jacob’s mouthpiece?I’d say he is, he wants Sun to find Jin buuuut, he does try and get Locke to bring everyone back which seems to escalate the Man In Black’s plan?!?!
Richard Alpert
- How did he get to the island?
- Why doesn’t he age?
- Why is he always “2nd in command”?
- Why’d he tell Sun he saw all her people die?
- Why doesn’t he react to passengers on flight 815 being from the island’s past (Sawyer, Juliet (hell he lived with her in Other town for years))
The Others
- Why do the Others go from docile family folk into murderous maniacs?
- Why are the Other’s even there anymore?
- What do they want to do that’s soooo important?
- Why does Ben have people off the island? (the butcher lady, etc.)
Charles Widmore
- How’d he come to the island?
- What the “rules” in his battle with Ben?
Eloise Hawking
- How’d she come to the island?
- How’d she get banished?
- Does the fact that she runs the Lampost Dharma station prove that Dharma is disbanded?
- Why does she want to help Ben and the Oceanic 6 get back to the island?
- What happened to Annie?
- How’d he join the Others?
- How’d he join the Others?
Jack’s Grandpa
- Can’t shake the feeling that there was more to this exchange… go back and watch the scene.
- Is she dead?
- Did she time jump with the rest of the left behinds?
- Is she dead?
- How can he talk to dead people?
- Did he lie about Claire and Aaron getting on the airport?
- What does the Island still want with him?
- Why is he special?
- Birds fly into windows.
- Rain Stopped
- Always wins at backgammon
- Told Locke not to open the hatch
- Told Michael he had to leave
- Shows up soaking wet in places
- Kept showing up to Shannon
- Sort of led Shannon to her death
- What’s her relationship to Jacob?
- Why was she all bandaged up?
- Why’d she get Sayid on the plane?
- What’s her group’s agenda, and
- Why’d Bram try to recruit Miles?
Island History:
Four Toed Statue
- Who built it?
- Who broke it?
The Dharma Initiative:
- Why are the Dharma Drops still coming? (I think I know why!)
- How’d they find the island?
- Who was the genius who built the LampPost?
- Why build your village in such close proximity to the island ruins, etc?
US Army
- How’d they find it?
- How’d they piss off the Others?
- Why’d they never come back to the island?
Orchid Timeline
- During some flashes we see:
o No Orchid station but a well
o No well at all
o A well filled in with boulders
Other Random Questions:
Why do all the babies on the island die?
What’s with the moving cabin?
What’s with the ring of dirt/ash/dust around the cabin?
How is his cabin warping around the island?
Why is Christian Shepard hanging out in it?
Why use a cabin that Horace Goodspeed built?
Who’s been using it?
Who broke the ring of ash?
Why burn it down? What’s it power?
Adam and Eve
Black and White Stones
Who are they?
The Black Rock
Why is it in the middle of the island?
How’d it get there?
What are the Number all about? (already know if you play the online games during the summer, but it might not count)
What’s the Temple?
How id it heal Ben?
Why did Jacob give Hugo the guitar case?
When Ajira crashed on the island, why were the numbers playing again?
Why was the Dharma registration shack left alone when the Others took over? They didn’t do ANYTHING with it?!?
During the time flashes, who arrived at the old beach camp in the outriggers? And who took the Zodiac? Who followed Sawyer and crew and started shooting at them (I think Juliet shot one)?
There plan to get back to the island was very wishy washy and I’m not sure we’ll get any clear answers for why it happened but…
Why’d Jack/Kate/Hurley/Sayid get warped to 1977 (3 years passed for Sawyer’s group and 3 year’s had passed for Jack’s… pretty big coincidence) and Sun Ben and Locke stay in the present?
What was the big deal with the shoes?
Did Jughead blow up? Did it cause the reset?
Super Bowl LVI
Los Angeles Rams vs. Cincinnati
If you’re anything like me you’ve simulated hundreds of NFL seasons on
3 years ago
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