I'm getting pretty AMPED for Lost to start here in a couple of weeks... so amped in fact that I flew down to LAX (the name of the first episode this season!
well actually it's LA X... hmmm.... anyway...) to check for clues... instead I went to Disneyland and got drunk with my baby brother (say that like Charlie's older brother said it to Charlie... always made me makes me chuckle). So drunk in fact that I tried to give myself a sweet Locke eye scar:

Pretty devoted right?
So we're approaching the final season where we've been promised a bunch of answers, and I thought we'd go back and look at my list of questions from BEFORE season 5 and see what was answered last season.
Here goes...
Smoke Monster
What? How? When? Why? Where?
Does it scan people?
Does it inhabit dead bodies, like Christian and Yemi? Cuz both bodies are missing.
Did it scan Juliette like Eko? Or something else?
Can Ben summon smokey?
Well, nothing is definite, but I 'll go ahead and hypothesize here... the Smoke monster is the security system/judge of the island... yes it scans people and yes it takes the form of other bodies... seems like they have to be dead though: Yemi, Alex.... Locke. I think it's the man in black from the beach. He's the smoke monster and he's Locke... what I'm not sure of is if he's also Christian Shepherd or not(might be Jacob or speaking for Jacob like he says) But I'll try and leave the extra questions for a later date) The Sickness / Vaccine / Quarantine
What’s real, what isn’t?
Not sure we'll ever get a full fledged answer here. i think it may have been the gas that Ben and the Others released ( or at least that's what the quarantine signs were for) I think Alex's crew was legitimately driven crazy by the smoke monster... and maybe Eko slowly went nuts after his smoke confrontation (although it didn't happen to Juliet after she got scanned... so forget it) Nigerian Drug Plane
How’d it get there? Although I think it’ll have something to do with the Island moving now.
Hey! I was right... the island moves in location. Four Toed Statue
Well you can read online what this statue is... it was officially released on abc.com some sort of Egyptian god... duh... I'm sure it'll play a bigger role along with...Island history? Let’s have some.
... this. Many questions answered and TONS more proposed in Season 5 on this stuff. More later.Island Time
Did Locke move it in time, location, what? Why do different degrees of arrival equal different
time frames? And is it only on the surface of the water? Cuz the plane crashed pretty
conveniently in the same time as the Others existed.
Yep Locke moved it in time... not sure if we'll get more on the angels or not though.The Others
How did they brainwash the tail section passengers to their “cause”?
- Doubt we'll get anything good. I'll bet it's room 23.
Were they trying to take Eko? Was he a good person or just a threat?
- they'll never say. Little things like this we had better just "give up on".
Why do the Others go from docile family folk into murderous maniacs? Why are the Other’s
even there anymore? What do they want to do that’s soooo important?
- They better say what their major purpose is, and it can't just be "We protect the island"Why do the important one’s always go on the missions? Ben, Ethan, we know why Goodwin
- Well Ben was screwing over Goodwin, but it was stupid to have Ethan go. I think Jacob told Richard (or Richard lied about it) to go check on Locke... that's how Ben got caught in Season 2.
What was there ultimate plan with Claire? (was Juliette on board?)
- Ethan freaked out. Not sure why Juliette ultimately doesn't do the right thing on the Other's end... guess she just gave up trying... Why the fake outfits?
- give up onWhy did Ben try and convince Locke that he didn’t have to push the button, when it’s clear he
wanted them to keep doing it?
- give up onThe Others can’t REALLY believe they are the good guys right? They’re delusional?
- We'll seeWhy didn’t they know about Desmond’s boat?
- give up on... but still dumb.Did they not know the result of not pushing the button?
- probably not... and maybe Ben just wanted to fuck with Locke.Why don’t the Others have good medical supplies, ie crash cart?
- give up onWhy didn’t Ben just leave to get his surgery?
- this still bugs me. How do they travel to and from the island with ease?
- Well you can warp off from the Orchid (but then you can't return). I guess they just use the sub.Do they really use the sub to get to and from the island?
- Yes?How did they get Locke’s dad onto the island? I thought outside comm. Was down?
- Still bugs me...Why do all the babies on the island die?
- Probably something to do with Jughead How do they know Sawyer killed the shrimp shack guy?
- doesn't make sense... give up on... unless Jacob told themWhy did they need Locke to kill his dad?
- DunnoHow does Richard Alpert Age?
- This will be addressed in S6, gotta be right?What happened to Annie?
- Love to know this...Is Mikhail really dead?
- Looks like itRoom 23, Brainwashing? Is that how they got the tailies?
- for lack of a better answer I'll say yes.Where’d Karl come from?
- Probably give up on, but this really doesn't make sense. A final Dharma kid that they stole? Who led the Others before Ben?
- Charles Widmore... and Eloise Hawking before him.Horace Goodspeed time loop? He had an Arrow logo? Was the Arrow a mathematics related
station? If he said he'd been dead for 12 years, that's when the Purge happened. Danielle's story
doesn't add up with that... hmmmm???
- The arrow was a defense station... Danielle was on an Other occupied portion of the island and the DI stayed away. lame but that's how you can explain it. The time loop was just an island dream to help Locke. Although, I'd love to know why HE built the cabin that Jacob (or is it) uses. Ok no new questions... yet.Jacob
Who was on his list and why?
- How about ANY of his lists.
Who is he?, etc
How did he cure Rachel’s cancer, or was it all bullshit?
- Jacob will be a huge focus this season I'm sure.What’s with the moving cabin?
What’s with the ring of dirt/ash/dust around the cabin?
How is his cabin warping around the island?
Why is Christian Shepard hanging out in it?
Why use a cabin that Horace Goodspeed built?
- Gotta know this before it's over... My current theory? Man in Black is the "someone" Ilana said has been using it. AND he was the one who said "Heeeelp Meeee" to Locke in the first visit to the cabin. I also think Jacob might have used it to travel off the island. It's clearly important otherwise Ilana and crew wouldn't have burned the sumbitch to the ground. The Dharma Initiative:
Why are the Dharma Drops still coming?
- I think it has to do with the island angles Faraday mentioned. I'll bet they were launched/dropped yeeeaaars ago and are now just arriving based on their trajectory going into the island.Who’s in charge now?
- I think it's dead.
Why Lockdowns?
- to keep people away from the food drops. so they don't ask questions.
Kelvin Inman, when was he recruited, must’ve been just before the purge.
- Yes.Swan Station
Most stuff won’t get answered
What was the incident?
- Jack dropping Jughead and Juliette blowing it upHieroglyphs?
- link to the island history, hopefully more in season 6.Arrow Station
What was it for?
- A defense station.The trunk: Army knife, Glass Eye, Film Piece
- well the army knife is from the WWII soldiers that were there at some point, someone jsut put it there. No clue on the eye. No clue why Radzinksy decided to splice up the film and hide pieces.The Staff Station
Escape hatch?
- give up onThe Pearl Station:
What happened to the place where the tubes land?
- give up onWhy lie about the insignificance of the Swan hatch?
- give up onOther Characters:
mental hospital
Husband David
- producers basically said she went crazy after her husband died and that's how she wound up at Santa Rosa and why she probably had an affection for Hurley. Razinksy,
Blastdoor map… also, why’d he edit the movie.
- Well we know a lot more about him.... The swan was his pet project and I'll bet he just happened to be down there with Kelvin when the purge happened. Still not sure why he built the map... I guess in black light so the hostiles woudln't find it. And he was probably doing it form memory. Im ok with that. Charles Widmore
Did he really fake the plane crash? Or was it Ben?
- It was Charles.How does he really know about the island?
- We lived there... not sure how HE got there though.How’d he get the DI knowledge?
- He ordered the purge.
What rules were changed when Widmore killed Alex?
- Dunno. Don't kill Others?Why can't Ben kill Widmore? Vice versa?
- Same thingWhy is Widmore having nightmares?
- Cuz he's a rotten son of a bitch?Why won't Ben be able to find Penny?
- cuz she was hiding. nothing else. haha. And he found her with relative ease. hahahPenny Widmore
Still not sure how she knew to look for the magnetic anomalies… but this one might belong in the
other category of questions that won’t get answered.
- give up onMatthew Abadon
Who the hell is he?
- Works for Widmore, and Widmore knew to check in on Locke, which is why I'm sure he had Abadon check in on Locke at the Hospital (Abadon was an orderly), and sort of put the idea in Locke's head to go on a walkabout. Although that would suggest that Widmore KNEW the plane would crash when it would... which would be tough to pull off.Claire
- Is she dead?
- Doubt it.Faraday
Why is Faraday so broken up about the 815 flight being found?
Bad Memory?
How can Desmond be his constant, I thought you couldn’t alter the future, or whatever?
How does Faraday know so much about the DI?
- I think Faraday's mind skipped so much after his experiments you can make the case for just about anything here. His Dharma research is sort of explained through his time in Ann Arbor... but still doesn't explain why he had it to begin with.Charlotte
Was she born on the island?
- YepHow’d she leave?
- evacuatedMiles
How can he talk to dead people?
- Well Braum said he knew when he tried to recruit Miles.. so maybe we'll find out.Why did he want 3.2 million dollars?
- Twice what Widmore was paying him to find Ben.Jin
Is Jin dead?
- nope... well maybe now... hahaDesmond:
Is what he and Minkowski experienced the Sickness?
- Might be actually... yeah. Lots of sicknessesDo you need to travel on specific coordinates?
- Well, yeahDid Desmond lie about his last Charlie vision?
- Still need to see Claire and Aaron get into a helicopter and fly to safety don't we.How did the Hatch explosion let Desmond sort of float through time? How can he see the future?
- give up onTime lady, how does she fit in?
- Eloise sort of knows how things play out. She was their to guide him.Christian Shepherd
How is he “alive”?
Why is he Jacob’s mouthpiece?
- Big focus of S6 I hope.Danielle
- There are all sorts of holes in her story…
- Actually they pieced it all together with a few leaps of faith pretty nicely.Adam and Eve
Black and White Stones
Who are they?
- Season 6 definitelyRichard Alpert
What's with the items Richard shows to Locke?
- The compass was his.How is an ageless Richard traveling all over the world?
- Not sure how, the sub sometimes... the creepy way Others get off the island other times... I'm sure they have ways. And he knew to visit cuz Locke told him too!Walt’s special-ness
Birds fly into windows.
Rain Stopped
Always wins at backgammon
Told Locke not to open the hatch
Told Michael he had to leave
Shows up soaking wet in places
Kept showing up to Shannon
Sort of led Shannon to her death
- I'm losing faith and think this might end up being a "give up on" which will be a travesty.Questions from the finale:
How does the donkey wheel export you?
- it just does.
WHy Boone, Charlie, and Libby?
- give up on
What was Sawyer's
- take care of his daughter
Charlotte, born on the island?
- yep
WHy would Miles want to stay?
- what else is he gonna do?
Sun: Who does she blame for
Jin's death besides her father? Jack?
- Her father and Ben... she shouldn't have any idea that it was Ben who blew up the freighter, no one would no, but whatever.
Also how would any of that make sense to her father, since
the cover story just had them craching adn that's it? How did Sun afford to purchase her father's
- give up onWhat are her plans with Charles Widmore?
- To kill Ben Linus
WHy is Hurley seeing dead people?
-Hurley is special
Jack too?
Island messenger?
- Season 6.Who is Claire saying not to bring back in Kate's dream?
- Locker or Aaron?How'd Locke make it off the island?
- He donkey wheel warped
What terrible things happened that forced Locke to leave?
- The island was skipping through time melting everyone's brains
Who does Ben mean, when he says EVERYONE needs to comeback?
Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, Aaron, Locke, Ben? Lapidus? Desmond? Walt? Ji Yeon?
- Well who knows? He probably meant everyone, we heard Eloise's speech. they did the best they could and we ended up with the second half of season 5.
Ok... I might try and fast forward through Season 5 again before the beginning of the season and add to this list of questions... THE FINAL LIST OF QUESTIONS!!! I'll leave off stuff I don't think we have a shot at getting answered. If not... I'll just start with my recaps that all 5 of you read religiously. (at least let me think that)
Bye bye.