So there's a Lost Epilogue that came with the boxset, that I foudn pretty great, and here's the recap: QUIT READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!
Starts off at a Dharma Warehouse where a couple of dudes are building the Dharma food drop pallets. They put them on drones that get coordinates from the Lamp Post station.
Ben shows up telling them there's a new man in charge (Hurley) and he tells them they're shutting the place down, they get fat stacks of cash and Ben shows them the Hydra Orientation film cuz they're rightfully dumbfounded. The video doesn't help them much... but it does answer a lot or clarify a lot for us, even if we'd pretty much come up with it ourselves by now anyway. here's what we learned:
- Pierre Chnag says all his different names are used as a security precaution.
- The giant bird that shows up in the first few seasons, "the Hurley Bird", was created by Dharma and they released it on the island.
- The polar bears had the right memory and adaptibility to be a part of Dharma's tests. Once the were smart enough they were collared and sent to the Orchid where we know they were used to move the island and wound up in Tunisia.
- Also alluded to the electromagnetism on the island being the cause of the pregnancy issues.
- Room 23 was used to interrogate Hostiles and then they wiped their minds with the video and some drugs.
The Ben leaves and he goes to visit someone at Santa Rosa Mental Institution.
I guess he stayed out there after visiting Hurley.
Ben wants Walt to come back to his home to the island because Walt is special and he belongs there. Ben also says even though Michael is dead, Walt can still help him.
They leave and get in a van where Hurley is waiting and he's excited to take Walt back, and he basically tells us that Walt's gonna be the next island protector.
Anyway, it was nice to see, lots of info and great tp see that Walt, Michael, Hurley, Ben all will have a happy ending (Desmond too, cuz if they come and go from the island he can too). Also nice to see that Hurley will be able to see his pals and let his family know what's up. Maybe let other's know what happened to their family too (ex. Jack's Mom).
So good stuff. I'm gonna start my rewatch soon. Come JOIN US!!!
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